Chapter 394: Envy of others’ favor

On the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, everyone accompanied the emperor to the palace.

Going to the palace every year is a laborious and laborious matter, so being able to travel with the emperor is the dream of everyone in the court, even if it is a tiring journey, it is very satisfying.

Since all the princes were married, the number of people going to the palace this time increased a lot.

 Coupled with some of the female relatives of important officials in the court, this trip can be said to be overcrowded.

It's just that unlike the other female relatives who were extremely excited in the carriage, Fan Qingyao was very quiet.

Tao Yuxian himself likes to be quiet, and Mu Yan also has a quiet temperament, so it would be difficult for the three of them to liven up in a carriage together.

Fan Qingyao was sitting on the soft couch, thinking about the day he met Yunying.

Yunying's pregnancy indeed caused quite a stir in the palace, but the storm was soon suppressed by an invisible force.

 The only person who can do this in the palace is the emperor.

 As expected, it is extremely precious to have a son when you are old.

 Fan Qingyao called out Fan Xuening's name that day, which was quite probing.

Yunying’s reaction also gave Fan Qingyao the answer he expected.

Unexpectedly, Fan Xuening could do this in order to please Concubine Yu.

Just like Fan Qingyao in the previous life, he was led by the nose and refused to change his mind even if he suffered a **** head.

It's just that Fan Xuening's identity now is extremely embarrassing.

 Originally, he was devoted to Baili Rongze, but in the end, he became the favored promise of the emperor.

Although this move can help Baili Rongze stand more firmly in front of the emperor, is Fan Xuening really willing to stay like this?


 The car window next to me was suddenly knocked by someone.

Fan Qingyao regained his composure, opened the window, and saw Shaoxuan riding on horseback.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked his ministers to deliver this to Princess Qingping. There are a lot of snow obstacles along the way. I'm afraid I won't be able to take a break until after noon." Shaoxuan said, handing over the food basket in his hand.

Although everyone was accompanying them, they were all sitting in carriages, but after all, there were many people with mixed opinions, and Shaoxuan's attitude toward Fan Qingyao lacked the familiarity and familiarity it had in the past.

 But even so, it still makes other people jealous.

 with the current young master of the East Palace, who is a high-ranking official. Apart from the prince, who else has such an honor that can shock him into serving tea and water.

Whether it is the official ladies who have not left the cabinet or the princes who are also sitting in the carriage, they are all envious.

Compared with Fan Qingyao, who was pampered by the prince, where were their husbands?

Fan Qingyao naturally knew how many people were looking at this basket of cakes.

 It’s just that now that everything is in front of her, she has no reason to push it back.

 “There is a lot of work and a lot of work.”

Shaoxuan nodded before riding his horse and chasing the team in front.

Tao Yuxian frowned slightly, "The prince's actions are too eye-catching."

Fan Qingyao thought that there was still a long way to go, so he highlighted some of the recent events.

Tao Yuxian knew that the marriage granted by the emperor was not as simple as it seemed, but he did not expect that it could be so obvious that Fan Qingyao and the prince could monitor each other.

 When I think of such a person controlling the life and death of Xiliang, I can't help but worry, "I just hope that the prince will not be the second emperor."

In the past, Fan Qingyao would hesitate, but now he answered with great certainty, "Grandma, don't worry, it won't happen." Tao Yuxian looked at Fan Qingyao's unwavering gaze and was quite surprised, but thinking about his granddaughter She was not an ordinary little girl who didn't care about others, so she didn't continue to say anything.

As the saying goes, people are blessed with children and grandchildren, and she could never stay with Xiao Qingyao for the rest of her life.

Mu Yan, who was sitting nearby, couldn't say anything, so she opened the food basket. Unexpectedly, the seemingly unattractive food basket was actually filled with three layers of cakes of various styles.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really interested in the third sister." I'm afraid that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doesn't know what the third sister likes to eat, so he prepares a portion of each item.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan and smiled, "Someone will love you so much in the future."

Tao Yuxian looked at Mu Yan and asked, "There are quite a few talented people going to the palace this time. Our Hua family is not a high-ranking mansion, and we don't have that many rules. If you like someone, , you can also tell grandma quietly."

Mu Yan's fair face turned red instantly, "Grandma..."

 The third sister will not get haircut until the next year, so why is she in a hurry?

Fan Qingyao helped smooth things over, saying, "The fourth sister is still young, so her judgment of people is not as reliable as that of my grandmother. That's why my grandfather gave up the opportunity to go to the palace to my grandmother."

Tao Yuxian snorted coldly.

It seemed that he had given her this opportunity to learn more, but in fact, he took advantage of the emperor's absence from the main city to go to Huaihe alone to see his son.

 That dead old man.

The palace is not far from the main city, nor is it close.

After all, the emperor was too old to endure such hard work, so he stopped and walked along the way. It took two days before he entered the palace.

  It is said that we will accompany the emperor to celebrate the New Year in the palace, but not everyone can enter the palace.

 Except for the concubines, the emperor and the princes, as well as the accompanying regent and prince of Zhenyi Kingdom, everyone else had to stay in the villa outside the palace.

Unfortunately, it started to snow heavily just as everyone arrived at the palace.

Everyone huddled in the carriage, shivering from the cold.

Empress Zhen Xi took the initiative and suggested, "There are many people around the emperor. It is better to send some of them out first and arrange for others to enter Zhuangzi. It is always better than being cold in the carriage all the time."

As a result, before the emperor could nod in agreement, he heard a deep male voice coming from the carriage next door.

 “What’s the point in letting the Huang family wait for others?”

 It was just one sentence that directly changed the emperor's mind.

Concubine Yu was very happy when she heard that Queen Zhen Xi had eaten at the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

Even looking at Yunying sitting next to her made Concubine Yu happy, "It seems that you have indeed taken good care of the Crown Prince of Zhenyi during this period. Yunying, you must be stable."

Yunying took the opportunity to nod and said, "Don't worry, Madam."

 Actually, Yunying was also surprised in her heart.

Although she had been in contact with the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom during this period, she had never met the regent.

 Let alone talk about wooing.

But now that Concubine Yu has put this credit on her head, she will certainly have to bear it.

 Only when you make Concubine Yu happy can you relax your vigilance towards her.

Soon, everyone heard the news about the arrogance of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

Faced with the status of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, no one dared to complain even if everyone was still frozen in a ball in the carriage.

 (End of this chapter)

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