The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 395: Young Master Zhou who is deliberately looking for trouble

Chapter 395 Mr. Zhou deliberately looking for trouble

 Half an hour later, when the arrangements at the palace were complete, the others were arranged into Zhuangzi.

 It is said to be Zhuangzi, but this place is actually no smaller than the palace.

Fan Qingyao was placed in a relatively remote small courtyard.

 With two entrances and two exits, it is quite spacious for three people.

Because he was accompanying the Holy Master, Fan Qingyao did not bring Ninghan with him, let alone Langya and Ningtian.

 There are masters in the palace both inside and outside the palace. Bringing people here who know martial arts will only cause trouble for themselves.

Tao Yuxian has been jolting around for several days and is already tired.

Fan Qingyao first sent his grandmother to rest, then accompanied Mu Yan to say a few words, and finally walked to his small yard and opened the package in his arms.

 Taxue, who had been sleeping until he took off in place, seemed to smell the fresh air, and finally reluctantly opened his eyes.

Fan Qingyao put Ta Xue on the ground and let it walk around to familiarize itself with the environment.

 After struggling for several days, Fan Qingyao was also very sleepy.

 After lying on the bed for a while, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

The dream that had not bothered me for a long time came again.

 Only this time, Fan Qingyao dreamed that Fan Xuening died not long after her death.

 And he had to die well.

He was hung in front of the palace gate, his flesh and bones were cut out, and he died with his eyes open.

Fan Qingyao naturally didn’t think this dream was true.

 Although she didn’t know what happened after her death in her previous life.

 But considering that she is notorious and full of evil deeds, who can take revenge for her?

 When I opened my eyes again, it was getting dark, but the heavy snow continued.

Lily, who was next to Queen Zhen Xi, came to visit in person. When she saw Fan Qingyao, she smiled and said, "The Queen said that since Princess Qingping was accused of being married, she has not had a good meeting with Princess Qingping. Now she just has the opportunity." , let Princess Qingping go to the palace to have dinner."

The Queen sent Lily to her house with such a big name, she was obviously trying to show off to the emperor.

Even though Fan Qingyao and the empress knew what the marriage was, in the eyes of the emperor, even if he granted the marriage, the queen would still look down on her, a princess with a low status.

So the Queen naturally wanted to send someone to visit her at this time, pretending to accept her according to the emperor's wishes.

“Aunt Lily, please wait a moment and allow me to report to my grandmother first.”

"It's natural, Princess Qingping, please do it." Lily smiled and nodded, and the smile on Princess Qingping's face became deeper and deeper.

 No wonder the Queen is so fond of Princess Qingping. Looking at his intelligence, there is no need to waste words on everything. A smart person can understand everything with just one click.

 Not long after, Fan Qingyao followed Lily out of Zhuangzi.

  Along the way, it stimulated the eyes of many princes and concubines.

They are also daughters-in-law. Those who have been married have not yet been summoned. They are invited to dinner before they have come to the door.

This difference.

 Tsk tsk tsk…

  It’s really incomparable.

The sour gas condensed in the air can be said to be soaring to the sky. Lily still felt a little choked until she left Zhuangzi. "This time in the palace, the Queen and His Highness cannot be too casual. Princess Qingping should be careful."

Fan Qingyao understood Lily's good intentions, "Let aunt worry about it, I will do it."

This trip to the palace is to knit together all those who are at peace and those who are at odds.

 It is strange to be able to be at ease.

 A quarter of an hour later, Fan Qingyao followed Lily into the palace.

Whether the Queen is favored or not, her status in Xiliang cannot be denied.

 So now, the palace where the Queen lives is next to the palace where the Emperor fell.

 As for the other concubines, they have to stand aside.

Queen Zhen Xi, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Fan Qingyao entering the door and waved hurriedly, "There is no need to salute. Come and sit with me."

Fan Qingyao nodded slightly and gently sat down next to the Queen. The round table in front of her was already filled with food, but the Queen had no intention of starting a banquet.

 I'm afraid that tonight's dinner is not just for her and the Queen.

"Last time, I just noticed something was wrong with Yunying, but I didn't find it easy to investigate. I didn't expect you to show her off all of a sudden. This made Concubine Yu quiet a lot." Zhen Xi The queen smiled, otherwise she would not know what Concubine Yu was going to do.

"I just discovered it by chance." Fan Qingyao did not intend to tell Yunying's true identity.

The Queen looks soft-hearted, but if she is really like this, how could she have been the master of the harem all these years?

Furthermore, after several consecutive contacts, Fan Qingyao really felt that the Queen's methods were clean and neat.

 Sometimes even she feels ashamed of herself.

With the Queen's methods, if Yunying's identity is known, it will be difficult for Yunying to survive.

Fan Qingyao didn’t want Yunying to die so early.

The road to this life is still so long. If Yunying dies too early, wouldn’t it be boring?

Revenge is always better if you repay it a little bit.

Fan Qingyao will never forget that Fan Xuening tortured her for more than ten years in her previous life!

"Concubine Yu is hiding the child in Yunying's belly like this, I'm afraid she will cause a big disturbance in the palace this time." Empress Zhen Xi was too familiar with Concubine Yu's tricks.

Perhaps, Concubine Yu had already thought about everything.

 At that time, the child in Yunying's belly will be Concubine Yu's gold medal to avoid death.

As he was talking, he heard footsteps coming in.

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and glanced sideways, and saw Baili Fengming stepping in, followed by a young man of the same age.

The young man did not expect that there were other people in the Queen's palace, and was also stunned.

 Baili Fengming took the initiative and said, "Princess Qingping, Zhou Renjian."

 It turned out to be the grandson of the Zhou family.

Fan Qingyao stood up with a smile and said, "Young Master Zhou."

Zhou Renjian looked at Fan Qingyao, and then said to Baili Fengming beside him, "Why don't we go out to eat? This will save us from disturbing the Queen."

 What are you disturbing the Queen...

  It was simply an act of neglecting Fan Qingyao. It should not be too obvious.

Empress Zhen Xi cannot let people leave just as she wants. "I specially waited for you to have dinner, but you ended up going out to eat instead. Could it be that I am disturbing your mood?"

 Zhou Renjian had been the prince's companion for a long time and was familiar with the Queen. "The Queen is serious about her words. I just don't want to sit with people I don't know well."

As if she didn't hear the last part of the sentence, Queen Zhen Xi hurriedly greeted people to sit down, "He's here, so I'll sit with you for a while longer. It's been a long time since I've seen the young master of the Zhou family."

Having said that, Zhou Renjian could no longer leave.

Just as he sat down behind him, he didn't even look at Fan Qingyao the whole time, and still regarded Fan Qingyao as if he were nothing.

Although his grandfather and Zhou Chun didn't move very close, the junior members of the Zhou family often got together.

Especially since Zhou Renjian and Zhou Ningshe grew up together, the relationship between the two is even closer.

Therefore, whether it was Fan Qingyao who once brought a coffin in front of the palace gate to confront his uncle, or whether Fan Qingyao made Zhou Ningshe lose face in front of Zhou Ningshe, Zhou Renjian was always the same. Clearly.

Even now Zhou Chun has the good sense to turn the feud with Fan Qingyao into friendship, but in the eyes of Zhou Ningshe, Fan Qingyao is still hateful, and is the chief culprit for marrying her best friend Princess Yun'an to Xianbei. The culprit.

Zhou Renjian was immersed in Zhou Ningshe's curses all day long, how could he be friendly to Fan Qingyao.

Of course Fan Qingyao could see Zhou Renjian’s hostility.

 I think the Queen knew this very well, so she thought of organizing a dinner party to alleviate the embarrassment.

 After all, if Zhou Renjian can really return to the prince, the Zhou family will naturally stand behind the prince.

 A jade-burnt Buddha's hand appeared on Fan Qingyao's food plate.

Fan Qingyao raised his head and saw Baili Fengming smiling and saying, "Try it, the Buddha's hand made by the palace is quite famous."

Fan Qingyao took a bite and found that it tasted really good.

 It’s just that I haven’t finished eating what’s in my mouth, but there’s something new put in front of me.

 (End of this chapter)

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