The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 396: Are all future daughters-in-law such good drinkers?

Chapter 396 Are all future daughters-in-law such good drinkers?

Fan Qingyao was really hungry, and he didn't have much scruples in front of the Queen and Baili Fengming.

  She is not the protagonist tonight anyway, so she might as well eat in peace.

It was rare for Baili Fengming to see Fan Qingyao eating so comfortably, so he just rolled up his sleeves and served the dishes all the time.

 Empress Zhen Xi had actually seen it a long time ago, but had no intention of disturbing her at all.

 It is such a rare thing for a son and his daughter-in-law to love each other. Why should she bother?

And it was Zhou Renjian who was chatting with the Queen, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

How can it be that the dignified prince is doing a low-level job like serving food?

Putting down his chopsticks calmly, Zhou Renjian raised the wine cup in front of him, "I have always heard about Princess Qingping, but I just met her in person today. I think Princess Qingping is so informal, she will not even drink a glass of wine. Don’t you dare to drink with me?”

Neither Queen Zhen Xi nor Baili Fengming expected that Zhou Renjian would take the initiative to have a drink with Fan Qingyao.

In Xiliang, men and women have never been seen drinking together. Besides, isn’t it a clear sign of bullying when a man asks a woman to drink?

Empress Zhen Xi also discovered that Zhou Renjian's hostility towards Fan Qingyao was much greater than she had imagined.

"Since Young Master Zhou is interested, I would like to accompany you." Fan Qingyao directly picked up the wine cup in front of Baili Fengming.

Zhou Renjian snorted coldly and drank all the wine in the cup.

Just as Fan Qingyao followed closely, he saw Zhou Renjian filling the wine cup again.

"I heard that Princess Qingping was kicked out of the house by her own father when she was a child, and then she lived a life without a father. I would say that Princess Qingping should thank the Queen. Otherwise, as Princess Qingping, let alone It's hard to get married even if you want to be a princess. To put it bluntly, she's just a bastard..."

Although Baili Fengming did not speak, his eyes were already gloomy.

Empress Zhenxi couldn't bear to hear such extremely unpleasant words, "Be kind and frugal, and you must not be rude!"

  Don’t slap people in the face when you hit them, don’t expose their shortcomings when scolding people.

This is really outrageous.

If it were any other little girl, I would probably cry and call her mother.

But Fan Qingyao has never been a person who is used to other people's bad tempers. "Being able to be the Crown Princess, I really want to thank the Queen for taking care of me. My housework is no secret in the main city, but the young master of the Zhou family is now To be so surprised is a bit too ignorant.”

 Zhou Renjian, “…”

This punch was a real blow to the cotton.

Zhou Renjian gritted his teeth and paid tribute again, "I never thought that Princess Qingping would be so sharp-tongued. She was raised by a mother but not a father."

Fan Qingyao replied calmly, "Young Master Zhou's words don't sound like he is well-educated."

"Looking at Princess Qingping, I finally understand why Fan Mansion can't accommodate you."

 “I won’t bother Mr. Zhou with my affairs.”

At the dinner table, there was a war of words and swords.

 Empress Zhen Xi really had a headache after seeing it.

However, Queen Zhen Xi did not stop Fan Qingyao.

Although the Zhou family is now a piece of cake, Zhou Renjian is not qualified to be picky about his daughter-in-law.

 Baili Fengming sat silently aside, and his silent indulgence gave Fan Qingyao the greatest favor.

Zhou Renjian really didn't expect that Princess Qingping was so venomous that after the dispute, he didn't get any advantage at all.

 What’s more!

Fan Qingyao is still sober, he just drank too much first.

In order to prevent himself from completely losing face at his grandma's house, Zhou Renjian stood up and said goodbye first.

 Baili Fengming, who had been silent all this time, naturally wanted to get up and see her off.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the mess on the table, held Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "I didn't expect Zhou Renjian to have such a big opinion against you. If so, I will also give careful consideration to the Zhou family."

No matter how fragrant the Zhou family is, if they are not of the same mind, Queen Zhenxi will immediately eliminate them.

Fan Qingyao said with a smile, "Queen, there is no need to worry too much. If this person really follows the prince wholeheartedly, I will not say anything. At worst, we will just stay on the same page from now on."

 If you want to get something, you have to give something. Queen Zhen Xi was stunned when she heard Fan Qingyao's clear and steady answer.

 The whole pot of peach blossom stuffing has bottomed out.

Does her future daughter-in-law have such a good drinking capacity?

Not long after, the phoenix singing from a hundred miles away came back, and Fan Qingyao and the empress knelt down and left the palace.

Along the way, Baili Fengming didn’t say anything about Zhou Renjian’s affairs today.

Fan Qingyao naturally didn’t ask too many questions.

 A quarter of an hour later, the two people stood outside Fan Qingyao's yard.

But before Fan Qingyao had time to speak, Ta Xue rushed out looking for the smell, biting the corner of Fan Qingyao's skirt and pulling him into the door.

Fan Qingyao had never seen Ta Xue react like this before, so he quickly followed him through the door.

Ta Xue dragged Fan Qingyao all the way to the small courtyard where he temporarily lived.

Fan Qingyao smelled a faint smell of blood before he entered the door.

When he opened the door and took a look, he saw Mu Yan sitting on the soft couch in a daze with a scarred face.

"What happened?" Fan Qingyao walked over, found the medicine box he had brought, and carefully treated Mu Yan's wounds by candlelight.

There are many wounds on Mu Yan’s face, but fortunately they are not deep. As long as they are repaired, there will be no scars.

Just looking at Mu Yan whose face was full of flesh, Fan Qingyao's heart still ached badly.

Mu Yan only came back to her senses when the familiar smell of the third sister hit her face. Just looking at the worried look on the third sister, she herself smiled and said, "Third sister, just be fine."

Fan Qingyao frowned, "What can happen to me?"

Mu Yan said, "There was a knock on the door just now, saying that the third sister was lost in the palace, and my grandmother had already gone to sleep. I was thinking about finding the third sister by myself, but before I could go far, I He was stopped."

Then Mu Yan was beaten, but it was too dark outside and she really couldn't see the man's appearance clearly.

 Fortunately, someone passed by and rescued her, but she found that the other person seemed to be a man, so she ran away in a hurry.

Although it happened suddenly, Mu Yan was sure that the person who hit her was a woman.

"I pulled this off her head." Mu Yan raised the thing in her hand.

Fan Qingyao took a closer look and saw that it was a jade hairpin in the style of a woman.

Mu Yan has always had a quiet temperament. Even during these days when he was in charge of Qingnangzhai, he rarely showed up and stayed in the accounting room at the back.

There are many female relatives coming to the palace this time. If you think about them one by one, you will probably break your head.

The only way to do this is to let Texue find Baili Fengming, and then use Baili Fengming's power to investigate.

Thinking about it, Fan Qingyao took the jade hairpin and went out.

As soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he saw a tall figure standing under the plum blossom tree in the yard.

He stood with his hands behind his back, slightly raising his head to face the blooming plum blossoms. As if he heard the footsteps, he slowly turned around, and Shisui's eyes fell on her.

The cool breeze blew by, blowing the clothes, and it was clear and peaceful.

It was then that Fan Qingyao remembered that she had been in such a hurry when she entered that she didn't have time to speak to him. Unexpectedly, he followed her in and stood quietly in the yard waiting for her.

Seeing that Fan Qingyao was distracted for a moment, Baili Fengming took the initiative to come over, stretched out his hand to tuck the broken hair blown away by the wind behind her ears, "But what happened?"

Fan Qingyao nodded and handed him the jade hairpin in his hand, "I want to know the owner of this hairpin."

 Baili Fengming did not hesitate, took the jade hairpin and nodded, "Let Lin Yi contact you later."

Fan Qingyao originally wanted to send him away, but Baili Fengming refused.

Just like that, a person walked out of the yard.

 In the last life, Fan Qingyao and Baili Rongze had never had this kind of tacit understanding for more than ten years.

There is no need to say anything, and there is no need to do much. There is someone who will always understand your needs, and will be waiting silently behind you.

 (End of this chapter)

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