Chapter 397 is really aimed at her.

 Mu Yan seemed a little frightened, even when she fell asleep, she felt uneasy.

Fan Qingyao stayed by her side silently, gently stroking her trembling back with his hands, giving her silent protection.

The trembling look of Mu Yan also completely angered Fan Qingyao.

 Luring Mu Yan out in her name and then beating her up, this method was all aimed at her.

 But regardless of whether Mu Yan felt it or not, she had no complaints from the beginning to the end.

 Muyan is kind.

Just like before, even if you are assigned to a military prostitute, you will still worry about her safety.

At that time, Fan Qingyao didn’t think Mu Yan was good.

but now…

Fan Qingyao will definitely make this person pay with blood.

 ‘Knock knock knock…’ There was a gentle knock on the window.

Fan Qingyao stood up and walked out of the house, and saw Lin Yi standing by the window.

Lin Yi was startled by Fan Qingyao. He didn't expect that she walked out directly. However, after careful inspection, he noticed that there were other people breathing in the room at this moment.

Lin Yi was suddenly warmed by this small attentiveness.

Princess Qingping was worried that he would see another person in the room, so she walked out without fear of the cold.

“There were a lot of casual female relatives this time, but not many of them happened to be wearing jade hairpins. My subordinates made inquiries one after another and confirmed that the jade hairpins came from the second lady of the Pan family.”

Pan Yujing?

Fan Qingyao curled his lips coldly.

 Sure enough, he came for her.

 I think it was the last time that Pan Yujing had a grudge against the Han family.

The reason why there are so many female relatives coming to the palace this time is precisely because many people have the intention of taking the opportunity to find marriage.

 I don’t know whether the Pan family’s ambitions are too great or whether Pan Yujing herself is just irresponsible.

Even though they were all blocked from the door of the Sixth Prince's residence, they still followed him to the palace.

Whether it’s just the Pan family or Pan Yujing, it doesn’t matter how high you want to climb.

 But Pan Yujing's mistake was that he should not provoke her existence.

“I wonder, Deputy Young Master Lin, if you can do me another favor?”

“Princess Qingping, please speak.”

 “I also ask Deputy Young Master Lin to lend me the eldest princess’s hairpin.”

Lin Yi was stunned, as if he didn't understand the meaning.

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly, "Since it's a snake attack, it's natural to hit it seven inches."

Not only does it make it hurt, but it also makes it impossible for it to stand up again.

Lin Yi trembled inexplicably when he saw Fan Qingyao's smile on his lips.

Even though he still couldn't understand what Princess Qingping wanted to do, looking at this smile, he was afraid that someone would be in trouble.

And it’s still a big deal.

Lin Yi reported the matter to Baili Fengming in advance in order to wipe out the idea of ​​Princess Qingping.

  It turned out to be Baili Fengming who was reading a book, without even raising his eyelids, "Do as she said."

What else can Lin Yi do when he sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doting on his wife like a maniac?

Naturally, Zhu Chai, who had been sent from the eldest princess, was handed over to Princess Qingping the next day.

Lin Yi originally thought that this was a perfect match, but he didn't expect that His Highness would directly lend him to Princess Qingping.

 Lin Yi, “…”

 Masters, as long as they are comfortable, they don’t have to worry about my life or death.

In this case, Fan Qingyao was no longer polite. That night, he asked Lin Yi to send a letter to Qingnangzhai, asking Yueluo to go to the most famous jewelry shop in the main city to create a batch of exquisite red hairpins. Don't worry. Price, the more expensive the better.

 For several days, heavy snow has been covering the palace.

The palace is located in a barren mountain, so it cannot be as warm as the main city.

Emperor Yongchang had to postpone his winter hunting trip and stayed in the palace all day long.

Others are also huddled in their own yards, not even leaving the door.

Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry and took good care of Mu Yan's face.

Tao Yuxian also saw Mu Yan's face, and Fan Qingyao didn't hide anything and told everything.

"I didn't expect that my Hua family would be in such a bad situation. Anyone from a small family could step on it." The Hua family is famous for being a protector of calves. Now looking at Mu Yan's appearance, what should Tao Yuxian do? Can you not feel bad. Fan Qingyao told his grandmother what he thought.

Tao Yuxian nodded, "Just do whatever you want. Even if our Hua family can't make any big waves, we still have the weight to drown a few people."

Fan Qingyao knew that his grandmother was planning to come forward.

Since this is the case, Fan Qingyao can't drag it out any longer, otherwise it won't be worth it if he really makes his grandmother angry.

 Just a few days later, the princes and concubines, who couldn't bear the loneliness in Zhuangzi, proposed a small gathering.

There are many women from official families who also participated in it.

Once, they were all famous ladies in the main city. Now part of the people have become princes. The others who have not married have hoped to have a backing of the mountain, so as to seek a good relationship for themselves in the palace.

Just after Chen hour, several princes and concubines gathered in the courtyard of the eldest prince and concubine.

 Not long after, the ladies from other official families followed Lu and arrived one after another.

The eighth prince looked around and asked curiously, "Why don't you see the prince and the sixth prince?"

Pan Yulu snorted, "Just now, the sixth brother and sister said they were feeling unwell and didn't go out. As for the Crown Princess, who knows, she probably doesn't like us, so she didn't come."

 The eighth prince's concubine's face was dazzled, but she couldn't follow these words.

The second princess also smiled dryly and had no intention of speaking.

That day at the mother's house of the sixth princess, the princess killed everyone by herself.

She wouldn't dare to mess with people like that easily.

 The princes and concubines were silent, and the official ladies present did not dare to open their mouths.

That's the crown prince. Even the princes and concubines don't dare to discuss it. Who do they think they are?

Pan Yujing, who was sitting next to Pan Yulu, smiled and said, "The Crown Princess was born in such a mansion, so her personality is a bit difficult to get along with. I guess she really can't stand this lively scene."

 These words are obviously mocking the background of the Crown Princess.

Zhou Ningshe just watched with cold eyes.

 She does not like Fan Qingyao, but she is not stupid enough to dare to speak openly.

Yan Hanbai sneered and said, "It's just a few dirty money. Otherwise, why do you really think that all cats and dogs can become crown princesses?"

 The other official ladies also relaxed after hearing this.

Princes and concubines are all so open-minded, what else are they afraid of?

Seeing this, Pan Yujing even took the initiative to instigate the official ladies present, "What we are saying today is just for us sisters to get together and chat. After all, the Crown Princess is the Crown Princess. If she offends her, I'm afraid... The Crown Princess’ methods will definitely be incompatible with ours.”

With these words, it was obvious that he was trying to win over the official ladies present.

The ladies from the official family were wondering, since this is the second lady of the Pan family, what she said also meant the third prince’s concubine?

Pan Yulu would never take the initiative to make trouble.

 She naturally understood that Pan Yujing was deliberately trying to please her.

Although Pan Yujing made a mess of things in Han Mansion that day, since arriving at the palace, Pan Yujing has been trying to please her in every possible way.

Pan Yulu knew Pan Yujing’s intention to please her, but she didn’t care.

If Pan Yujing is devoted to herself, it would actually be beneficial to her to find a good family to get married.

Seeing the smile on Pan Yu's face, Pan Yujing lowered her voice and said, "Don't worry, eldest sister, I'm afraid it's too late for the current princess to hold her sister and cry, so she has no time to come to our place for a walk. "

Pan Yulu nodded slightly and smiled calmly.

Of course she heard Pan Yujing tell her about Pan Yujing's attack on the princess' sister.

It was precisely because of this that she inspired Yan Hanbai to organize this small gathering.

The famous official ladies in the city are all here. If she can win them over to her, it will be good for her in the future.

 As for that Fan Qingyao...

By the time I finished crying while holding my sister in my arms, I was afraid that the day lily would be cold.

 The main hall was peaceful and everyone was smiling.

  Under the leadership of sisters Yan Hanbai and Pan Yulu, although the other official ladies did not dare to be blatantly disrespectful to the Crown Princess, they also made insinuations.

Hearing these words, the eighth prince's concubine felt a little restless.

The second princess next to her saw it and couldn't help asking softly, "Why are the eighth brothers and sisters trembling?"

"I'm just afraid. If the Crown Princess hears what happened today, then I..." The Eighth Prince's eyes were wandering, wondering if she should find an excuse to speak first, but she caught a glimpse of Menku standing with a familiar look on his face. Figure, "Everyone looks like a princess to me now..."

Before she finished speaking, the eighth prince and concubine felt something was wrong.

 Looking carefully towards the door again, the eighth prince's concubine exclaimed, "Crown Princess!"

 (End of this chapter)

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