The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 399: Sisters quarrel and turn against each other

Chapter 399: Sisters quarrel and become enemies

Pan Yulu's feet swayed. If it weren't for the chair behind her, she would have collapsed on the ground.

Now that Fan Qingyao is holding her Zhu Chai in his hand, that is clear evidence.

If the Queen really wanted to investigate this matter seriously, how could she make it clear?

Pan Yujing, who was sitting nearby, wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide, let alone speak.

The reason why she dared to attack Mu Yan was because even if Mu Yan was beaten, the Hua family would not dare to make it public.

 The dignified sister of the Crown Princess was beaten, and the Crown Princess’s face became bright?

 But who would have thought that the Crown Princess would be so careless about her own face.

Now that things have reached this point, how dare she continue to say anything.

Yan Hanbai didn't believe that Pan Yulu could do such a thing, so he stood up and defended himself, "The Crown Princess is really sharp-tongued. None of us saw what happened that day. Could it be that the Crown Princess is holding a gun now?" I don’t know whether it was Zhu Chai who was stolen or robbed, but is he framed here with a red mouth and white teeth? "

Fan Qingyao looked at Yan Hanbai who was aside, "The eldest princess is right. Everything must be evidenced. The Zhu Chai in my hand is the physical evidence. As for how it came about, I believe the Queen will find out. , As for the certification, although my fourth sister is hurt, she is not unable to speak. What the gangster shouted that night, my fourth sister will be able to repeat it truthfully in front of the Queen. "

 The word evidence reminded Pan Yulu.

Seeing Pan Yulu's eyes flash, Fan Qingyao continued, "Even if I'm not married now, I'm still the crown princess granted marriage by the emperor. Anyone who hurts my family must be severely punished. There are rules in Xiliang and they are disrespectful to the royal family." Anyone who shows disrespect will be punished with a rod of forty!"

 Forty rods...

 Where can there be life?

Pan Yulu looked at Pan Yujing, who was curled up in a ball next to her, and a terrible answer came to her mind.

Pan Yujing seemed to be trying to please her these days, but what was the purpose of trying to please her?

 Yes, I want to find a good marriage.

Even to the point of harming the Crown Princess's sister in order to find a marriage for herself.

If everything was safe and sound, Pan Yulu would not think much about it.

But now looking at Fan Qingyao holding her Zhu Chai, and then thinking of what Fan Qingyao said about Pan Yujing when he beat Mu Yan...

Pan Yulu suddenly understood that Pan Yujing wanted to kill her!

As long as she dies, Pan Yujing can legitimately take her place as the successor to the Third Prince's Mansion!

Pan Yujing also noticed something was wrong with Pan Yulu's gaze, and hurriedly held her hand and whispered, "Sister, don't listen to other people's nonsense. Those are all things that don't exist."

Pan Yulu was not stupid either. She turned around and ordered the maid to search Pan Yujing's room.

 As for what you are searching for...

Of course it’s Pan Yujing’s jade hairpin.

Seeing this, Pan Yujing breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't know how Fan Qingyao had Pan Yulu's red hairpin in his hand, her jade hairpin was indeed lost.

Fan Qingyao stood there, calmly taking in Pan Yujing's expression.

 You want to breathe a sigh of relief now?

 Is it too early?

Seeing that today's gathering was disturbed by Fan Qingyao, Yan Hanbai gritted his teeth and said, "The Crown Princess is really a grand event, so many people have to live their lives just by looking at the Crown Princess's face..." "

Fan Qingyao didn't even wait for Yan Hanbai to finish what he said, he just sneered and said, "My sister was injured, so I have to step forward. After all, the eldest princess has always been able to eat by herself and the whole family is not hungry. Even if The beams in my house are all collapsed, but I can still sit around and eat and drink.”

“Fan Qingyao, you bitch, don’t be so shameless!”

"The eldest princess made a mistake. Even if you don't call me princess, you still call me Princess Qingping. Now I am a **** and shameless. Do you disdain the emperor's marriage conferment on me, or do you look down on the queen's love for me?" My approval?”

Others didn’t even dare to raise their heads when they heard this.

 One is the emperor, the other is the queen...

Who can afford to offend anyone!

Yan Hanbai's face became lighter.

But before she could speak again, the second and eighth princes and concubines came over to comfort her.

The two princes and concubines looked worried, and they really wanted to sew up the eldest prince's broken mouth.

They are all sitting here now. If word of this treachery really gets out, they will probably follow suit.

The maid who went to search Pan Yujing's house hurried back.

Pan Yujing looked at the maid who had left and returned, and a strong light burst out in her eyes. As long as no jade hairpin is found in her house, her innocence can be proven.

 In this way…

Pan Yujing had already thought about how to help Pan Yulu fight back against Fan Qingyao, and took this opportunity to show her determination to please Pan Yulu.


 Just saw the maid take out her jade hairpin.

Looking at the jade hairpin held up by the maid, Pan Yujing's eyes widened in disbelief.

How can it be…

Pan Yulu looked at the jade hairpin in front of her, wondering what else she couldn't figure out. She couldn't help but slap Pan Yujing **** the face, "You bitch! What else do you want to say?" ?”

He said he helped her teach the Crown Princess a lesson, but in the end he just wanted to frame her!

 Fortunately, the matter came to her face today, otherwise she might not even know how she died.

Pan Yujing was whipped and fell to the ground, covering her face and crying with red eyes, "Sister, believe me, it's really not me. I just beat the princess's sister that day, but I didn't say those words. Said..."

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened in shock.

Even Yan Hanbai, who was still thinking about how to speak for Pan Yulu, was stunned.

Pan Yujing realized later that she had said the wrong thing and wanted to bite off her tongue.

Fan Qingyao sneered.

Even if what Pan Yujing is telling the truth now, Pan Yulu will never believe her again.

 Pan Yulu naturally didn’t believe it.

If what Pan Yujing said is true, how should we explain Zhu Chai's incident?

Pan Yulu really got angry, and regardless of everyone present, she pulled up Pan Yujing's hair again.

Pan Yujing was really in pain, and it was in front of so many people. Seeing that Pan Yulu still refused to let go, she said angrily, "Does the eldest sister really want to be so cruel to me? Don't you think about it?" Myself?"

Pan Yulu glared angrily, "You still dare to talk back?"

Pan Yujing curled her lips sarcastically, "Eldest sister pretends to be kind outside, but don't you know how vicious she has been to me at home all these years! If it weren't for the support of Concubine Pan Defi, eldest sister would marry into the third prince's mansion now. How can someone like me get a big sister?"

 Outside is outside, home is home.

Among the official ladies present, there are actually not many who are really innocent and harmless.

It's just that everyone is well aware of this kind of intrigue behind closed doors. Now that Pan Yujing said it so openly, it was basically rubbing Pan Yulu's face on the ground.

Pan Yulu was going crazy and slapped Pan Yujing on the face again, "You bitch! I already knew you had evil intentions!"

“Even if I have evil intentions, it’s still better than my elder sister’s double-dealing.”

“You little bitch, let’s see if I don’t beat you to death today!”

 What was originally a nice little get-together turned into a quarrel between the Pan sisters.

The official ladies present were shocked by what they saw.

The eighth prince's concubine was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she kept thinking silently in her heart. Fortunately, she was not the one who endured the prince's concubine.

The second princess glanced at Fan Qingyao, who was standing motionless and watching with cold eyes.

The Crown Princess was indeed a good tactic, but with just a little bit of effort, the Pan sisters turned against each other.

Zhou Ningshe was a little startled when she looked at Fan Qingyao.

No matter what happens today, it is certain that the Pan sisters plotted against Fan Qingyao's sister.

Zhou Ningshe asked herself, if her sister had been shaved, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to be as calm as Fan Qingyao.

 It is rare that Zhou Ningshe does not hate Fan Qingyao's methods this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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