The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 400: It's really killing me just thinking about it

Chapter 400 is really killing me just thinking about it

Yan Hanbai was partial to Pan Yulu after all.

Now seeing that Pan Yulu and Pan Yujing were entangled together, she could only suppress her anger and look at Fan Qingyao and asked, "Is the Crown Princess satisfied with this situation? If the Crown Princess's goal is achieved, please invite the Crown Prince The concubine will leave first and I won’t send you far.”

 The meaning of driving away is so obvious.

However, Fan Qingyao is not angry either.

Since the goal has been achieved, she naturally wants to leave, "I never thought that today's affairs would be so lively. Since it is a household matter of the Pan family, I will leave this matter to the third prince and concubine to handle it by herself. I hope that the third prince and concubine will not It’s about being partial.”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Everyone present looked at it in a daze.

With things happening like this today, the third prince and his concubine must be the most worried.

As a result, I was worried and didn't say anything, but turned around to be grateful to the Crown Princess...

 It’s really killing me just thinking about it.

Fan Qingyao was justified in this matter, but Fan Qingyao didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

The Queen will help her, but she doesn’t want to cause trouble to the Queen.

 It is easier to handle your own affairs by yourself.

On the other hand, Tao Yuxian did go to the palace to visit the Queen, but it was just as a greeting from her in-laws.

Pan Yulu just had a guilty conscience, but she was afraid that the Queen would really come to settle a score with her over this matter.

 Although she is the daughter-in-law of Concubine Yu, Concubine Yu is not really close to her.

If she causes trouble as soon as she arrives at the palace, Concubine Yu may scold her in some way.

Angry and scared, Pan Yulu would not continue to keep Pan Yujing in the palace.

 That afternoon, the news that Pan Yujing left the palace alone in a carriage spread in Zhuangzi.

Pan Yulu is naturally not afraid of the Pan family's accusations. After all, she has the support of her aunt Pan Defei. Moreover, she is now married to the third prince. Even Pan Yujing's mother does not dare to question her face to face.

 But Pan Yulu, who was sitting alone in the yard, couldn't help but laugh.

Even if she drives Pan Yujing away, other people will not think that she is powerful. Instead, they will think that she is afraid of the majesty of the Crown Princess.

How could Pan Yulu laugh when she thought that she would have to live under Fan Qingyao's majesty from now on?

After Tao Yuxian came back from the palace, she learned the news of Pan Yujing's departure. She finally felt a little relieved. She looked at Fan Qingyao waiting at the entrance of the courtyard and said, "This is also to give the Pan family some memory."

Fan Qingyao held his grandmother's arm and sighed quietly, "When I go back, I'm afraid my grandpa will have to take care of me."

Tao Yuxian was stunned, "How did you provoke him?"

Fan Qingyao said, "I've only been here a few days, and my grandmother is in a bad mood. My grandfather feels so sorry for her, so he won't let me explain. The blame has already fallen on me."

Tao Yuxian was amused, "You just have a eloquent mouth. Don't worry, grandma is not angry anymore. Grandma is just worried that Mu Yan will feel wronged."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, but he actually had the same worry.

The reason why Pan Yujing hurt Mu Yan was because she had a grudge against her, and secondly because she wanted to step on Mu Yan to please Pan Yulu.

Fan Qingyao would not let Pan Yujing succeed in his treacherous plan, so he did this to sow discord.

Pan Yujing, don’t you want to climb up by stepping on my Hua family’s daughter?

Then I will pull you into the dust with my own hands.

As for Pan Yujing’s future, Fan Qingyao is not worried about it.

With today's events happening like this, I'm afraid Pan Yulu hates Pan Yujing to death.

So Pan Yujing wants to find a good marriage under Pan Yulu's nose? hehe…

 It’s faster to dream.

 This method seemed beautiful and deadly, but for Mu Yan, she didn't get a word of apology.

"Grandma is tired after all the hard work. Why don't you go inside and rest first, and I'll go see Mu Yan." Fan Qingyao suggested.

Tao Yuxian thought that it was easier for her daughter to talk to each other and she didn't have so many scruples, so she nodded, "Go ahead and persuade her properly. In this world, not all grievances can wait for a word of apology." "

Fan Qingyao nodded, first helped his grandmother back into the house, and then turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Ever since the accident, Mu Yan has been living in Fan Qingyao's yard.

At the moment, as soon as Fan Qingyao walked into the yard where he lived, he saw Mu Yan sitting in a daze on the stone bench.

Mu Yan raised her head slightly and looked at the gloomy sky, her dark eyes empty.

It wasn't until a pair of hands wrapped around her neck that she came back to her senses in shock.

When she saw that the person coming was Third Sister, Mu Yan instantly relaxed her body and asked, "Third Sister is back?"

Fan Qingyao touched Mu Yan's frozen face and said, "Why are you sitting here? Even if you believe in your third sister's medical skills, you don't have to embarrass yourself like this."

Mu Yan knew that the third sister was deliberately trying to make her happy, but she still couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao quickly pulled Mu Yan into the house.

Fan Qingyao had no intention of hiding Pan Yujing's matter from Mu Yan, he simply told the truth.

 Surprisingly, Mu Yan did not feel disappointed, "Actually, as long as the third sister is safe, I will feel at ease."

At this point, Fan Qingyao became curious, "You have been depressed these days..."

Hearing these words, Mu Yan's newly healed face turned red for no reason.

Fan Qingyao was even more confused, "But where is the discomfort?"

Mu Yan lowered her head, and after a long while she finally said, "I, I was actually thinking about the person I saved that day."

It was only then that Fan Qingyao remembered that Mu Yan did indeed say that he was rescued that day, but she was only thinking about Mu Yan's injury and ignored it.

Just looking at Mu Yan's appearance now, Fan Qingyao couldn't help but doubt the intentions of the person who saved Mu Yan.

 After all, the emperor's visit to the palace was full of chaos, and someone might have had other thoughts.

Mu Yan seemed to see what the third sister was thinking, and hurriedly explained, "He really saved me. Although, although the second young lady of the Pan family had run away at that time, I was frightened at the time. If it weren't for He helped me up, and I didn’t know how long I would have to lie on the road... But when I came to my senses, I wanted to come back quickly, but I didn’t have the chance to say thank you to him..."

Fan Qingyao finally heard it.

 Emotional, my careless sister doesn’t know anything else except that he is a man.

 I thought that when I asked Lin Yi to find Pan Yujing, at least he had a jade hairpin.

 In this vast sea of ​​people, there is only one gender male...

I'm afraid Lin Yi will cry out in embarrassment if he finds out.

"I will remember this matter. If there is a chance, I will ask someone to help you find out." Fan Qingyao comforted Mu Yan. Girls are always crazy about feelings. It would be great if they are really destined to find that person, but if She really couldn't find it, and she didn't want to give up Mu Yan's hope now.

Although Mu Yan is timid and doesn't like to talk, she understands everything.

 Now that the third sister has said this, I will not ask for anything more.

 (End of this chapter)

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