Chapter 511 Visiting Mother

 The news that the eldest prince was escorted back to the main city soon spread back to the main city.

 Everyone did not expect that the emperor was really cruel this time and did not leave a way for the eldest prince to survive.

 Faced with such vigorous and resolute actions, no one inside or outside the court dared to speak for the eldest prince.

Even Liu Renfei’s mother’s family could only close their mouths and pretend to be dumb.

 The court was not peaceful, and the harem was also extremely depressed.

Empress Zhen Xi began a thorough investigation into the murder of the royal heirs. There were dozens of people who were implicated and sent to the Criminal Punishment Department.

 To put it bluntly, it was like vacating all the palaces where Yunying promised to live.

Fan Qingyao was not surprised when he heard the news.

The Empress knew the ins and outs of this incident, but she insisted on going to war like this. She was clearly trying to warn the harem and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

 Only if the people in the harem are frightened by the news, they will use their brains before doing anything.

 Understand what should be done and what should not be done.

I heard that Concubine Yu fell ill immediately and was recuperating in Yue Yu Palace all day.

Fan Qingyao is familiar with this method. Once Concubine Yu is in a low position, she will pretend to be sick to win the emperor's sympathy, but the emperor really does this.

No one could rest inside or outside the palace, but Fan Qingyao was happy and relaxed.

 After breakfast the next morning, we got on the carriage heading to Sun Mansion.

My mother is now deep in the inner house and can no longer show up at will. I'm afraid she doesn't know the news of her return.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s not convenient for my mother to come out, she can just come to the door in person.

  After setting off from the mansion in the western suburbs, it took almost half an hour for the carriage to stop at the door of Sun's mansion.

Normally, a woman has to go to the side door. This is the rule in Xiliang that men are superior to women. But now Fan Qingyao holds the title of Crown Princess, and even if she is not married yet, she is qualified to go to the main door.

Ninghan accompanied the young lady up the steps and hurriedly knocked on the door.

 After a while, the heavy door was opened by the concierge.

The boy guarding the door leaned out half of his body and looked at the unfamiliar master and servant in front of him, "What do you do?"

Fan Qingyao looked at the boy and frowned slightly.

When her mother got married, she specially followed her around the Sun Mansion in order to let everyone in the Sun family know about her existence and the importance she attached to her mother, so that no one would look down on her.

 But Fan Qingyao was sure that she had never seen this concierge on the day of her mother's wedding.

Ninghan didn't have as good a memory as her own lady, so she said, "Our lady came to see Mrs. Sun."

The boy was stunned for a moment, and then he pointed disdainfully in the direction of the side door, "If you want to see people, go to the side door."

 Yuluo directly closed the door.

Ninghan was startled. When she came to her senses, she wanted to raise her hand and knock on the door again.

Fan Qingyao stopped him, "Let's go to the side door."

Seeing what her young lady said, Ninghan didn't dare to delay and accompanied her to the side door.

 As a result, when the side door opened, the boy who poked his head out was still unfamiliar to Fan Qingyao.

However, when the waiter at the back door heard that Fan Qingyao came to see his wife, he didn't have any embarrassment. He didn't even conduct an interrogation and just let him in.

Facing such laxity and casualness, Fan Qingyao felt that something was wrong.

 “You stay and wait for me.”

Mother is married after all, so the fewer people who know about the housework, the better. After Fan Qingyao left Ninghan behind, he walked into the depths of Sun Mansion alone.

There were indeed not many servants in the Sun family's mansion, but this time Fan Qingyao didn't meet anyone. When he finally entered the main courtyard where his mother was, it was still empty.

Stepping up the steps, as soon as I lifted the curtain, I smelled a strong smell of medicinal juice.

Fan Qingyao stood at the door and carefully identified it for a moment before he knew it was a prescription to soothe the nerves and nourish the fetus.

Although her mother never inherited her grandmother's legacy, she grew up learning medical skills from her grandmother. Now Fan Qingyao just smelled it and knew that only the Tao family knew how to prepare medicines.

“Cough cough cough… cough cough cough…”

 In the room, there were clear and shallow coughs that sounded intermittently.

Fan Qingyao stepped across the threshold and walked into the house following the sound. As soon as he walked around the archway with bead curtains, he saw the figure sitting on the bed.

Just looking at it from a distance, Fan Qingyao's heart began to sour as if he had swallowed a green plum.

 But the next second, she froze on the spot again.

 After not seeing her for a long time, my mother has gained a lot of weight, especially her belly, which is covered under the thin quilt, is as protruding as a ball.

Of course Fan Qingyao knows that such a belly is not just fat that can bulge like this.


Mother, is she pregnant?

It was Huayue Lian who was holding a teacup and trying to suppress the dry itching of her throat when she felt someone was looking at her.

Looking sideways in confusion, when he saw his daughter standing next to the bead curtain, with the sun shining on her back, her whole body shining but a lot less clear, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Huayue Lian trembled at the corners of her lips, but before she could make a sound, tears burst out of her eyes.

Fan Qingyao suppressed the bitterness in his heart, looked at his mother's belly and said, "My daughter is unfilial and cannot be by her side when my mother needs her. Fortunately, my daughter came back in time. I hope my mother won't blame her."

Huayue Lian could not hold back her tears again and again.

Her family's Yue Ya'er has superb medical skills and extraordinary intelligence. Which lady in the main city can compare with her?

With a daughter like this, if she is not in a hurry to make her proud, how can she be blamed?

Almost gritting her teeth to prevent herself from crying, Hua Yuelian stretched out her hand to Fan Qingyao, "Come on Yue Ya'er, come here and let me take a good look at you."

  She does not understand the affairs of government, but she also knows that the path her daughter has chosen is not easy.

Hua Yuelian's heart ached even more when she saw that there was no flesh on her palm-sized face.

"Why are you so thin? But the food in the palace is not to your liking? Or is there something uncomfortable in your body? Have you told your grandmother? What did your grandmother say? But has she checked your pulse?"

Faced with his mother's constant questioning, Fan Qingyao nodded and responded, "Don't worry, mother, it's just a bitter summer. When the heat is over, my daughter will naturally have an appetite, but my mother's stomach is a bit bigger." Month?”

Hua Yue Lian finally felt relieved when she saw that her daughter looked good. She looked down at her swollen belly and said softly, "It's only been six months, but now she knows how to make a fuss."

Fan Qingyao remembered that when she returned to the house, her grandfather and her grandfather never mentioned anything. "Do my grandfather and grandmother know about my mother's pregnancy?"

Hua Yuelian was stunned for a long time before she looked away from Fan Qingyao and said, "My mother hasn't had time to talk about your grandfather and grandmother yet. I plan to wait for a while before talking."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao frowned even more.

It is a good thing to import additional products, why should we deliberately hide it?

Obviously, Hua Yuelian didn't want Fan Qingyao to continue asking, so she grabbed Fan Qingyao's hand and gently placed it on her stomach.

Soon, the little thing in the belly started to feel restless.

 (End of this chapter)

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