The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 512: A major blood change in the Sun family

Chapter 512 The Sun Family’s Big Change

 Hua Yuelian asked Fan Qingyao to reach out, just to reassure her that she was doing well.

 Unexpectedly, the child in the belly really responded.

Huayue Lian felt sour and happy at the same time. Maybe this was the so-called blood connection.

As soon as I knew my sister was coming to visit, I couldn’t wait to say hello to her.

After gently stroking her belly a few more times, Huayue Lian's eyes became softer.

Don't worry, your mother will definitely give birth to you well and let you see your sister with your own eyes. Your sister is a very powerful person. As long as she is here, she can protect you well.

Hua Yuelian looked at her mother who was immersed in joy and couldn't extricate herself, and did not interrupt her.

Instead, he took this opportunity and carelessly touched his mother's wrist.

 The pulse is stable, fluent and smooth, which is a very stable happy pulse.

Just looking at his mother's wrist, which was more than a circle thicker, Fan Qingyao still frowned slightly.

 The fetus is in the sixth month when it is absorbing nutrients.

 At this time, women usually have a good appetite because the children in their belly are fighting for food.

 So generally the weight gain period for pregnant women is around July and August.

Looking at her mother's round face with slightly dark bags under her eyes, Fan Qingyao asked softly, "Mother, have you not slept well these days?"

The hand that was stroking her belly paused for a while, then Huayue Lian smiled and said, "I guess I haven't taken care of a child for a long time, so I'm not used to it."

Even now, Fan Qingyao could still smell the soothing smell mixed with the anti-fetal medicine in the house, but he did not suggest to prescribe medicine to his mother.

Just looking at his mother's rosy cheeks but sluggish eyes, Fan Qingyao still paid special attention.

"What kind of guests are coming to this mansion? My daughter has not met a single servant all the way here." This situation usually only occurs when guests come to the mansion, and they are very important guests.

Hua Yuelian smiled and said, "It's your uncle Sun's mother who came and said she wanted to stay here for a while."

Fan Qingyao remained silent and did not speak.

 Fan Qingyao did not have any good impression of this Mrs. Sun family.

Corruption, the city, just want to squeeze the benefits of squeezing from Sunfu.

How could a person like this who is addicted to calculations simply come to stay for a while?

Seeing her daughter's expression, Huayue Lian knew that she was worried about herself. She held her hand and said softly, "I have been lazy since I got pregnant. You also know that your uncle Sun is very busy on weekdays. , I can no longer let your Uncle Sun worry about the food and trivial matters in this house. Now that Mrs. Sun is here, I can feel more relaxed. "

Fan Qingyao looked at her mother and asked, "Mother, do you really feel relaxed?"

Hua Yuelian smiled and nodded, "This is natural. Besides, the child and I are not good, so what benefits can Mrs. Sun's wife get?"

This is quite true.

No matter how greedy Mrs. Sun is for money, she will never conflict with her mother.

But Fan Qingyao always felt that his mother was not really at ease. Otherwise, what would be the reason for the dark circles under her eyes?

Huayue Lian was afraid that her daughter would think too much, so she paused and said, "By the way, have you seen your grandmother since you returned home? Some time ago, I heard that your grandmother was in poor health, so I specially asked my grandmother to go back. It’s been more than a month since I took care of him.”

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao's heart tightened.

She has naturally seen her grandmother, and that is why she can be sure that except for a few strands of white hair on her temples, her grandmother is in good spirits.

With a complexion like that, even if you don’t need to diagnose your pulse, you will definitely not feel uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, even if something happened to my grandmother, she would never come to the Sun Mansion to tell my mother and let my mother worry with her.      The nanny who was with my mother at first was my mother’s married nanny.

 To put it bluntly, in this Sun Mansion, the only one who is my mother is the nanny.

Furthermore, if this matter really happened, my grandmother would never say a word about it.

 But from the beginning to the end, my grandmother and grandfather never even mentioned that their mother was pregnant.

 I'm afraid, I don't know at all.

Huayue Lian saw something was wrong with her daughter's expression, and was about to ask when footsteps suddenly sounded at the door.

A maid opened the curtain and entered the door. When she saw Fan Qingyao, the maid was obviously startled, "Who are you?"

Hua Yuelian hurriedly said, "This is my natal daughter, who came here specifically to visit me."

The maid said "Oh", then looked at Hua Yuelian and said, "The old lady asked me to inform Madam that she should go to the main hall and lunch is ready."

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao's heart became colder.

Even though he knew that his mother was pregnant, he still insisted on going to the main hall.

 Looking at this maid again, not only is she a faceless person, she also has no respect for her master inside or out.

“Go and tell Mrs. Sun that I want to stay and have dinner with my mother.” This time, Fan Qingyao spoke first without waiting for her mother to say anything.

 She wanted to take a closer look at what was going on in the Sun Mansion.

The maid seemed a little surprised when she heard that Fan Qingyao stayed without invitation. She nodded quickly and ran away.

Hua Yuelian looked at her daughter and said, "These servants were specially brought here by Mrs. Sun. They are all children of poor families in the countryside. It is natural that things are not doing well in some places. Yue Ya'er can rest assured that my mother will take good care of her." Take care of yourself and the baby in your belly.”

Fan Qingyao looked at his mother and smiled, winking playfully, "My daughter just wants to stay and have a meal with her, so how can my mother so cruelly push her away?"

Hua Yuelian felt helpless when she looked at her daughter who was pretending to be naughty in front of her.

Even though I know that she can’t stand her acting coquettishly the most, I still...

"That's all, if you want to stay, just stay." It's just a meal, and I don't think Crescent Moon will see anything.

Fan Qingyao could see her mother's cryptic look at a glance, but she didn't ask any further questions.

Some things would be clearer to her than to ask them, but to see them with her own eyes.

Reaching out to help his mother off the bed, Fan Qingyao pulled his mother to sit in front of the dressing table. He carefully combed the scattered hair around her mother's cheeks, and then knelt down to straighten her hair. He helped his mother out of the house with her clothes on.

Different from the last time when there was no one around, this time when Fan Qingyao accompanied his mother to the main hall, he could see servants and maids waiting on both sides of the road everywhere.

It's just that they didn't salute or say hello, they just looked at Fan Qingyao with wide eyes.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao sneered even more in his heart.

These slaves obviously didn't recognize her, including the maid who just came to deliver the message.

In just a short time, all these people came out to greet her.

 Obviously, what is being told.

 The sunshine at noon was strong and strong, and by the time Hua Yuelian walked to the main hall, she was already sweating profusely.

Fan Qingyao was carefully helping his mother up the steps when he heard a warm call from inside the door, "Oh my God! I just heard the servant said that I still don't believe it. No, I didn't expect that it was really the prince." Your Majesty is here!"

 (End of this chapter)

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