The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 513: It’s been a long time since the old lady of the Sun family

Chapter 513 The old lady of the Sun family has not seen her for a long time

Fan Qingyao didn't need to raise his head, he could tell who it was just by hearing the voice.

 So she didn't even mean to talk to her, and still supported her mother carefully.

When the two of them entered the main hall, Huayue Lian, who was covered in sweat, let out a long and weak breath.

Fan Qingyao helped his mother sit down at the round table before picking up the tea cup on the table.

 Putting it carefully to her mouth to test the temperature, she handed it to her mother, "Mother, take a sip of tea to relieve the heat."

Hua Yuelian felt sour and warm in her heart when she looked at her daughter who was obedient to her and took good care of her.

Forced to get rid of the flush in her eyes, she took the cup and drank it in one gulp.

The old lady of the Sun family on the side watched helplessly as Fan Qingyao supported Hua Yuelian and passed by her. From the beginning to the end, she never even glanced at her, and the smile that still hung on the old face was just like this. Somewhat stiff.

But soon, the old lady of the Sun family came over with a smile again, "Yue Lian, what's wrong with you? Don't you come here to eat on weekdays? Why do you look so weak today? I'm afraid the Crown Princess is here. Probably because of too much excitement.”

As the old lady of the Sun family spoke, she grabbed the fan lying nearby and fanned it vigorously.

The strong wind whipped up with unabashed force blew all the strands of Huayue Lian's hair onto her cheeks.

Huayue Lian, who was already sweating, trembled all over, looked up helplessly and smiled, "I'm not hot, so I won't bother the old lady."

"No trouble, no trouble. What you are carrying in your belly now is my precious grandson. With me here, I can't let you suffer any injustice." The old lady of the Sun family didn't listen to Hua Yuelian's obstruction at all. His fan fanned even harder.

 As a result, the fan was snatched away by another hand before I fanned it a few times.

The old lady of the Sun family turned around in surprise and saw Fan Qingyao placing the fan lightly on the chair beside her.

The old lady of the Sun family was a little unhappy when she saw this, "What do you mean, Princess?"

Fan Qingyao raised his head and asked, "Didn't the old lady of the Sun family hear my mother say that it's not necessary?"

When the old lady of the Sun family heard this, she just smiled and said, "What do I think it's about? The Crown Princess is proud of her body and her flesh is expensive, so she doesn't know these trivial things. But what Yue Lian is carrying now is my grandson. I Naturally, the baby is on fire. Looking at her sweating profusely, she must be very hot. Naturally, she needs to be fanned to feel more comfortable."

 As he said that, he just wanted to bend down to get the fan again.

Fan Qingyao knocked away the fan that the old lady of the Sun family was holding again, with dark eyes.

But before Fan Qingyao could say anything, Hua Yuelian smiled and said, "My body is thin during pregnancy, and what I fear most is the alternation of cold and heat. It would be bad if I really get the cold."

While Hua Yuelian spoke, she took Fan Qingyao's hand and blocked it behind her.

The old lady of the Sun family was obviously unhappy, but after hearing this, she could only say, "In our countryside, which woman does not work in the fields when she is pregnant, no matter how hot or cold it is, women in the city are delicate "

 Hua Yuelian is still smiling, "As a doctor, it's normal for Yue Ya'er to be anxious. In fact, she is worried about my health. This child naturally hopes that I can give birth to a healthy child for my husband."

Once the old lady of the Sun family heard about her grandson, her face finally softened.

Looking up at Fan Qingyao again, the old lady of the Sun family finally smiled and said, "I was reckless, don't blame the Crown Princess."

Although Fan Qingyao is not married yet, no one in the main city is allowed to address her as "Crown Princess" when mentioning the word "Fan Qingyao". Even if she relies on the fact that she is Sun Che's stepmother, she does not dare to really talk to Fan Qingyao. Qingyao was furious.

Fan Qingyao looked at the hypocritical smile of the old lady of the Sun family, and was too lazy to even deal with it.

If she remembers correctly, this old lady of the Sun family has a son of her own.

 Normally speaking, how could it be possible to take a stepson’s child so seriously?

However, her mother’s obstruction reminded her of something.

Now neither mother nor Sun Che can easily quarrel with the old lady of the Sun family. Once something happens between my mother and the old lady of the Sun family, the temper of the old lady of the Sun family will definitely make it known to the whole city.

By then, the black gauze hat on Sun Che's head was no longer stable.

 As a parent official, but you don’t get along well with your mother, how will you convince the public in the future?

Since my mother is a woman, she belongs to the Sun family. If there is a dispute with her mother-in-law, the reputation of Sun Che, the child in her belly, and her will be damaged.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't care, she didn't want to embarrass her mother.

At this moment, Sun Che, who was off duty, entered the door.

When he saw Fan Qingyao, Sun Che was also stunned, and then he smiled and said, "I just met Lord Zhang. I heard that the Crown Princess had returned to the main city. I thought he was looking for fun with me, but I didn't expect that little Qingyao was really back. "

Sun Che was talking to Fan Qingyao, but his eyes were looking for Hua Yuelian.

 The tenderness and attention in his eyes are self-evident.

Fan Qingyao saw that Sun Che was still as sincere as before, so he called out, "Uncle Sun."

Sun Che quickly raised his head and said, "But I can't help it. I will always salute you and say hello to you when we meet in the future."

The old lady of the Sun family said with a smile, "We are all a family, why bother saying these restrictive words that hurt the harmony? Come and sit down quickly, otherwise the food will be cold in a while."

As the old lady of the Sun family spoke, she invited everyone to sit around the round table.

Fan Qingyao naturally had to be next to his mother, and the one on the other side of her mother was Sun Che.

Normally, the old lady of the Sun family should be on the other side of Sun Che, but the old lady of the Sun family deliberately sat a little further away.

Fan Qingyao looked over calmly and saw an empty round stool between the old lady of the Sun family and Sun Che.

Three people, but four stools...

 It is clear that someone else is coming.

Just as Fan Qingyao was thinking, he heard a series of calls from far to near in the yard.

 “Cousin, cousin…”

  The sound arrives before the person arrives. Just listening to the sound is very clear and sweet.

Soon, an exquisite figure stepped through the door.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, she is as delicate as the flowers in the yard.

The pale pink dress is floor-length, her skin is a little dark, and she is not that outstanding in appearance, but she is young.

This woman's charm is very contagious. From the moment she walked in, the entire main hall seemed to have become lively.

 Even the servants in the yard showed fond smiles.

Sun Che and the old lady of the Sun family seemed to have adapted to the woman's presence. Except for Hua Yuelian who glanced at Fan Qingyao vaguely, everyone else was talking to the woman naturally.

 (End of this chapter)

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