The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 521: I also asked my grandmother to come out

Chapter 521: Invite grandma to come out

By the time Fan Qingyao knew about this, it was already the next morning.

“So, Sun Che didn’t drive away the old lady of the Sun family?” After Fan Qingyao washed up, he handed the soft handkerchief to Ning Han who was standing aside.

Ninghan also didn't expect that the old lady of the Sun family would go so far, but since the young lady didn't ask her, she just silently did what she was doing, and didn't dare to disturb the conversation between the young lady and her elder sister.

There was an impatient coldness in Ningtian's voice. He didn't even call the old lady of the Sun family, but directly changed his name and shouted, "That old godly woman of the Sun family is threatening her with death. Mr. Sun also puts filial piety first. That's why he doesn't." Continue to pursue the blame, but Master Sun slept with Madam last night.”

How to put it this way, Fan Qingyao was reasonable and unexpected about this news.

Yesterday she deliberately provoked Zhu Oriong, just to get the old lady of the Sun family to tell Zhu Oriong to cause trouble.

After all, Fan Qingyao knew how much the old lady of the Sun family weighed after fighting against her.

So Fan Qingyao was not surprised by what happened.

After all, she was the one who made it happen step by step.

However, Fan Qingyao was surprised by the strength of the old lady of the Sun family.

 The shameless spirit of being able to continue to live after being torn apart is truly commendable.

“Grandpa went to court?” Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan who didn’t dare to express his anger.

Ninghan took a deep breath, nodded and said, "During this period, I enter the palace very early and leave before dawn."

It's good that my grandfather is gone. If he doesn't let the old man know that his mother is being bullied, Sun Che may not even be able to save his life.

Fan Qingyao asked Ninghan to find a dress at random and left the yard.

She would rather let Sun Che see the truth with his own eyes and then deal with it quietly. Even if his anger is difficult to calm down, he should keep the matter to a minimum, just so as not to disrupt her mother's current stable life.

Sun Che acquiesced to the old lady of the Sun family staying because Sun Che himself had a pure and filial heart.

 This was what she wanted when she agreed to marry her mother.

 So Fan Qingyao does not blame Sun Che for this decision.

 But this old lady from the Sun family is different...

If you want to stay shamelessly, it depends on whether she has the ability.

At the main courtyard, Tao Yuxian had just finished breakfast when he saw Fan Qingyao entering the door.

The Hua family is a family of military commanders, and they never disdain the superficial skills of morning and evening, so when he saw his grandson daughter appearing in front of him so early, Tao Yuxian knew that something must have happened.

After sending everyone in the room out, Tao Yuxian waved to Fan Qingyao, "Little Qingyao, come and sit next to grandma."

Fan Qingyao walked over and sat down next to her grandmother obediently, "Have you been eating and sleeping well these days, grandma?"

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

How big a deal is this? Are you afraid of stimulating her to faint?

 Even if some people are close, they will be ignored as they get along with each other.

 But Xiao Qingyao is different. From the time he came back to the present, he has always treated her, the master, and even everyone in the Hua family with the same original intention.

Tao Yuxian has really saved a lot of worry since he recognized his granddaughter.

I don’t know how many times I was moved.

Just like now, just a simple sentence made her feel warm in her heart and sore in her chest, "Grandma's body knows very well that it is all old problems of old age, but it's you who came here so early in the morning, but What's important?"

Fan Qingyao thought for a moment and then carefully told what happened to his mother at Sun's house.

 I have omitted a lot of them, but only picked out some important ones, just to avoid irritating my grandmother.

After hearing this, Tao Yuxian's hands were trembling, "When did this happen?"

Fan Qingyao said softly, "Just yesterday, I wanted to go see my mother."

Tao Yuxian was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

 Let alone her daughter being bullied, she didn’t even know that her daughter was pregnant. Little Qingyao found out about this yesterday, but who knows how long her daughter has been wronged!

"What's going on with the Sun family now?" Tao Yuxian asked, suppressing his anger.

 Ever since marrying off their daughter, their Hua family has always been abiding by etiquette.

I never visited the door on weekdays, and I was afraid that everyone would think that the Hua family was holding Sun Che.

 The result was unexpected…

 “I heard that the Sun Mansion was very noisy yesterday.”

Since Fan Qingyao is here today, he has no intention of hiding anything from his grandmother.

 He even mentioned that Zhu Orong was caught by Sun Che and the old lady of the Sun family threatened her with death.

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 It’s really been a long time since we’ve seen each other.

She had heard at the beginning that Sun Che's stepmother was not a fuel-efficient person.

But she thought that her daughter didn't live with her stepmother anyway, so she didn't care much about it.

Now it seems that the old lady of the Sun family did not go too far in bullying others. She simply did not take the Hua family seriously!

"What are your plans?" Tao Yuxian looked at his granddaughter beside him. No matter what, the old lady of the Sun family would definitely not be able to stay. If Xiao Qingyao had no other choice, she wouldn't mind coming to the door in person.

Fan Qingyao thought for a while and said, "Uncle Sun acquiesced to letting the old lady of the Sun family stay because he was still worried about the shallow family ties between them. The granddaughter thought that if even the last trace of family ties were cut off, Uncle Sun would definitely be I’ll be tough.”

Hearing these words, Tao Yuxian knew that the child had already made up his mind.

  He nodded and motioned for her to continue.

“Grandma still remembers the grandma who married my mother together?”

“That grandma was chosen by me myself. She is mature and capable. How could I not remember it?”

Fan Qingyao paused before continuing, "Yesterday, my mother asked me and said that she heard that my grandfather and grandmother were not in good health, so she asked my grandma to come back and take care of me. However, in the past few days since my granddaughter came back, she has I’ve never seen that nanny.”

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 Let alone Xiao Qingyao, even she has never seen it, right?

 When his daughter gets married in the backyard, any news will naturally come from other people in the house.

 Obviously, someone deliberately spread the news and asked his daughter to send her away from her.

Now, this person is neither in the Sun Mansion nor the Hua Family, where else can he go?

 I'm afraid he might have died a long time ago!

"Okay, it's really good. Even the nuns of our Hua family dare to do such cruelty. She clearly wants to completely evade my daughter!" Tao Yuxian patted the armrest beside him, really giving it to her. Angry.

"Uncle Sun doesn't know about this yet. I originally wanted to tell Uncle Sun yesterday, but I forgot about it in the hurry. Now my granddaughter is thinking, it would be better for her grandmother to say this."

Tao Yuxian just didn't believe it. With Qingyao's calm temperament, he really had forgotten it.

I'm afraid I didn't say anything on purpose yesterday because she had been prepared to prevent things from getting into trouble and the old lady of the Sun family didn't want to leave.

 Now let her say it, the weight is naturally different.

As long as she slaps this slap on Sun Che's face, Sun Che will have to be cruel even if he doesn't want to be harsh.

“Aunt He, take my post to the Yamen and invite Mr. Sun to come over for lunch.”

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother who happily agreed, and smiled crookedly, "I thought my grandma would blame me for making my own decision, but now it seems that my grandson has a small belly."

Tao Yuxian sighed helplessly, "You kid, your mouth is still as sweet as when you were a kid."

 What is there to blame for being taken advantage of by your own grandson?

Besides, she also wanted to thank Xiao Qingyao for giving her the opportunity to slap her, otherwise she would have been really **** off.

 (End of this chapter)

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