Chapter 522 I always have to teach him a lesson

When Fan Qingyao returned to the courtyard, Peng Jing had already ordered people to send a lot of medicinal materials.

Fan Qingyao took a rough inventory. Although there was still some difference, most of the medicinal materials were ready.

This is enough, and it won’t be too late to find the rest slowly.

Taking advantage of the abundant sunshine outside, Fan Qingyao simply took Ninghan and Nanny Xu to dry the medicinal materials in the yard.

Ta Xue, who had eaten and drank enough, walked out slowly, looking at Fan Qingyao and letting out a soft cry of "Oooooo" with a guilty conscience.

Fan Qingyao knew that Ta Xue was about to return to the palace.

 Just knowing it, Fan Qingyao was completely unmoved by Texue's call.

Taxue stood in the yard and screamed for half an hour, and finally left with a hoarse voice and a drooped head.

Ninghan looked at Taxue distressedly, but remained silent and did not dare to say anything.

It was also the first time that she saw the young lady looking so angry, and she felt very unsure.

 In fact, if we talk about being angry, Fan Qingyao's temperament is not that big.

 But if I don’t teach someone a lesson this time, I’m afraid something like this will happen again in the future.

 So in order to prevent further troubles, Fan Qingyao naturally wanted to take this opportunity to completely nip someone's little thoughts in the cradle.

 At noon, there was movement from the main entrance.

 Sure enough, it was Sun Che who came.

  In other words, it is true that Sun Che did not dare not to come.

 The name of the Tao family medical girl is famous even in the main city.

Even though Tao Yuxian is now a wife and a mother, she cannot be underestimated by anyone.

As soon as Sun Che entered the door, he knelt in front of Tao Yuxian and bowed heavily, "What happened to Yue Lian was caused by the son-in-law's negligence. The son-in-law is ashamed of the promise he made to his father-in-law, and he is even more ashamed of his mother-in-law. No matter what, my mother-in-law He scolded his son-in-law, but he was willing to listen attentively. He only asked his mother-in-law not to take Lian back to the Hua family, and begged her to give her son-in-law another chance. "

Sun Che didn't sleep all night last night. He expected to wait for Yue Lian's mood to calm down a little, and then go to the door in person to apologize, but he didn't expect to receive a post from his mother-in-law today.

Tao Yuxian looked at Sun Che kneeling on the ground and was very pleased. At least he knew he was wrong and was willing to change it.

"Since Yue Lian is married to you, she is your wife and will grow old together with you. What should you do if the news spreads like this? As a parent, you have to do your own housework. Can’t handle it well?”

Sun Che didn’t expect that at this time, the old lady of the Hua family would still think about him, and she felt even more guilty.

"I asked you to come today. I'm just curious about one thing. I heard that kid from Xiao Qingyao said that when Yue Lian learned that the master and I were not in good health, he sent the nuns around him back, but I pride myself on Both my husband and I are still in good health, so there is no need to **** someone away from my daughter to take care of her.”

When Tao Yuxian said this, his tone became a little more intense, "Besides, that grandma has never come back."

Sun Che was really shocked when he heard this.

He certainly had no reason to doubt his mother-in-law's words, because he knew that her mother-in-law would not deceive him.

That nanny has always been with my wife. If she really came back, how come my mother-in-law didn’t know about my wife’s situation for so long?

Then he thought about how his stepmother had repeatedly whispered in his ears that the grandma would never come back as soon as she left. She had a wild personality, so it would be better not to let her come back...

If Sun Che can't even figure this out, his life will really be in vain!

Tao Yuxian looked at the stiff Sun Che and said, "Our Hua family never bullies others, but we will never allow others to bully us. I can make peace with this matter, but it will never happen a second time. When I come to visit you in person, Master Sun, don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Sun Che couldn't think of anything else to say when he heard this title.

Tao Yuxian looked at Aunt He beside him again and said, "Go and call Aunt General and ask her to take care of Yue Lian."

 Grandma He nodded, turned around and walked out.

When Fan Qingyao learned that Nanny was going to be sent to her mother, she specifically asked Nanny Xu to kidnap her.

 After a long while, Grandma Jiang walked out of Fan Qingyao's yard.

Aunt He asked curiously, "What did Miss Foreigner tell you?" Aunt He touched her chest with a look of shock on her face, "I didn't expect Miss Foreigner to be so powerful."

 Aunt He, “…”

Where are all these things?

 When Grandma stood in the yard, Sun Che kowtowed heavily to his mother-in-law, got up and left.

Aunt He looked at Sun Che's back and said worriedly, "I don't know if my uncle can be soft-hearted anymore."

Tao Yuxian put down the tea cup in his hand, "Slap him in the face, it's already out of his turn to be soft-hearted."

This is true. Even after Sun Che got on the carriage, his face was still burning with pain.

He originally thought that he kept his stepmother out of filial piety, but his mother-in-law told him with facts that his so-called filial piety was nothing more than helping others to do evil.

Today his stepmother dared to kill someone behind his back, but what about tomorrow?

Sun Che didn’t dare to think about it.

 So the only way now is to cut through the mess quickly.

When Sun Che returned to the mansion, the Sun family was gathered in the front hall waiting for dinner.

The old lady of the Sun family and Zhu Lirong were sitting together, talking and laughing, completely treating Hua Yuelian as a transparent person.

Huayue Lian didn't have much fluctuation, sitting quietly on the chair.

Sun Che brought his grandma in at this time. When he saw his neglected wife, the anger in his heart became even stronger.

The old lady of the Sun family saw that her stepson had a bad look on his face, so she secretly winked at Zhu Lirong.

Zhu Lirong quickly stood up and walked to Sun Che's side, "Why did my cousin come back just now? Come sit down and eat. My cousin will definitely like the pheasant mushrooms I specially stewed for lunch today..."

As Zhu Lirong spoke, her hand naturally went to Sun Che's arm.

As a result, before he could touch Sun Che's arm, he was slapped down by Grandma Jiang.

Zhu Lirong screamed in pain and her face changed.

The old lady of the Sun family stood up in shock and shouted, "Who are you, running wild in my Sun family!"

Although Aunt Jiang was a latecomer to the Hua family, she was taught by Aunt He herself.

Yesterday, she was called to the old lady and heard about the young lady. Now, facing the old lady of the Sun family who raised her eyebrows and stared, not only was she not afraid at all, but she walked steadily to her young lady's side step by step.

Carefully protecting the young lady behind him, he looked at the old lady of the Sun family, "Our young lady was married by a matchmaker. Even if we have to argue, our young lady is the mistress of this mansion. I heard this My uncle’s mother has passed away a long time ago, what kind of old pious woman are you, how dare you make such nonsense here!”

 The old lady of the Sun family was furious.

 Finally dealt with a difficult grandma, but now another one comes!

“I am Sun Che’s stepmother. Who in this house doesn’t want to respect me?”

“It turns out that she is a stepmother. My uncle is filial and keeps his stepmother by his side to take care of her. But my stepmother is my stepmother. If I can’t even straighten my identity, I’m afraid I’m not as sensible as a street beggar!”



Sun Che suddenly roared, causing the noisy main hall to instantly regain its calm.

Zhu Lirong saw that something was wrong, so she wanted to persuade her cousin, "Cousin..."

But this time, Sun Che didn't want to give her another chance. "The Hua family has sent people here again. If you want to come to Yue Lian, you don't have to worry about your stepmother anymore. I have ordered people to prepare the carriage. Cousin Li Rong remembers to be there." It’s good to take care of your stepmother on the road.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Che turned around and left.

 The remaining old lady of the Sun family and Zhu Orong looked at each other, completely confused.

 (End of this chapter)

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