Chapter 537 Assassins in broad daylight

 This voice successfully diverted the emperor's attention back.

Emperor Yongchang looked at the pale Concubine Yu and asked worriedly, "What's going on?"

Concubine Yu stroked her forehead and said in a weak voice, "It seems that the sun is too big, which makes the emperor disappointed. It's my concubine's fault."

 Fan Qingyao is really convinced.

Concubine Yu is Concubine Yu, she can always control the emperor's heart.

Sure enough, Emperor Yongchang said, "There is a pavilion in front of us. Let's go there to rest."

 What can other people say when they see this? Naturally, they will follow suit.

Queen Zhen Xi turned to Bai He and asked the palace people to prepare some fresh fruits. Then she looked at Fan Qingyao and said with a smile, "You guys should come and sit with us to cool off the heat."

Before Fan Qingyao could speak, Prince Zhenyi smiled sweetly and said, "This is to disturb the Queen of Xiliang."

Queen Zhenxi really liked the Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom. It was rare for her to smile so lovingly. She even took the initiative to hold the hand of the Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom and said, "The Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom has such a sweet mouth. I would be satisfied if I could be half as well-behaved and sensible as you.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

  Why does this sound more and more wrong the more I say it?

The pavilion is on the other side of the lake, so everyone can only walk back together.

As a result, just as everyone turned around, they suddenly saw two men in black falling quickly from the nearby treetops.

Pan Defei made a sound for the first time, "Assassin! There is an assassin!"

  This voice shouted, and the whole crowd was thrown into chaos.

Because he was in the palace, there were not many guards following him, and there was no personal protection.

Bai Tu, who was following in the distance, saw something was wrong here and hurriedly led people to run here.

The prince of Zhenyi Kingdom was young after all, and had never experienced such a scene. Seeing the two men in black rushing towards him, his little face turned pale.

Emperor Yongchang also kept retreating without realizing it. At this moment, there was no one else in his eyes. He allowed the concubines around him to yell and he just hid himself in the crowd.

Seeing this, Queen Zhen Xi wanted to push this extremely selfish man out to block the knife.

But her reason made her still shout, "Escort me! Hurry and **** me!"

Nowadays, there are many parties in the court, and the third prince is still jumping up and down with joy. Even if this man wants to die, he will have to wait until the overall situation is determined.

Empress Zhen Xi acted much faster than she thought. While calling for someone to **** her, she took a few steps forward and stood in front of the emperor.

Of course, Fan Qingyao couldn't just watch the Empress risk herself. She protected the Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom by her side, and then stepped forward to block the Empress.

As the two men in black got closer, the crowd became a mess.

Fortunately, Bai Tu and his guards arrived in time. Before the two men in black could take action, the guards surrounded them.

Bai Tu quickly supported the emperor and walked quickly towards the pavilion in the distance.

 The crowd followed closely behind.

The shock is still lingering, and everyone’s faces don’t look very good.

Fan Qingyao still held the little hand of the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom with one hand, and supported the queen with the other hand, and followed the team.

Empress Zhen Xi thought about Fan Qingyao's actions just now, and was both pleased and worried. "Why do you have to be so aggressive, kid? Fortunately, the guards arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Feng Ming is still in the palace now. If something happens to Xiao Qingyao under her nose, how will she explain it to her son?

Fan Qingyao said softly, "The situation was urgent just now. My daughter-in-law only hopes that her mother will be safe."

Queen Zhen Xi held Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "Next time if something like this happens again, you must not act out of anger. I am a person who is half buried in the dust. There is a difference between living one more day and living one less day." What's the difference? You and Feng Ming still have a long way to go. As long as you are good, I will die in peace."Fan Qingyao became serious, "Mother, you must not say such unlucky words."

 Empress Zhen Xi was stunned when she was scolded.

 Ever since she took the back seat, she hasn’t been scolded by anyone for who knows how many years.

 But looking at Fan Qingyao's tense little face, she couldn't blame him no matter what.

 It's Fengming's good luck that he found a good wife.

 She was even more convinced that she could have such a daughter-in-law.

Fan Qingyao was talking to the Queen when he felt that the little hand holding him was shaking violently.

 He lowered his eyes slightly and saw that the little face of the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom was still white and it made people feel distressed.

It happened that Lily came over at this time, and Fan Qingyao handed the queen to Lily, and squatted down while everyone was walking into the pavilion.

Looking at the transparent face in front of him, Fan Qingyao asked softly, "Is the Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom still afraid? What happened today was my negligence. I will personally apologize to the Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom later. ”

No matter who happened today, it was her responsibility to put the prince of Zhenyi in danger.

Moreover, the Zhenyi Kingdom is a hot spot, and Baili Rongze is still staring at it eagerly.

Fan Qingyao certainly would not give Baili Rongze an opportunity.

 A small hand covered with sweat gently touched Fan Qingyao's face.

When Fan Qingyao came to his senses, he saw the Crown Prince of Zhenyi looking at her quietly, his eyes wet.

"From the time I can remember, except for the emperor's uncle who treated me kindly, no one could care about my safety and do this for me. Sister Crown Princess, you are really like my mother..."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 It turns out that this child is so scared that he misses his mother.

Holding the restless little hand on his face, Fan Qingyao coaxed softly, "So, the Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom must be healthy and strong. Only those who grow up strong will be the ones who grow up strong. As long as the Crown Prince of Zhenyi Kingdom lives well, , the queen mother of the Crown Prince of Zhenyi still shows a beautiful smile no matter how far away she is."

The crown prince of Zhenyi Kingdom moved his lips, "Really?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Of course it is true. All mothers hope that their children will be well."

The prince of Zhenyi Kingdom seemed to have taken in what Fan Qingyao said, and his smiling face finally turned a little brighter.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Coaxing children is really hard work.

 “Blood? Where did the blood come from?”

 In the pavilion, I suddenly remembered the scream.

Fan Qingyao heard something was wrong in the voice and quickly stood up to block the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom behind him.

 At this time, the people in the pavilion were in chaos again.

Soon, I saw someone falling down.

Fan Qingyao stood far away and could not see very clearly.

Fortunately, Queen Zhenxi’s voice rang out very loudly, “What’s wrong with Concubine Yu?”

 (End of this chapter)

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