Chapter 538 Concubine Yu is injured

As soon as Fan Qingyao heard the word "Concubine Yu", he looked at her carefully again.

As a result, he saw Concubine Yu lying on the stone bench of the pavilion, with blood oozing out of her chest.

Concubine Yu is injured?

How can it be!

  Not only Fan Qingyao was shocked, but also everyone in the pavilion was taken aback.

Emperor Yongchang looked at Concubine Yu in shock and couldn't recover for a long time.

 Isn’t everything fine just now?


Liu Renfei suddenly knelt on the ground, looked at the emperor and cried, "Your Majesty, when the assassins started making trouble, I saw with my own eyes that the two assassins were going to harm the emperor. It was Concubine Yu who was worried about the emperor's dragon body, so she promptly Standing behind the emperor..."

 Concubine Zhang Shu frowned, "If I remember correctly, the guards arrived in time, and those assassins had no chance to get close to the emperor, right?"

Concubine Pan De said, "Now that Concubine Yu's injuries are so obvious, can't Concubine Zhang Shu not see her?"

Concubine Zhang Shu looked at the empress beside her, her brows furrowed tightly.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Yu's weak breathing, and quickly looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Yu's injury seems to be serious. You always have to find someone to come and take a look first!"

Emperor Yongchang came to his senses instantly and shouted, "Imperial Physician! Send the Imperial Physician to you quickly!"

When the palace attendants outside the pavilion heard this, they hurriedly ran towards the imperial hospital.

It’s just from the back garden to the Taiyuan Hospital, which is not too close, and then there are times...

Fan Qingyao walked into the pavilion at this time. He first handed over the crown prince of Zhenyi Kingdom to the care of the empress, then walked into the crowd and introduced himself to the emperor, "I'm afraid it will take some time for the imperial doctor to arrive. If the emperor believes it, Daughter-in-law, why don’t you show your daughter-in-law to Concubine Yu first?”

Emperor Yongchang naturally believed in Fan Qingyao's medical skills, "Quick, go and have a look."

Seeing that the emperor said this, Concubine Pan De, who was surrounding Concubine Yu, could only give way.

Fan Qingyao squatted beside Concubine Yu, carefully checked the injuries on her body, and her eyes darkened.

When she turned around again, she looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, although the wound on Concubine Yu's body is deep, it is not close to the heart. She only needs to wait for the imperial doctor to come and apply medicine to bandage it, and rest for a period of time before she can recover."

Emperor Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

When Fan Qingyao raised his eyes, he inadvertently looked at the Queen.

By chance, Queen Zhenxi was also looking at her.

With their eyes facing each other, Queen Zhen Xi unconsciously tightened the handkerchief in her hand.

Concubine Yu was injured under the emperor's nose, and Xiao Qingyao could not stand idly by no matter what.

In this way, Xiao Qingyao was able to take a good look at Concubine Yu's injuries.

If the imperial doctor said that Concubine Yu was really injured, Queen Zhenxi would naturally not believe it.

 But since Xiao Qingyao said so, Queen Zhenxi no longer had any possibility of doubting her.

With Xiao Qingyao’s medical skills, how could the real injury or fake injury escape her eyes?

Concubine Pan De looked at the pale Concubine Yu and cried anxiously, "Concubine Yu, you must not let anything happen to you. If something happens to you, what will the third prince do?"

 Zhang Shufei looked at Concubine Pan De's big tears and felt sick in her heart.

The person is not dead yet, how can he cry like this?

They are all concubines in the harem. Everyone knows who Concubine Pan De is crying for.

Sure enough, Emperor Yongchang's eyes became softer and softer when he looked at Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu raised her arms tremblingly, trying to grab the emperor's sleeve, but she tried several times but failed. Emperor Yongchang simply stood up and sat on Concubine Yu, half-hugging her cautiously, "The imperial doctor will be here in a while, so don't move around."

Concubine Yu shed tears as she listened to the emperor's coaxing, "I am the one who deserves to die. I have made the emperor worried. I originally wanted to stick to Yue Yu Palace, so that I would not disturb the emperor. Yes." , it’s my concubine who failed to live up to expectations, and couldn’t hold on after all..."

Emperor Yongchang felt even more distressed after hearing this, "Nonsense, how could such a big thing be hidden? Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If you were really allowed to endure it secretly, you don't know what would happen."

Emperor Yongchang was clearly scolding, but there was no dignity at all.

Concubine Yu cried and laughed when she heard these words.

Fan Qingyao listened carefully to Concubine Yu's words, but actually didn't believe it at all.

In her last life, when she was still the daughter-in-law of Concubine Yu, she had seen Concubine Yu fussing over the slightest bump.

A person who even bumps his arm slightly will call the imperial doctor to come and take a look.

How is it possible now that we can really endure the wounds and walk all the way?

 However, the injuries on Concubine Yu’s body were indeed real.

 That’s why Fan Qingyao is very confused.

It clearly feels like something is wrong, but I just can’t put it into words.

Just at this time, Bai Tu came back with his men, walked to the emperor, and said softly, "Your Majesty, those two assassins are Deadpools. Once they were caught, they both bit out the poison in their mouths, and the two men had both hands. The palm lines have been smoothed with special tools, and even the facial features have been burned away with potions. "

The palace wants to trace people. First, it compares fingerprints to see if there are criminal records in various officials.

 The second is to rely on facial recognition to offer rewards and to make wanted searches throughout the country.

 But it turned out that these two people did not possess these two points at all.

Emperor Yongchang didn't expect it to be like this, but everyone was dead and he couldn't do anything else.

"Let people carry Concubine Yu back to Yueyu Palace first, and then let the imperial doctor go directly to diagnose and treat her." Emperor Yongchang said, and he also got up and went together.

As soon as the emperor left, everyone dispersed with him.

Even if Fan Qingyao had a thousand reasons in his heart, he still had to send the prince of Zhenyi back first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Fan Qingyao and the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom came out of the back garden, he saw the entourage of Zhenyi Kingdom walking towards him.

When he saw Fan Qingyao, the attendants bowed respectfully and said, "The Crown Princess of Xiliang will hand over His Royal Highness to us."

Fan Qingyao looked at the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom beside him, and when he saw him nodding, he let go of his hand with relief.

I have to say that it was a great help to her that the attendants from Zhenyi Kingdom were able to come forward on their own initiative at this time.

"I will personally apologize to the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom for what happened today." Since the prince of the Zhenyi Kingdom was frightened, she had an unshirkable responsibility.

The two attendants said, "Our prince has said that the Crown Princess of Xiliang should be busy with the matters at hand first. As for small things like apologies, it will not be too late to talk about it later when we have the opportunity."

Fan Qingyao was really surprised when he heard this.

She was still thinking of explaining this matter to the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, but it turned out that they already knew about it.

She even thought that she was going to visit the Queen, so she sent someone to pick up the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom in advance.

Fan Qingyao knew how powerful the regent of Zhenyi was, but this was the royal palace of Xiliang. Not only could the regent of Zhenyi be able to grasp the news as soon as possible, but he could also help her come up with a solution.

This regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom…

 It’s indeed a good idea.

It's just that now is not the time to feel emotional. After Fan Qingyao handed over the crown prince of Zhenyi Kingdom to his attendants, he turned around and hurried towards Fengyi Palace.

 (End of this chapter)

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