Chapter 539: Stab yourself with a knife

 In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi, who knew that Fan Qingyao would come, had been waiting early in the morning.

Fan Qingyao followed Lily into the bedroom, and saw Queen Zhen Xi waving her hand to stop her from being polite, "Come here and talk."

Fan Qingyao took a few steps forward and was pulled by Queen Zhenxi to sit next to him.

 In her palace, Queen Zhenxi spoke cheerfully, "What do you think of today's events?"

Fan Qingyao knew that the Empress also had doubts in her heart, so she said, "The two assassins not only entered the palace with ease, but they were also able to accurately find the emperor's whereabouts... They are so lucky."

This is the royal palace in the main city of Xiliang. The people who live in it are either the emperor or the queen or concubines.

If the guards of the palace are really loose, the palace may not be able to rest for a moment.

After hearing this, Queen Zhen Xi nodded and said, "It is indeed very strange, and I always feel that there is something very wrong with those two assassins."

If it was really an assassination, we would have to do our best.

 Empress Zhen Xi has seen some storms in the years she has been with the emperor.

That's it. Compared with the assassins that Queen Zhen Xi had seen before, these two seemed more like they were just having fun.

Especially when he sees the guards, he turns around and runs away.

Didn’t they expect that when they entered the palace, the palace was full of guards?

Fan Qingyao calmed down and said again, "And my daughter-in-law dares to conclude that Concubine Yu's injury was not caused at that time."

Queen Zhen Xi was stunned, "Are you sure?"

"The daughter-in-law did not dare to lie in front of her mother. She was panicked when she met the assassin. However, the daughter-in-law has always been sensitive to blood. If Concubine Yu was injured at that time, even if Concubine Yu wanted to hide it from everyone, she could not hide it from her daughter-in-law. Nose, moreover, Concubine Yu’s daughter-in-law has also carefully examined the injury, and the wound is more likely to be caused by herself. "

 They are all injured by sharp objects, but the wounds appear different due to the force and direction.

Fan Qingyao looked at Concubine Yu's wound carefully at that time. It was deep on the outside and shallow on the inside. It was obvious that she had used force when she first penetrated the wound, and then released the force little by little.

But if it was really an assassin who was clearly here to kill people, how could he hold back his strength?

When Queen Zhen Xi heard this, she still didn't understand. "Concubine Yu is a good trick. For the future of the third prince, she even dared to stab herself with a knife."

Fan Qingyao was calm. She knew that Concubine Yu was ruthless before.

 Otherwise, she would not be able to sit in the position of empress dowager in the future.

I just didn’t expect Concubine Liu Ren to speak for Concubine Yu.

The eldest prince was demoted to a commoner a few days ago. In the emperor's heart, Concubine Liu Ren was at odds with Concubine Yu. So now when Concubine Liu Ren took the initiative to speak, the emperor didn't even think about it. He just believed Concubine Yu's injury. .

 After all, no one can continue to speak for the murderer who harmed his son.

 But Liu Renfei just did it.

Fan Qingyao could only sigh that Concubine Yu was so good at how she could still let the female donkey continue to bray for him after killing the donkey.

In this way, it seems to make sense that the eldest prince can help the third prince carry everything.

"Concubine Yu is so desperate. I know exactly what she wants to do. It's just a pity that there is no news about the people sent out to find rare and exotic animals. Otherwise, let alone Concubine Yu stabbing her body, Concubine Yu will kill the three of them. The prince was also stabbed to death, and I have a way to deal with her. "

 Empress Zhenxi sighed unwillingly.

 But there are many things that even if you don’t give in, you still can’t do it.

Fan Qingyao looked at the Queen's tired face and comforted her softly, "Mother, there is no need to worry too much. What Concubine Yu wants to do is Concubine Yu's business, but what she wants to do depends on the Emperor."

If the emperor really didn’t care about anything and did something that stepped on her bottom line...

 It won’t be too late to tell you then.

Queen Zhenxi nodded, "I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the palace these days. You just go into the palace to see the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom every day. As long as you get close to the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom, the third prince will be there." If you want to find a chance to meet the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, you have to think carefully. "

Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen was telling her not to relax in the Zhenyi Kingdom.

 After all, for any prince now, the Zhenyi Kingdom is just a piece of fat.

As long as the third prince does not get the support of the Zhenyi Kingdom, no matter how Concubine Yu tries, it will only be a small fuss. “Mother, don’t worry, your daughter-in-law knows.”

Queen Zhen Xi chuckled softly, "Good child, you should go back and rest. By the way, the third prince and the sixth prince are about to take concubines. I heard that you have a good relationship with the sixth prince's concubine. I would like to go and have a look when you have time. good."

Fan Qingyao was startled, remembering the last time the sixth prince said he wanted to take a concubine.

Queen Zhen Xi only thought that Fan Qingyao was shocked by the news, and then paused and said, "I am the one who sent people from the Zhou family to plead with you. Do you still remember the young lady from the Zhang family? She is the one. Since I have no chance of marrying a grandson of the Zhou family, it would be a good idea to marry a grandson of the Zhou family.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 It’s that Zhang Yilan again!

Fan Qingyao really didn’t expect that after going round and round, Zhang Yilan came back again.

 But since the Empress has nodded to this marriage, she can't really tell the Empress now that Zhang Yilan has evil intentions. You'd better tell her to go back to where she came from.

Thinking about Han Jingchen’s sentimentality last time...

 I’m afraid that’s why!

With something on his mind, Fan Qingyao couldn't sit still, so he stood up and said goodbye.

The palace was empty. Queen Zhen Xi looked at Lily and said, "But have you found out which family the third prince's concubine is from?"

Lily shook her head, "This concubine is well protected, and no clues have been found yet."

 “Then keep checking.”

 The more tightly something is covered, the more fishy it is.

 Empress Zhen Xi didn’t believe that Concubine Yu was so casual in choosing a concubine for the third prince.

Fan Qingyao left the palace and went straight to the sixth prince's residence.

Facing the sudden arrival of the Crown Princess, everyone in the Sixth Prince's mansion was shocked.

Han Jingchen was startled when she heard that Fan Qingyao was coming, and hurriedly directed the people around her to go to the front yard to greet him.

Fan Qingyao followed the maid all the way to the backyard, and when he entered the main courtyard,

It was Han Jingchen who was in a daze in the room. When she saw Fan Qingyao entering the door, she quickly stood up with a smile and said, "Why are you here? But what good news came from Tong?"

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen's forced smile and really wanted to punch her, "It's already this time, how can you still laugh?"

Hearing Fan Qingyao's tone, Han Jingchen's smile froze, "What do you know?"

Fan Qingyao sighed, "I know everything I need to know."

 Han Jingchen, “…”

 The smile on his face completely collapsed.

 In fact, the forced smiles during this period of time have drained all of Han Jingchen's energy. Now that she really doesn't need to hide anything anymore, she actually feels a lot more relaxed.

How can Fan Qingyao not feel uncomfortable when he sees Han Jingchen like this?

Zhang Yi was originally going to marry Zhou Renjian, but it was she who beat Zhou Renjian to Mu Yan's side.

Although it was Zhang Yilan who had ulterior motives, but without her intervention...

How could it be Han Jingchen’s turn to bear all this today!

"This matter is the mother's decision. If you want to cancel the marriage of the Zhang family, you have to come forward. Although the mother will not be easy to talk to, don't worry, I will always let the mother nod."

The Empress wanted Zhang Yilan to marry someone close to Baili Fengming, for the sake of the Zhang family's power.

But if the Queen Empress learns that Zhang Yilan actually wants to crawl to Baili Fengming's side, even if the Zhang family is really a piece of fat, the Queen Empress must be worried.

In this case, the Queen Empress must choose between herself and Zhang Yilan.

 Compared with Zhang Yilan, Fan Qingyao is naturally more confident.

 Just how to let the Queen see Zhang Yilan's true face, we still need to think carefully.

Fan Qingyao calmed down, looked at Han Jingchen and said, "Jingchen, just leave this matter to me."

Han Jingchen was really touched when she saw how anxious Fan Qingyao was for her. However, after being silent for a long time, she suddenly said, "Qingyao, it was actually me who agreed to let the Sixth Prince take a concubine."

 (End of this chapter)

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