Chapter 555 It’s worth giving everything

Soon, rumors spread in the palace that Concubine Yu was seriously ill, and the emperor refused to leave her.

When Fan Qingyao heard the news, he could not help but sneer.

It's just a scratch on the chest. Why did he become seriously ill?

 To put it bluntly, it was just Concubine Yu's way of trying to control the emperor.

It’s just that the Queen has not expressed her position now, and it is difficult for Fan Qingyao to intervene.

Even if you are a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, you cannot overstep your bounds.

 “You, how can you lick me?”

An exclamation was heard, and Fan Qingyao followed the sound and saw the little dumpling from Zhenyi country staring at Chiwu who had sneaked over.

It turned out that Chiwu was having fun and licked the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom.

"Even if there is no difference between men and women, you can't have too many illusions about me. There will definitely be no good results if we are humans and animals in different ways." The prince of Zhenyi Kingdom touched Chiwu's head and taught him earnestly. , full of appearance as a little adult.

Chiwu, on the other hand, had a pair of innocent eyes open, obviously not knowing what sutra this little dumpling was reciting.

Fan Qingyao couldn't do anything but smile helplessly as he looked at this man and an animal with a donkey's head and a horse's mouth.

Chiwu's sense of smell is extraordinary. I don't know when, but he often followed the scent of the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom to find him. Even Fan Qingyao didn't know about it.

Today, Fan Qingyao discovered this 'adultery' when he left something behind and came back when he was treating the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom.

However, what Fan Qingyao didn't expect was that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom had already known about Chiwu's existence.

It seems that the condition of the crown prince of Zhenyi Kingdom is gradually recovering, so the regent is not willing to quarrel over trivial matters.

Since the regent turned a blind eye, Fan Qingyao would not take the initiative to be a bad person.

However, looking at Chi Wu's lonely look, Fan Qingyao also quietly reflected on himself, and when Ta Xue came back tonight, he would let Ta Xue come into the palace to see Chi Wu.

 In mid-September, news came that Su Shaoxi had returned to the main city.

Fan Qingyao originally wanted to meet Su Shaoxi, but he didn't expect to receive a message from the Su family before she came to the door.

  Mrs. Su’s complexion was good. Taking advantage of the good sunshine at noon, she and her servants were drying books in the yard.

  It was Su Shaoxi who was accompanying Mrs. Su's family. When she saw Fan Qingyao entering the courtyard, she directly invited him into the pavilion.

Fan Qingyao was thinking about what was on his mind, and without being polite to Su Shaoxi, he just asked, "I wonder if the young master of the Su family has ever heard of Lingxue Pills?"

Su Shaoxi frowned, "What is that?"

Fan Qingyao thought for a while and then said, "How much does the young master of the Su family know about those rare and rare beasts in the ice wilderness and snowy fields?"

Su Shaoxi looked at Fan Qingyao and was speechless for a long time, "Isn't the Crown Princess kidding?"

If the person sitting in front of him was not someone who had climbed all the way to the top and was about to become the Crown Princess, he really thought that the person who asked this question had some IQ problem.

Fan Qingyao said, "The matter is so important, how can it be trivial."

Su Shaoxi thought about it carefully and then said, "There are many things in the world about those rare and exotic beasts in the ice wilderness, but no one has seen those so-called rare and exotic beasts in these years. I'm sorry. Su has little knowledge and has never seen anything since the Su family took charge of freight."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao frowned.

The Su family is in charge of freight transportation in the main city, and there are Su family shops all over Xiliang.

But even the Su family, who has access to Xiliang, has never seen the rare and rare animals in the ice wilderness. What does it mean?

 A very bad premonition is boiling in my heart.

Su Shaoxi saw that Fan Qingyao was unhappy, so he asked again, "But what happened in the main city?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head. Since Su Shaoxi didn't know about it, there was no need to get involved.

No matter how weird this thing is, the less you know, the safer it is.

Seeing that Fan Qingyao didn't say anything, Su Shaoxi wisely stopped asking and took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

Fan Qingyao took it and opened it, a smile gradually appeared on his face. Tianyu's shop in Youzhou made a lot of money, and she even guaranteed in her letter that she would cover all her uncles' future rations.

Fan Qingyao had no choice but to send Tianyu to Youzhou.

 Unexpectedly, that girl is becoming more and more prosperous in Youzhou now.

That's fine, the main city is not peaceful, and it is better for Tianyu to stay in Youzhou than in the main city.

However, Tianyu mentioned in the letter that he wanted to buy a house deed in a city near Youzhou and continue to open a shop.

"What do you mean?" Su Shaoxi asked when she saw Fan Qingyao closing the letter.

Fan Qingyao said, "I think it's feasible."

Su Shaoxi looked at Fan Qingyao with a calm expression, "House deeds in the cities near Youzhou are already expensive. If you follow your sister's idea, you will have to open a Hua family shop all the way north. Although the purpose of opening a business is to Transfer money, but have you ever thought that you are putting all your family wealth on the prince?"

Even if Fan Qingyao hadn't said it, Su Shaoxi could have guessed that Fan Qingyao's step-by-step progress was basically raising money for the prince to pave the way for power.

Now when our love is strong, we don’t distinguish between you and me.

 But once the prince becomes the emperor and Fan Qingyao becomes the queen, who can guarantee that by that time, the current prince will still be of the same mind as Fan Qingyao?

Your heart is unpredictable and fickle.

Which emperor in Xiliang really grew old together with the queen?

 At some point, everything Fan Qingyao has done now will become a sharp blade that threatens the imperial power.

By then, I'm afraid the first thing the prince will want to eradicate is the Hua family's property.

 And Fan Qingyao will completely lose all his money.


 It is clear that he is using his own life to fill holes for the prince.

 Having experienced this life, Fan Qingyao has seen through everything.

 In her last life, she believed in the Fan family’s brainwashing and Baili Rongze’s sweet talk.

 But in this life, she believed what she saw and felt with her own eyes.

 Why doesn’t she believe a man who can save her with his life, a man who always puts her interests first?

Meeting Su Shaoxi's gaze, Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Since I am the Crown Princess, why would I be curious if I put all my wealth on my own man? Now that I have confirmed it, there is no need for so much hesitation, and I believe that, He will definitely live up to my expectations.”

Fan Qingyao is definitely an activist, and he immediately sent someone a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write a reply to Tianyu.

Tianyu wanted to open a shop again, so she decided to go ahead and do it. As for the money, she would have to make up the money.

 Su Shaoxi, “…”

Your Highness, what kind of ecstasy soup has been poured into you?

However, after Fan Qingyao left, Su Shaoxi looked at Fan Qingyao's back, but could not recover for a long time.

This woman dares to love and hate, and she can take it up and let it go. She is really admirable and enviable.

As it turned out, Su Shaoxi was sighing with emotion when the boy over there came to send a message, saying that the young master of the Ji family had arrived and wanted to ask Su Shaoxi when he was going to Youzhou. He wanted to go together.

Su Shaoxi certainly didn't believe that Ji Yuze could be so kind and willing to accompany him all over the world.

  What kind of company should two grown men form, and what kind of business should they do?

 In the final analysis, it was not Ji Yuze who wanted to borrow his hand to go to Youzhou to visit the third lady of the Hua family!

Fan Qingyao just left, and now Ji Yuze has arrived.

These two people may not have agreed upon it, but they showed off their affection in front of him one after another!

 (End of this chapter)

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