Chapter 556 Which family is the girl from?

When Fan Qingyao returned to his mansion in the western suburbs, the sky was already slightly dark.

She originally wanted to go directly to the main courtyard to pay her respects to her grandfather and grandmother, but she saw Nanny Xu coming in a hurry.

"Little miss, the main courtyard is busy, so please don't disturb us yet."

The words "busy" and "disturbing" made Fan Qingyao frown and said, "Go back and talk."

Mama Xu nodded and hurriedly accompanied the young lady to her yard.

After entering the door, Nanny Xu helped Fan Qingyao change her clothes and said, "Just now there was news from the concierge that a young lady from the Kong family came to visit, and now she is talking to the old lady in the main courtyard. "

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

If Nanny Xu hadn't mentioned it, she would have forgotten this person.

The last time we met, Kong Qingying was just a companion. In what capacity did he come now?

“Can the concierge tell me how many people are here?”

"The concierge said it was Miss Kong, and she came to visit the old lady."

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao felt that something was wrong.

Since my grandmother thought the Miss Wu family was good, she might have sent someone to the Wu family to arrange the marriage.

Now even if the Wu family wanted to come to the Hua family to be polite, Wu Qiuzao, who had not yet visited the house, couldn't come in person, so it was the Wu family's wife who should bring someone to the door.

  No matter what happens, it's not Kong Qingying's turn to come alone.

 But now Kong Qingying is here.

 What is this going to do?

Thinking again about Kong Qingying's mercurial attitude in the last meeting, Fan Qingyao felt worried, and his face turned cold, "Mother Xu, go to the main courtyard and keep an eye on her yourself."

Mama Xu nodded hurriedly and hurried out of the house.

Fan Qingyao thought that he had been back in the main city for such a long time and had not yet paid a proper visit to his adoptive mother, so he picked a decent ginseng from the warehouse in the backyard and asked Ninghan to take it to Prince Heshuo. 's house.

Now that the prince has been placed in the palace, the emperor has been running around to Concubine Yu all day long.

 In extraordinary times, everyone is sensitive, and it would be inappropriate for her to come and bother her at this time.

Fan Qingyao knew that her adoptive mother was understanding and considerate, but she still couldn't be less polite.

 When everything was finished, Grandma Xu came back.

“I heard that the Miss Kong family left after sitting for a while. She didn’t say anything else. She just kept talking to Miss Wu family. Before leaving, she also helped Miss Wu family ask about the time of the eldest master’s return.”

No matter how you listen to this, you can’t hear any problems.

No matter who you look at it from, Miss Kong is helping Miss Wu as a matchmaker.

The marriage between the Wu family and the Hua family has been decided for the time being. As long as the brother comes back to see Miss Wu, the matter will be considered settled. Even if the Miss Kong family has some small ideas, I'm afraid she won't be able to put them into practice.

Perhaps the grandmother also saw the deliberate temptation of the Miss Kong family, so she deliberately killed the matter.

Since his grandmother was blocking him, Fan Qingyao didn't think much about it.

Seeing that the young lady was silent, Aunt Xu thought for a moment and then continued, "Little lady, before I come back, the master specifically asked me to inform the young lady that the young master will arrive in the main city the next day."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao finally had a slight smile on his face.

Tianyu's business is booming, and Xiaoyan doesn't have to worry about being with her uncles. Although Mu Yan is the youngest, the marriage has been decided. Now as long as her brother comes back and gets married, Fan Qingyao's heart will be true. Feeling at ease.

 She owed them so much in her last life.

 In this life, I finally gave them back a little bit.

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the day when Hua Fengning returned to the city.

 After lunch that day, Fan Qingyao came to the main courtyard first.

 Not long after, other aunts and uncles also arrived one after another.

Calculating that there was still some time, the aunties simply started chatting in the main hall.

Tao Yuxian was also in a good mood today. He was listening to the ramblings of his daughters-in-law, and could occasionally add a few words.

 Hua Yaoting was very annoyed by the chattering of a group of women. She was worried about her grandson and didn't want to go too far, so she could only go to the study to escape.

Fan Qingyao sat next to his grandmother, looking at the rare bustle in the main hall, and felt very happy.

 Just waiting and waiting, the sky outside turned dark in the blink of an eye, and Hua Fengning's return figure was still not seen. As a result, the people in the main hall couldn't sit still.

Fortunately, Hua Yaoting came over from the study at this time, looked at everyone and said, "I just sent someone to the city gate to inquire. They said that Feng Ning had returned to the city three hours ago. I think he was tripped up by something." feet."

 The other daughters-in-law breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

No matter what, as long as he enters the city, he will be safe.

Tao Yuxian, on the other hand, frowned and wanted to say something but never said anything.

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother's expression and felt some unspeakable worry in his heart.

 My brother doesn’t have any close relatives in the main city, and he is quite familiar with Su Shaoxi, but with Su Shaoxi’s way of life, he would never drag his brother to reminisce about old times for so long on the day he comes back.

 Could it be that…

Fan Qingyao was just thinking when he heard movement from the front door.

Soon, a familiar figure walked into the yard under the last ray of sunset.

When everyone saw this, they stood up and walked to the door.

Fan Qingyao supported his grandmother and stood in the middle, looking at his brother whom he had not seen for a long time, with a smile on his face.

 Brother has become a lot darker and thinner, but he is stronger than before.

As soon as Hua Fengning saw the people in the yard waiting for him, he hurriedly handed the luggage in his hands to the boy beside him. He knelt on the ground and saluted and said, "My grandson Hua Fengning has returned late. Please ask your grandfather. Grandma and several aunts are worried."

The daughters-in-law hurriedly smiled and said, "I hope you come back safely."

Tao Yuxian smiled and nodded. Yes, he has become more calm and capable after being out for such a long time.

Hua Yaoting raised her hand and signaled Hua Fengning to get up and come into the room to talk.

Several daughters-in-law were afraid of disturbing them, so they all found reasons to temporarily withdraw from the main courtyard.

By the time Hua Fengning walked into the main hall, only Tao Yuxian, Hua Yaoting and Fan Qingyao were left.

Hua Fengning looked at his sister whom he had not seen before, and couldn't help but step forward and frowned, "How come you have lost so much? But you are not used to living in a palace?"

Hearing his brother's concern, Fan Qingyao felt warm in his heart, "The food in the palace is indeed not very delicious."

Hearing this, Hua Fengning really thought about it seriously, "In that case, when you get married, you will take away our grandmother who cooks with you."

Tao Yuxian coughed and said, "I've heard of marrying a man with a maid, but I've never heard of a maid from the kitchen accompanying him. Besides, the aunt who cooks is always accompanied by your sister. After we get married, shouldn’t we, the whole family, have to go to the prince’s house to earn a living?”

Hua Fengning didn't dare to trouble her grandmother like this, so she quickly said, "I'll just find a new cook for our house. My sister is already homesick when she gets married. If she can eat more smoothly, It will also save you the pain of missing me.”

Tao Yuxian glared at his grandson angrily, just as he wanted to object, but in the end he heard the husband beside him who had been thinking about it for a long time, nodded heavily, "I think this is a good idea."

 You are a good size!

If this spreads out, wouldn't it be said that the daughter of our Hua family is spoiled?

Facing his wife's glare, Hua Yaoting said confidently, "If it weren't for the fact that women have to get married when they reach their age, even if the King of Heaven comes, I won't be able to take away my little Qingyao. Now I have to reluctantly give up my love, Prince." What’s the point of making concessions over there? Isn’t it just a matter of having a meal? Why make such a fuss?”

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 You also know that it’s a matter of having a meal?

 So who is making a fuss here now?

Fan Qingyao looked at his defeated grandmother and said with a smile, "The earliest we can get married is next year. It won't be too late to talk about it then."

Hua Fengning could clearly see the dark clouds hanging over her grandmother's head, and nodded knowingly.

On the other hand, Hua Yaoting was still thinking to herself, "Whose granddaughter is not a treasure?"

"Stop nagging!" Tao Yuxian couldn't help it. He couldn't reason with a soldier who only knew how to lead troops to fight. He couldn't reason with a cow.

  Does she have to think too hard back then to give birth to children to such a stubborn person?

Hua Yaoting was cruel to his wife and reluctantly kept her mouth shut.

Tao Yuxian, whose ears were finally clean, looked at Hua Fengning and said, "Speaking of which, I have already taken Xiao Qingyao over to show you your marriage. Let's see when it will happen in the next few days." Kong, I always have to come to see you in person and confirm the marriage."

Hua Fengning smiled and said, "Let grandma worry about it. After returning to the city, my grandson has already been there in person. I don't dare to trouble grandma to worry about my grandson's affairs anymore, so I decided on the marriage by the way." "

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao felt something was wrong.

Brother just returned to the main city, how could he be so well-informed?

As expected, Tao Yuxian was stunned when he heard this, "Did you go by yourself?"

Hua Fengning's eyes were a little dodgeful, but she still said, "That's the young lady from the Kong family. My grandson has seen her."

At this time, even Hua Yaoting, who had been silent until now, was shocked, "Who are you talking about?"

 (End of this chapter)

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