Chapter 557 A deliberate mistake

Hua Fengning saw that both his grandfather and grandmother looked wrong, and he became serious, "Isn't it the Kong family in the east of the city? My grandson saw the young lady from the Kong family with his own eyes, and the young lady from the Kong family also told her grandson about the past few days. Regarding the matter of Grandma taking Qingyao to meet her, I thought that since Grandma and Qingyao had already decided, it would be meaningless for me to come back only after I had made a marriage arrangement with the Kong family. "

Hua Yaoting was shaken when he saw his grandson speaking so confidently.

 But he had a life-long friendship with the master of the Wu family, so how could he remember his last name all wrong?

Tao Yuxian glanced at Fan Qingyao beside him, his eyes heavy.

That day Miss Kong’s family took the initiative to come to the door, and she felt that something was fishy.

But I never expected that the Kong family would have such thoughts in fighting!

Hua Fengning saw that the atmosphere in the main hall was condensed, so he looked at Fan Qingyao and asked, "Qingyao, what is going on?"

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother beside him, and then whispered to his brother, "My grandmother and I did meet the Miss Kong family, but the person we were visiting that day was not the Miss Kong family, but someone who also lived in the same house. Chengdong and Miss Kong are best friends, Miss Wu."

Hua Fengning was stunned.

Tao Yuxian had never experienced anything in her life. She could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Hua Fengning's expression. She asked with a stern face, "No man from my Hua family is stupid. Even if the Kong family really sent people to block the city gate." With you, you will never just follow someone else's words easily. I'm afraid it will take someone who makes you believe it to make you believe it, right?"

Hua Fengning knew that he couldn't hide it from his grandmother, so he immediately knelt on the ground and said, "It's all my grandson's fault. I beg my grandmother to punish me."

Tao Yuxian turned blue with anger when he saw that Hua Feng would rather be punished than tell the truth.

Fan Qingyao looked at his brother who was kneeling down, and actually already knew the answer in his heart.

Those who dare to hook up with the Kong family and change things at the city gate are definitely not from the government.

 And that person is not only trusted by my brother, but also protected by him...

 There is only one answer.

Aunt He suddenly walked to the door and said softly, "Master, old lady, my aunt is back with Miss Xinying."

Hua Fengning suddenly stiffened when he heard this.

Tao Yuxian looked down at his grandson, and his voice became even deeper, "Now people come to the door in person, why are you still trying to cover it up for her?"

Seeing that the old lady looked unhappy, Aunt He said, "Why don't I find a reason to ask my eldest aunt to take Miss Xinying back?"

Tao Yuxian is very reluctant to see the face of his eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, and wants to nod without even thinking about it.

Fan Qingyao walked to his grandmother's side and whispered softly, "No matter what mistakes my eldest sister made, in my brother's heart, my eldest sister is my brother's mother. Now that my brother has finally come back, how can grandma stop me?" "

People are coming to the door, so what if they are blocked.

 Could it be that now that the person is gone, the trouble that my brother and the Kong family have caused will no longer count?

Of course Fan Qingyao cannot let an unimportant person affect the relationship between his brother and his grandmother.

Tao Yuxian was confused by such a reminder. Fortunately, Xiao Qingyao was a calm man. If he really drove away his eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei in a fit of anger, Feng Ning would probably feel uncomfortable.

 “Bring them in.”


Aunt He turned and left. Fan Qingyao helped his grandmother back to the soft couch.

Hua Yaoting went to the study first to avoid suspicion.

No matter how things go, it is a matter in the backyard. If he comes forward, what will happen?

Tao Yuxian looked at Hua Fengning who was still kneeling on the ground, suppressing his heartache and not letting him get up. Fan Qingyao knew that his grandmother wanted to put pressure on his eldest sister-in-law, so it was hard to say anything.

Soon, footsteps sounded at the door.

“Mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law misses you so much, but she usually doesn’t dare to come and disturb the peace of mother-in-law and father-in-law. Now that she heard that Feng Ning is back, my daughter-in-law hurriedly came to visit her mother-in-law with heartache.”

The sound arrives before the person arrives. If you only listen to the sound, you may not know how to be harmonious.

However, the things that the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei did are still vivid in her mind. Listening to these words now, not only Fan Qingyao is disgusted, but even Tao Yuxian is also severely nauseated.

As the voice fell, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei entered the door with Xinying in her eyes.

The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, who originally had a sincere expression on her face, became a little stiff when she saw her son kneeling on the ground.

Xinying looked at her brother and said, "Brother has just come back today, and he is exhausted. Why are he still kneeling on the ground like this? Some people don't spend all day long with their elder brother and the younger brother. They wish they were the same father and mother as their brother." , How can I still watch my brother kneeling on the ground and remain silent? "

Who are these people?

 Everyone present knew it.

 Knowing that Xinying's sword was pointing at him, Fan Qingyao was not angry.

Xinying is still the same as before. She is very coquettish in everything she says and does without thinking through her brain at all. With this kind of temperament, apart from being quick-tongued for a while, I'm afraid she can't do anything else.

Tao Yuxian looked at Xinying's scolding, then looked at her eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei coldly and said, "I asked you to leave this house to calm yourself down, but in the end you are still so paranoid about educating your children. With Ying’s temper, which husband would dare to ask for her in the future?”

The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei didn't think there was anything bad about her daughter, but now standing at Hua's house, she could only say with a half-smile, "When it comes to educating children, my daughter-in-law is not as good as my sister-in-law. After all, my sister-in-law is good at training her." , Otherwise, how can a child become a princess without a father? "

Tao Yuxian slapped the table beside him, "What are you talking about!"

When Xinying saw that her grandmother was angry, her face turned pale with fright.

When the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei saw that her mother-in-law was angry, she pulled her back and said, "My daughter-in-law just told the truth and didn't want to make her mother-in-law angry. It was my daughter-in-law who wanted to help her mother-in-law share her worries, so she waited in the city with the Kong family." At the door, my mother-in-law is getting older, and my daughter-in-law doesn't dare to let her worry about Feng Ning. Unexpectedly, Feng Ning fell in love with Miss Kong at first sight, and even the marriage was decided. "

This is very tea art.

Knowing that the Hua family has chosen the Wu family, they still sprinkle salt on it.

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to get used to people who stabbed his grandmother in the heart. "My grandmother always kept a low profile when it came to her brother's marriage. I didn't expect my eldest aunt to be so powerful. It's just that my eldest aunt referred to the Wu family as the Kong family, which made her even more secretive." I asked my brother to get married behind my grandmother’s back, but did I take my grandmother seriously?”

You dare to stab me, and I dare to sow discord.

 Whoever is hurt will know it in his heart.

It was at this time that Hua Fengning realized what was wrong.

He had heard of the Wu family. The master of the Wu family and his grandfather had a life-long friendship. He had also rescued the young lady of the Wu family once. Although it was only a one-time encounter, it left a deep impression on her.

 But now he is just a merchant, so how can he be qualified to propose marriage to the Wu family?

 Unexpectedly, the Wu family came to the door on their own initiative.

But it was already too late. He had already met the Miss Kong family, so he had no shame in going to the Wu family again.

Hua Fengning looked at his mother with disappointment. He thought that after so much experience, his mother would always improve, but in the end, she became more and more courageous and did such a thing without telling him.

The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei saw that her son was looking at her distantly, and she called Fan Qingyao a little **** in her heart.

He actually dared to separate her mother and son in front of her.

 (End of this chapter)

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