Chapter 578 The future sister-in-law is coming to visit

The wife of the Wu family was so anxious that she would remind her daughter when she opened her mouth.

Of course Mrs. Kong couldn't please Mrs. Wu, so she immediately threw herself at Mrs. Wu's feet and started yelling at the top of her lungs. It was too much for one Wu family to bully others.

 For those who don’t know, you really have to wonder what the Wu family has done to the Kong family.

Wu Qiuzao looked at Kong Qingying who was kneeling in front of him and begging, but still had no intention of giving in, "I said, no matter what brother Fengning decides, I will support him, so as long as he wants to marry This is me, and I will never let go.”

This statement is a bit too straightforward.

Hua Fengning, who was walking this way, was frightened and stopped when he heard these words.

 Mother He came to report that the Wu family was stopped at the door by the Kong family.

Before he could react, Qingyao pushed him out to pick someone up.

 Hua Fengning thought that it was his lifelong event, so there was nothing wrong with welcoming it in person, but he never expected to hear such a hot topic.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although my daughter has never been very caring, she can be regarded as a fool who is blessed.

Wu Qiuzao noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle and subconsciously turned around, only to see Hua Fengning behind him.

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

 It means suddenly feeling like going home.

When Hua Fengning saw Wu Qiuzao's cheeks turning red, he felt relieved, "Originally, I planned to plead guilty to Miss Wu family first, and then beg Miss Wu family to marry me, but now it seems that I can avoid it. "

After hearing this, Wu Qiuzao hurriedly shook his head and said, "Brother Fengning's fault is not his. Why should brother Fengning apologize? Besides, I have long forgotten what happened a few days ago."

   Mrs. Wu, “…”

This careless person is so reserved, so reserved!

 Hua Fengning looked at the smiling face of the woman in front of him and remembered the scene when they first met.

At that time, she was also sitting in the carriage like this. Looking at her with a bright smile, she said, "Thank you so much for your help. I don't know the name of this young master. I am a young lady named Wu Qiuzhao. I will definitely come to express my thanks someday."

 “Come in quickly, it’s cold outside, let’s go inside and talk.”

Hua Fengning turned slightly sideways, smiled and nodded to Wu Qiuzao, then walked to the side of Madam Wu personally, and walked to the door to welcome Madam Wu.

Mrs. Wu's wife felt proud instantly.

What's the use of the Kong family's persistent stalking? In the end, Hua Fengning didn't invite our Wu family to come in.

Mrs. Kong was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot. Seeing that the Wu family was about to enter the threshold, she pulled Kong Qingying up and walked down the steps.

It’s obvious that something good is coming for the Hua family and the Wu family. If they haven’t left yet, are they waiting for a wedding banquet?

Kong Nianhui had been unwilling to stay here for a long time. Seeing that he could finally leave, he looked at Kong Qingying and said, "You should be more careful this time. I heard that the rich man from the countryside came to the house to inquire about you a few days ago." , I have already agreed with my mother that I will marry you in a few days."

Kong Qingying looked at her mother in disbelief, "Really?"

Mrs. Kong was also helpless, "If you really marry the eldest young master of the Hua family, there is no point in marrying in the countryside. You also know what our family is like now. Do you really want to see the whole family... It's not possible to die from starvation. Speaking of which, the Hua family is sorry for you. If you want to blame it, blame the Hua family. "

 At this moment, I still want to blame the Hua family.

Kong Qingying's face turned pale and she couldn't imagine her future life at all.

Looking back, she saw that Wu Qiuzao was walking towards Hua's house with Hua Fengning's humility. Kong Qiuying gritted her teeth and shouted, "Qiu Zhuo, it's hard for me to have a fight with your friend. You are so selfish that even I Regardless of your life, brother Fengning, do you really want to marry such a hard-hearted woman? "

Wu Qiuzhuo paused in his steps, his body stiffened and he did not look back.

If we say when did she start to completely want to give up this friendship...

It's now. Hearing this, Mrs. Wu’s wife wanted to kick the Wu family out of the city.

But the way Kong Qingying begged her daughter just now was what Hua Fengning saw, and whether it was appearance or anything else, Kong Qingying was slightly better than her daughter...

   Mrs. Wu, “…”

I just want to kick the Wu family out of the city!

Hua Fengning turned around slightly and looked at Kong Qingying, who was shouting hoarsely with tears on her face. There was no trace of emotion on her handsome cheeks, "I am lucky to marry the Miss Wu family. As long as the Miss Wu family is willing to marry me, , what else can I find fault with?”

These words touched the heart of Mrs. Wu’s heart.

 Originally, before she came, she was still considering whether to refuse.

Now it seems…

This marriage is actually pretty good.

Although it is a bit rough, who wants to marry a daughter who doesn’t want to marry someone who understands pain and warmth?

It was Fan Qingyao who was standing under the flower gallery. Looking at Mrs. Wu's beaming smile, she finally felt at ease.

Miss Wu family is easy to talk to, but the problem is that Mrs. Wu family may have some scruples.

 So, only by letting her brother reveal his true feelings can Mrs. Wu's wife be completely relieved.

When Fan Qingyao returned to the main hall, he heard his grandmother talking about his brother's marriage.

Mrs. Wu's family has indeed seen the sincerity of the Hua family, but the affairs between the Hua family and the Kong family have just settled down. If the Wu family marries a daughter at this time, it will inevitably cause gossip.

Fan Qingyao noticed Mrs. Wu's hesitation and pretended to be frowning when she entered.

When Tao Yuxian saw this, he naturally wanted to ask, "What's going on?"

Fan Qingyao said, "I just looked at the Kong family looking back three times. I'm afraid they will come over to make trouble. If this continues, the other people in the house are fine. I'm just worried that my grandma and grandma won't be able to bear it."

Wu Qiuzao became anxious when he heard this.

She knows her mother's concerns, but if the Kong family is allowed to continue to make trouble, will she be able to get married in a long time?

“Why don’t you just pick a day this month and I’ll get married? As long as I get married, what reason will the Kong family have to continue making trouble?”

   Mrs. Wu, “…”

This person who doesn't live up to expectations is so anxious?

 Those who don’t know better think that there is something in the house that wants to eat your food!

Hua Fengning was warmed by Wu Qiuzao's considerateness. He looked at her and said, "Don't worry, Miss Wu, I, Hua Fengning, will never treat you badly."

Fan Qingyao also smiled and said, "The betrothal gifts sent to the Kong family have almost been repaid, and the Hua family must make up for whatever is left. I must not let my future sister-in-law be inferior to others before she gets married. "

Wu Qiuzhuo hurriedly waved his hands, "No need, I'm not that particular. Besides, I won't take those betrothal gifts with me until I die."

Fan Qingyao and Hua Fengning were amused by Miss Wu's true temperament and laughed out loud.

Even Tao Yuxian smiled and rolled his eyes. He looked at Mrs. Wu and asked, "Mrs. Wu, what do you think?"

What else could the defeated Wu family's wife say, "Everything depends on the Hua family's old lady."

Even before I got married, my elbows started to turn outwards.

It would be a sin to keep such a daughter by your side. It would be better to send her away quickly to save worry.

 (End of this chapter)

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