The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 579: Your heart is so difficult that it is impossible to detect it

Chapter 579 The king’s heart is so difficult that it is impossible to detect it

 The marriage between the Hua family and the Kong family is finally settled this time.

 That evening, Tao Yuxian told her husband the good news in the study.

Hua Yaoting was naturally happy to hear this.

However, in order to prevent a long night and many dreams, I personally found the master of the Wu family early the next morning.

The two of them were close friends who had been on the battlefield, and there were not so many twists and turns. It took almost two cups of tea to set the date in the middle of this month.

Tao Yuxian wanted to marry his grandson-in-law quickly and feel at ease, but he didn't expect to be in such a hurry.

At this time, the people in the western suburbs mansion were completely busy.

Aunt Xu and Aunt He were sorting out the betrothal gifts to send to the Wu family. If they were not enough, they hurriedly purchased them themselves.

All the daughters-in-law in the mansion also gathered in Hua Fengning's yard, leading a group of servants to clean and add things.

Even if Feng Ning doesn’t have his biological mother to help him, he still has uncles and aunts like them.

 As long as they are here, the eldest grandson of the Hua family cannot be embarrassed.

 The marriage between the Hua family and the Wu family has caused quite a stir in the main city.

After all, I just broke off my engagement with the Kong family, and just now I got engaged with the Wu family.

After the Zhou family heard the news, the old lady of the Zhou family also came to the Hua family in person.

Although Mu Yan is the youngest child among the Hua family’s grandchildren and will not be able to leave the court until the year after the next year, the old lady of the Zhou family still came here to finalize the marriage for the sake of safety.

Finalization is different from verbal agreement. Once it is finalized, Mu Yan will become a member of the Zhou family.

This made the fourth daughter-in-law Yafu extremely happy. She praised Xiao Qingyao as the lucky star of the Hua family.

People feel refreshed when happy events occur, happy events continue at home, and the Hua family are naturally smiling.

When Hua Yaoting went to court every day, her face was even more rosy, and she even walked as if she was several years younger.

The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty simply saw it with their eyes, and they were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred in their bones!

The prince has not returned from the palace, and the emperor has no intention of going to court.

Now the border is turbulent, and the folds on the several times are like water, and there is no movement at all.

Some patriotic ministers took the risk to speak out, but were directly reprimanded by the emperor in court. Prime Minister Feng, who was the first to speak, was sent back to the palace to think about his mistakes behind closed doors by the emperor. He has not been released yet.

In order to express their sincerity, the third prince and his party also spoke out about this matter, and were directly deducted from their salaries for three months by the emperor.

 The third prince went to the imperial study room all day long to meet him for this matter, but he was not summoned at all.

Calculating carefully, in just one month, the third prince has received countless rejections.

 As a result, people in the DPRK were even more panicked.

Since Concubine Yu was seriously injured, the emperor has paid great attention to the third prince.

The third prince and his party held their heads high in the court for this reason.

Of the many courtiers who initially joined the First Prince's team, who are not eager to join the Third Prince's party?

But in just a short period of time, the third prince couldn't stop eating in front of the emperor?

 The whole court was as quiet as a chicken, and all the ministers lowered their heads in deep thought. At this moment, the emperor asked about the commander of the Army and Horses Division, "There is no sign of the prince's return yet?"

The commander of the Military and Horse Division, whose name was suddenly called, hurriedly took a step forward and said, "I haven't said anything to the emperor."

Emperor Yongchang, who had been having some temperament just now, fell silent again.

 Some of the people sent to the palace this time were from the Army and Horses Department.

  In other words, the current commander of the Military and Horse Division is a member of Emperor Yongchang.

 So no matter what big or small things happened on the prince's side, Emperor Yongchang was fully aware of it.

Just like this, Emperor Yongchang now knew that the prince had already gone to Huaishang and was not in the palace.

And what did the prince do in Huaishang?

  Naturally, he resold the ore and turned it into gold and silver.

Therefore, even though the foreign prince has not returned from the palace for a long time, Emperor Yongchang not only does not feel angry or reproachful at all, but instead pays close attention to the prince all day long, thinking about the prince's itinerary.

 After all, only when the prince returns safely will he be one step closer to immortality.

 But the same thing looks different in the eyes of other people.

 The prince has not returned from the palace for a long time, but the emperor is waiting so patiently. Why?

 It means that the emperor finally remembered the prince's good qualities and wanted to reuse the prince again!

 Otherwise, why did the third prince, who was quite popular at first, start to suffer?

 There is no such thing as eternal affairs in royal affairs.

Of course, the court officials would not dare to inquire about the reason, and could only sigh that the emperor's heart is unpredictable.

Those courtiers who originally wanted to secretly go to the third prince's side stopped where they were.

Faced with this invisible loss, the three princes and one party can do nothing but stand firm.

Concubine Yu was really very ill this time, and she lay on the bed in a daze.

 Baili Rongze, who was rejected by the imperial study one after another, was also very upset. Not only could he not figure out his father's thoughts, but he also listened to his mother and concubine's endless chatter every day.

Concubine Yu was already furious when she thought about the empress showing off her power that day. Now she was even more upset when she faced her son, who had a face even worse than that of Changbai Mountain. "Who are you showing your face to?" ? Are you so impatient to ask you to serve me for a few days? "

Baili Rongze became even more confused when he heard his mother's voice, "After Fan Qingyao was summoned by his father last time, his father changed his mind and issued an order to take the prince back to the palace. If Fan Qingyao was mentioned in this No one would believe that Yao has never done anything, but if you look at the three princes and concubines in my house, I am afraid that even my father’s face will be forgotten.”

Concubine Yu frowned slightly, "Are you blaming the princess I found for you because it doesn't suit your wishes?"

 Baili Rongze wanted to speak, but it could be seen that his mother-in-law's face was ugly, so she didn't say anything.

But seeing him like this made Concubine Yu even more angry, "It's not that I didn't give you a chance at the beginning. It was Fan Qingyao who looked down on you, but now you blame all your faults on me. Don’t forget who I am lying here for!”

 Baili Rongze was really angry when he saw his mother and concubine, so he couldn't force himself any more and could only give in.

After all, it was meat that fell out of her belly. When Concubine Yu saw her son admitting his mistake, she would not hold on to it.

 So the bad breath in my heart was finally blamed on the Queen.

There is no need for the queen to be arrogant now. The emperor is still far away from death if he is in good health now.

 So, whose son can go higher still needs to be looked at later.

 (End of this chapter)

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