The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 601: Let the third prince and his wife go into the dog hole

Chapter 601 Let the third prince and his wife go into a dog hole

Mammy followed Ningtian all the way back to the third prince's residence, but turned into a small alley next to the back door.

 Mammy, “…”

She didn’t even know that there was a road here?

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Mammy, Ningtian bent down and moved the weeds beside the alley, then pointed at the hole that was about half a person high and said, "Just let you three princes and concubines come out from here."

Grandma was shocked, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like a dog hole, right?

It was Pan Yulu who was waiting for news in the house. When she learned that Fan Qingyao asked her to go into a dog hole, she almost stabbed him to death on the spot.

 She felt as if she had been connoted by Fan Qingyao, but what was even more hateful was that there was no evidence!

 But there was Fan Xuening in the house who wanted to kill her, what else could Pan Yulu do?

  Of course it’s drilled!

 Half an hour later, Fan Qingyao arrived at the teahouse opposite the Xijiao Mansion.

In the private room, Pan Yulu’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Not only was he used as a mallet, but he was also forced to dig into a dog hole...

 It’s strange that her face looks good!

As soon as she saw Fan Qingyao, Pan Yulu gritted her teeth and said, "Fan Qingyao, you must be humiliating me on purpose."

Fan Qingyao sat across from him calmly, boiling water and making tea, "I thought it was a friendly gesture to lend a helping hand to the third prince's concubine in distress, but if the third prince's concubine insists on guessing me, It’s too late to leave now, after all, I wasn’t the one who **** the third prince’s concubine with a rope.”

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 Since you let me go into a dog hole, I have to thank you, right?

Fan Qingyao poured himself a cup of tea, raised it and shook it gently in the air, "My time is precious, and I don't have time to stare at the third princess here."

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Qingyao suspiciously, "Are you really so kind to help me?"

Fan Qingyao said directly, "Of course I don't have such good intentions."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 So why is she sitting here? !

"I am the Crown Princess, and you are the Third Prince's Concubine. I don't need to say more about the discord between the Crown Prince and the Third Prince. The Third Prince's Concubine is also well aware of it. If Aunt Fan in the Third Prince's residence today wants to harm her, It’s just the Third Prince’s own words, I’m just happy to stand aside and watch the fun.”

Fan Qingyao is not a god, and he prides himself on not being as soft-hearted as many old mothers.

 In her last life, she had no connection with Pan Yulu, and they were not even acquainted with her.

 But in this life, Pan Yulu repeatedly opposed her and became her enemy at every turn. No matter what the reason was, it was enough to write Pan Yulu's name in her little notebook of grudges.

Different road non-phase plan.

 They are not medicines in the same medicine jar, so why bother mixing them together?

Of course Pan Yulu also understands this truth, but if you ask the famous ladies in the main city, even if they hate someone in their hearts, they can only stand up with a glare on their face and occasionally make some insinuations.

But how come when we get to Fan Qingyao, all the hidden arrows turn into open guns?

This is really about not giving up until people are beaten to death, right?

"This is what I found in my house." Pan Yulu quickly spoke and got straight to the point. She was afraid that if Fan Qingyao continued talking, she would be beaten to death even before she could crawl out of the pit. .

Fan Qingyao took the small paper bag handed by Pan Yulu, opened it and smelled it carefully.

Pan Yulu said in surprise, "Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

"If you don't even have this ability, how can you join forces with the third prince and concubine." Fan Qingyao carefully identified the powder on the paper bag again, and then retracted his hand with a smile.

"The poison itself is not fatal. Although this poison is made from highly toxic snake bile, the added vine pear root and blackberry just combine the toxicity of snake bile. However, due to the yellow and white color in humans, And hemp seeds retain the diarrheal symptoms of snake bile, which will cause the person who takes it to vomit continuously, become unconscious, and even cause a pale complexion and blue eyes due to a large amount of dehydration. "

Pan Yulu's eyes widened in shock.

 This description cannot be said to be completely similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same!

If she hadn't been there since Fan Xuening's accident, she would have doubted whether Fan Qingyao was also there.

 Actually, even if Fan Qingyao didn't listen carefully, he knew that the poison Fan Xuening took would not be fatal.

Fan Xuening is not really stupid, how could she risk her life just for the sake of acting?

However, Pan Yulu was able to bring this thing over, which saved her a lot of trouble.

“I heard that the third prince’s residence is investigating this matter seriously?”

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 Do you know again?

 She really wants to ask now what else Fan Qingyao doesn't know!

"The third prince wants to frame me, so he has to work hard. Only in this way can he get the emperor's attention. And only if the emperor takes it seriously, can the three princes naturally divide the emperor's attention. But if the third prince's wish comes true, Well, Aunt Fan’s wish is about to come true.”

Fan Qingyao's words made it very clear that Fan Xuening's thoughts were going on together with Baili Rongze's.

Based on Fan Xuening's thinking, he was afraid that after Baili Rongze entered the palace and reported the matter to the emperor, he would find a way to reveal the evidence that was left with Pan Yulu in advance.


Pan Yulu helped her, which was equivalent to helping herself.

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Qingyao tangledly, her heart fluctuating.

Of course she understood that the third prince wanted to frame Fan Qingyao in order to discredit the prince. If she really helped Fan Qingyao, it would be tantamount to betraying the third prince.

But if she doesn’t help…

Are you waiting for Fan Xuening to bite her to death?

Pan Yulu looked at the powder on the table and suddenly thought that she had already found all the evidence. Even if Fan Xuening wanted to slander her again, what would she be afraid of?

Thinking like this, Pan Yulu had enough confidence.

Just when she was about to speak, Fan Qingyao hit her with a hammer again, causing her head to swell.

"The third prince and concubine don't have to be lucky. Now that I have found these evidences, Aunt Fan can't do anything to you anymore, because as long as the third prince and concubine shakes her head, I will have the same evidence produced again and placed in the third prince's bedroom. "

Pan Yulu was stunned, "Fan Qingyao, do you dare to threaten me?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "The third prince's concubine was able to find these evidences because of my suggestion, but I will never be too full to meddle in other people's business, so if the third prince's concubine refuses, I will Naturally, people should return the original things to their original owners.”

"you dare!"

“Not only do you dare now, but you will also dare in the future.”

These words were clearly a warning. If Pan Yulu dared to make any small move, Fan Qingyao would do whatever he wanted to do to her.

Face such a gangster-like threat, Pan Yulu almost vomited blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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