Chapter 602 Just moved his mouth

Pan Yulu knew that Fan Qingyao's words were definitely not just words.

 Just think about those people who were enemies of Fan Qingyao in the past.

Pan Yulu didn’t want Fan Qingyao to have a good time, but she wanted to have a good time for herself.

Clenched her teeth, Pan Yulu made up her mind and said, "Tell me what we should do about this matter."

Hearing this answer, Fan Qingyao smiled slightly and was not surprised.

The fish looks for the fish and the shrimp looks for the shrimp, and the toad looks for the frog.

For a person like Baili Rongze who is obsessed with profit and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, how can the people around him be better?

Fan Qingyao stood up and walked to Pan Yulu's side, stretched out his hand to press her shoulders, leaned slightly and whispered in her ear, "It's actually very simple, as long as the third prince and concubine put these things..."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 Is this even possible?

After Fan Qingyao finished speaking, he stood up and nodded, "Of course it's okay. If someone doesn't offend you, there's no need for you not to offend them. But if someone is riding on your neck to hold the **** basin, of course it's his own person. The way heals the person's body."

After being stunned for a long time, Pan Yulu felt for the first time that what Fan Qingyao said was quite right.

If Fan Xuening really framed her this time, even if the third prince knew the truth in his heart, but still wanted to maintain relations with the emperor, he would definitely spare her and punish her severely.

Fan Xuening dared to plot against her like this, so what did she have to worry about?

After returning to the third prince's residence, Pan Yulu handed the small paper bag containing the things to her mother.

After careful instructions, Pan Yulu came to Fan Xuening's yard in person to express her condolences.

At this time, Fan Xuening had woken up and was sitting on the edge of the bed drinking ginseng soup.

Looking at Pan Yulu entering the door, Fan Xuening put down the soup bowl and saluted, "Greetings to the third prince and concubine..."

Pan Yulu suppressed the abuse in her heart, and hurriedly supported her by pretending to be a sister, "I was very upset when I learned that Aunt Fan was poisoned, but don't worry, Aunt Fan, His Highness said that we will take strict measures on this matter." If we investigate, we will definitely give Aunt Fan justice."

Such a change from yesterday's aggressive Pan Yulu frightened Fan Xuening.

Just now she looked at Pan Yulu with a sinister look, wishing she could chop her into pieces and feed her to the dogs.

 Why is it that in the blink of an eye, it's like a different person?

Pan Yulu is sitting here just to hold Fan Xuening back.

Fan Qingyao said, as long as the goal can be achieved, so what if he kneels down and kowtows to Fan Xuening?

When Pan Yulu thought of Fan Qingyao's words, the corners of her lips twitched fiercely. Naturally, she couldn't do it like kneeling down to Fan Xuening, but she could still do it by pretending to smile and say all the nice things. One made.

Fan Xuening looked at Pan Yulu like this and thought it was a lie to say that she was not panicking. However, before she had time to think about it, she heard a commotion in the yard.

Soon, the nanny next to Pan Yulu came through the door and said, "Third Princess, I just found this thing in Cuiyun's room."

Fan Xuening didn't understand what was going on at first. When Pan Yulu took the thing and opened it in front of her, Fan Xuening felt that her heart was about to jump into her throat.

 This is the poison she made herself, how could she not recognize it?

 But how could this thing be found in her yard!

Pan Yulu didn't seem to notice Fan Xuening's shock. She held her hand and said, "I thought about it carefully after I went back. Although Aunt Fan was poisoned yesterday, she can't just invite all the princes and concubines here." After asking around, I thought of checking the people around Aunt Fan before making any plans, but I didn’t expect that the people around Aunt Fan were really dirty. "

"Perhaps there is some misunderstanding..." Fan Xuening tried her best to defend. "Come here, report this matter to the third prince, and then invite the doctor back!" Pan Yulu wanted to slap Fan Xuening on the face. Naturally, she would not listen to anything Fan Xuening said at this time.

Not long after, Baili Rongze, who was still in the front yard thinking about how to bring the matter to his father, stepped into Fan Xuening's yard under the attention of his servants.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard the doctor stroking his white beard and saying, "This poison is indeed consistent with the poison in Aunt Fan."

As soon as these words came out, Fan Xuening was directly thrown into the bottomless abyss.

Baili Rongze's face was so dark that it reflected light.

Cuiyun was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and cried, "It really has nothing to do with me. I was wronged."

Seeing this, the nanny next to Pan Yulu also knelt on the ground, "Now that everyone has gained the stolen goods, how can I allow you to quibble?"

 Baili Rongze looked at Fan Xuening on the bed. The tightness of his brows proved how disappointed he was at this moment.

Fan Xuening shook her head and choked, "Your Highness, Third Prince, believe me. I really haven't done anything to regret you. The third prince and his concubine led people into the house and started a strict investigation. I didn't even know I was out." What's going on."

 Fan Xuening will naturally refuse to admit anything she has never done.

After hearing this, Pan Yulu had to speak, "Your Highness, I just wanted to share your worries, so I thought of bringing someone over to have a look. Maybe there was something dirty in Aunt Fan's yard, but I didn't expect it to be true. The person who asked me to be my concubine was found. Everything I did was for this mansion!"

 Baili Rongze had a severe headache, but he also knew in his heart that since this man was found in Fan Xuening's yard, it would be impossible to turn things around no matter how much he tried.

"Come here, drag Cuiyun down and hit twenty big boards again!" Regardless of whether Cuiyun was wronged or not, since she became the trigger that ruined his plan, she deserved to die.

Cuiyun was frightened and begged for help like crazy.

But facing Baili Rongze's rage, even Fan Xuening did not dare to speak without permission.

Cuiyun was dragged out of the door, and soon, the yard was filled with wailing sounds and the heavy sound of boards falling on skin.

Fan Xuening slumped on the bed with a pale face, staring quietly at Pan Yulu not far away.

Of course she didn't believe that Cuiyun was hiding poison, so the only one who could do all this was the third prince's concubine.

 Could it be that the third princess discovered what she had hidden in advance, so she came to bite her back?

 But her things were hidden so secretly that at the beginning, the third prince and concubine had no suspicion at all...

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Xuening's secretly panicked and suspicious look, and felt really viciously happy.

 Little bitch, you really have no good intentions!

 Fortunately, she was not so stupid this time and agreed to join forces with Fan Qingyao. Otherwise, when the Dongchuang incident happened, would she be the one who was dragged out to fight?

When I think of Fan Qingyao...

Pan Yulu's heart couldn't help but thump.

 No matter how powerful a person is, if he wants to get things done, he still has to move his fingers.

 But look at Fan Qingyao, he just moved his mouth and turned the tide.

Looking at Fan Xuening's pale face again, Pan Yulu couldn't help but squeeze her hands under her sleeves.

 She should be more careful when facing Fan Qingyao again in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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