Chapter 603 This rumor is not quite right

Under Baili Rongze's rage, Cuiyun was beaten twenty times.

Just looking at Cuiyun lying in the yard, half-body soaked in blood, Baili Rongze still felt uneasy, so he simply ordered Fan Xuening and Pan Yulu to be confined in his yard.

Looking at Baili Rongze's face filled with lightning and thunder, Pan Yulu and Fan Xuening were silent and did not dare to say anything.

  It was strange that Baili Rongze's face improved after he farted with great force.

Fan Qingyao didn't see Baili Rongze's bitter and resentful face, and she didn't look at him either.

But just letting him go like this is not Fan Qingyao's style.

 That night, Fan Qingyao wrote a letter and asked Texue to deliver it to Fengyi Palace.

 Empress Zhenxi was shocked when she saw the letter.

 But after she calmed down, her brows were furrowed.

 The harm is not to the wife and children, and the crime is not to the parents.

 What is the third prince doing?

Oh, now that she feels that her son is no longer taken seriously, she is about to attack Xiao Qingyao?

  Why doesn’t a very grown-up man want a Bilian?

Empress Zhenxi could not let her daughter-in-law be wronged, so she asked Baihe to spread the news in the palace overnight.

You can imagine how angry Concubine Yu was when she learned about this matter. After suppressing the matter, she sent Baili Rongze to the palace and scolded her for a whole day in Yueyu Palace before she finally got over it. gas.

In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi finally saw a smile on her gloomy face after learning about this.

As long as she knows that Concubine Yu is unhappy, she will be happy.

The more Empress Zhen Xi thought about it, the more she found it funny. She pulled Lily and said, "Not long ago, Concubine Yu was eagerly looking at my jokes, but now she no longer has to look at other people. Her son is the best joke."

Lily sighed after hearing the cause and effect, "I didn't expect people's hearts to be so sinister. How could Aunt Fan from the Third Prince's Mansion be so cruel and ruthless even though she is the sister of the Crown Princess?"

Queen Zhen Xi thought to herself, what’s so strange about this.

Even if he could even go into the palace and become the emperor's concubine, what else could Fan Xuening not do?

After smiling, Queen Zhen Xi asked, "What's happening over there with the fifth prince?"

"After the fifth prince was banned by you, although the rumors in the city are still spreading, the people are obviously not so enthusiastic."

Without seeing the person involved, even if rumors spread all over the place, the heat will be halved.

“Then let the fifth prince continue to stay in the mansion.”

“The Queen is not going to send someone to investigate?”

"What's happening in the city is that there are rumors like this. If someone doesn't do it on purpose, who would believe it? But since it is a rumor, it is false. If this palace spends a lot of manpower to track down this matter, there will be another turmoil in the palace. , wouldn’t it catch me off guard? It’s better to be careful before Feng Ming comes back.”

Lily understands that the Queen is worried about luring the tiger away from the mountain.

At the same time, Fan Qingyao also received the message from Yan Hanbai.

 Unexpectedly, Yan Hanbai is not very cool, but he is still very reliable in his work.

 A thick letter explaining in detail the causes and consequences of the fifth prince's incident. It turns out that when the fifth prince was traveling a few days ago, his horse was frightened and almost injured a woman.

At the critical moment, the fifth prince rushed out of the carriage and hugged the woman away from the frightened horses.

  It was a small thing at first, but who knew it would be spread around.

There are even rumors that the fifth prince has already fallen in love with the woman, and the so-called frightened horse is just a way for the fifth prince to get close to the woman.

Yan Hanbai also said in the letter that there were many people who saw the fifth prince heroically saving the beauty, so when rumors spread, people would naturally believe it.

However, Yan Hanbai tried every means and couldn't find anything else except knowing that the woman's surname was Liu.

Fan Qingyao looked at the letter in his hand and frowned slightly.

Yan Hanbai Mingming said in the letter that those rumors were very detailed, and even the appearance of the frightened horse of the fifth prince and a few stray hairs were clearly spread.

 In other words, the fifth prince was stripped clean.

Fan Qingyao has also stood at the highest point of rumors and knows that being ripped off is normal.

 But it was obviously rumored that it was a matter between two people, but now only the fifth prince was raped, which is a bit abnormal.

If the rumors in the city really intensify, how could they not know everything about the woman?

 Don't say that everyone's attention is on the fifth prince, that is simply unrealistic.

Listening to rumors is like listening to stories. Who doesn’t want to listen carefully and comprehensively?

 Unless someone deliberately covered up everything about the woman so that no one would be able to hear it even if they wanted to.

"Langya, go to the Fifth Prince's residence and help me ask the Fifth Prince what's going on." The Fifth Prince has a close relationship with Baili Fengming. This is something everyone knows. Now that Baili Fengming has returned The city is approaching, but the fifth prince accidentally made a rumor at this time. Whether it is coincidence or man-made, Fan Qingyao cannot take it lightly.

As soon as Lang Ya left, Ning Han opened the curtain and entered the door, "Miss, the Sixth Princess has sent you a message."

Fan Qingyao took the post and saw that not only his name was on it, but Sun Contong's name was also on it, but the location was set at a teahouse on the main street, not at the Sixth Prince's residence.

 In total, it had been a while since Zhang Yilan entered the sixth prince's residence. It seemed that Han Jingchen was feeling aggrieved, so she wanted to meet them out.

Since he was meeting an acquaintance, Fan Qingyao didn't pay much attention to it, so he simply packed up and got into the carriage.

The western suburbs mansion is still some distance away from the main street. By the time Fan Qingyao arrived at the teahouse, Han Jingchen had already arrived.

As soon as she saw Fan Qingyao entering, Han Jingchen smiled and said, "I have heard that on the day when the third prince took a concubine, the crown prince was so powerful, and with the help of other princes and concubines, she was able to steal the show."

Fan Qingyao untied his cloak and hung it on a shelf nearby, smiling helplessly, "Seeing that you can still make fun of me proves that you are still in a good mood."

Han Jingchen pulled Fan Qingyao and sat on the stool, "Why am I in a bad mood? That Zhang Yilan married in, but so far she has not even been close to the sixth prince. I miss her." I gave up because of the difficulties and have been hiding in my yard these days. "

"It is indeed good news, but Zhang Yilan is not someone who is easy to get rid of. You should be careful." Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen's face and felt that something was wrong. He looked carefully again. He grabbed her wrist and examined her carefully.

 Smooth communication should refer to smoothness, like beads rolling on a jade plate.

This is…

 (End of this chapter)

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