Chapter 604 It turns out to be Princess Rui

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen in surprise, "Are you pregnant?"

Han Jingchen was not as surprised as Fan Qingyao, but she was a little disappointed and said, "Either you should say that you shouldn't find a friend who knows medicine. Look, you saw through it before I even had time to announce the good news. "

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Even if I see through it, I will still be happy. Does the Sixth Prince know about this?"

When Han Jingchen thought of her silly boy, she finally felt a little shy like a daughter, "I only found out about it yesterday. She pulled me and talked about it all night. I originally wanted to ask the maid next to me to come back today." It would be nice to spread the news at home, but the Sixth Prince insists on coming to tell the news in person, and I can't stop him."

“The fact that the Sixth Prince can go to the Han Mansion in person shows that he values ​​you. It’s good that only a child whose father values ​​him can grow up happily.”

Of course Han Jingchen knew Fan Qingyao’s previous experiences, so she hurriedly held her hand and said, "Qingyao, are you unhappy?"

Fan Qingyao held Han Jingchen's hand and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? The past is in the past. If I'm still worried about it, it's because I have something to do with myself. But you, you have to take good care of yourself during this period." , if you feel uncomfortable, send me a message immediately.”

Han Jingchen felt sour and warm in her heart when she saw that Fan Qingyao kept caring about her, "Don't worry, I'm ten months pregnant and I can't let you rest."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "I'm very happy."

Han Jingchen saw Fan Qingyao smiling, and she also laughed too.

Her wish is really simple, that is, she hopes that everyone around her and she can find their own happiness.

When Sun Contong entered the door, he saw such a sensational scene.

Seeing Han Jingchen and Fan Qingyao's hands clasped together, Sun Congtong was so sad that she couldn't help but say, "I asked you two to pay more attention. If you didn't know better, I would have thought that you two were in love and were going to elope that night." Go."

Han Jingchen rolled her eyes at Sun Contong, "Are you envious?"

"I'm envious. Not only am I envious, but I also want you two to do well and take me with you to elope and travel around the world." Sun Congtong said, and put his cold hands on her.

Han Jingchen has always been a big-hearted person who only cares about laughing.

Fan Qingyao quickly held Sun Contong's hand and said, "Don't let Jingchen get cold. She is very valuable now."

Hearing this, Sun Congtong still didn't understand anything, so he hurriedly called Han Jingchen to agree to become his godmother.

Han Jingchen shook her head quickly, "I don't want it. If you want to be a godmother, you have to find Qingyao. You are so stupid yourself, why do you want to take my child with you?"

Sun Congtong was not angry after hearing this, "Forget it if you don't agree, I can give birth myself anyway."

Han Jingchen and Fan Qingyao were both stunned when they heard this.

Sun Congtong also knew that she seemed to have said the wrong thing, but she did not intend to keep it a secret, so she told her about getting married. The other party was her cousin. The relationship between the two families had always been good, and she I grew up with my cousin as childhood sweethearts, so we are familiar with each other's temperaments and temperaments.

Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen were stunned for a long time before they both held Sun Contong's hand.

Although they didn't say anything, they were happy and joyful for each other and couldn't hide their excitement and trembling.

Sun Congtong also thought that when she had an accident, Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen were by her side. Thinking about it, her eyes became red.

Fan Qingyao looked at the moist eyes of Sun Contong and Han Jingchen, and felt a little choked.

There have been many bumps and bruises along the way.

 Fortunately, everyone’s outcome is good.

 The days in winter are short, and it would be dark after just a few people chatting for a while.

 A few people walked out of the teahouse no matter how reluctant they were to leave.

The stairs in this tea house are not very spacious. When a few people were about to go downstairs, they happened to see someone going up.

Fan Qingyao and Sun Contong were both concerned about Han Jingchen's health, so they stood aside to protect her.

 It's just that the person going upstairs didn't seem to be in a hurry. He stood in the middle of the stairs for a long time and didn't take a few steps. Sun Contong just couldn't stand it any longer and urged at the top of his lungs, "Can those downstairs hurry up? Didn't you see that there are still people upstairs waiting to go down?"

Sun Congtong’s words were not polite, but after all, those who stood in the way were at fault first, and Fan Qingyao didn’t intend to stop anything.

As the words fell, there were footsteps in the middle of the stairs, obviously walking upstairs.

Sun Congtong saw the people moving downstairs and didn't think much. He walked towards the stairs first, wanting to stand at the corner in the middle of the stairs first, and then wait to help Han Jingchen down.

 At this moment, a man and a woman also came to the corner of the stairs.

Both the man and the woman are well-dressed, but compared with the man's fair and soft face, the woman obviously looks much older.

From Fan Qingyao's angle, he could only see the side face of the woman clearly, and just when he thought she looked familiar, the woman raised her arm, and when she passed by Sun Contong, she hit Sun Contong hard in the chest with her elbow.

Sun Congtong didn’t expect that this man would do it as soon as he said it. He grimaced in pain and asked, “Why do you hit someone?”

The woman laughed when she heard this, "The stairs are narrow, and bumps are unavoidable. If this girl is really so squeamish, wouldn't it be better to just stay at home and not go out?"

 “How do you talk?”

“The girl has been aggressive all the time, why do you blame me again?”

Han Jingchen was also very anxious when she saw Sun Congtong's pale face.

  It was obvious that the woman had done that on purpose, and now she was still righteously calling Sun Contong a pig. How could there be such an unreasonable person in this world.

But before Han Jingchen could speak, Fan Qingyao said, "Cong Tong, don't be rude."

 Han Jingchen, “…”

Sun Contong, “…”

 What's the situation?

Sun Congtong and Han Jingchen both wondered why Fan Qingyao helped the woman, but they believed that Fan Qingyao would never do this for no reason, so although they had doubts in their hearts, they kept their mouths shut in front of them. .

When the woman saw that Sun Congtong had stopped talking, she just thought that these people were frightened by her. She curled her lips proudly and pulled the man beside her to continue going up the stairs. However, when she looked up, she saw a familiar touch. figure.

 When their eyes met, the woman was startled.

Fan Qingyao was the first to laugh, "Even though Prince Rui is no longer alive, and Prince Rui's son has gone down to keep him company, Princess Rui is still as charming as ever."

 Princess Rui? !

As soon as these words came out, Sun Contong and Han Jingchen were stunned.

The young man next to Princess Rui seemed to be surprised as well, looking blankly at the woman next to her.

Princess Rui squeezed the handkerchief in her hand, her clenched teeth wanted to bite down on Fan Qingyao's body bit by bit, "What do you want?"

Even if she hates Fan Qingyao now, Fan Qingyao's identity is no longer something she can touch.

Fan Qingyao’s purpose is simple, “to apologize.”

 Princess Rui almost died of anger on the spot, "Don't push yourself too far!"

Sun Congtong was not afraid of making things worse, but when she thought of the identities of Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen, she still came over and said softly, "Qingyao, why don't you forget it, I'm not hurt anyway."

After hearing this, Princess Rui became hardened, "I heard that the Crown Princess will get married in a grand ceremony next year. If it is known that the Crown Princess bullies others at this time, I wonder if the royal family will want someone with a higher eye than the top. Daughter-in-law!”

 (End of this chapter)

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