Chapter 605 is a clear threat to you

Of course Han Jingchen didn’t believe that the royal family would cancel the marriage because of this disappearance, but Princess Rui was right about one thing. People like them who married into the royal family were most afraid of causing trouble.

"I think it's getting late, let's go first." Han Jingchen took Fan Qingyao's hand. Now Princess Rui has only an empty name left, and she caused a lot of trouble for such a person. It's really impossible to do this.

Fan Qingyao, however, stood still and said, "If Princess Rui is not afraid of causing trouble, I will certainly not be afraid either. I just don't know how Princess Rui will explain to the people around her?"

 The husband is gone, the son is dead, who is this man now?

Looking at the man's obedient look with his head lowered and silent throughout the whole process, it was obvious what kind of relationship he had with Princess Rui.

Sure enough, a hint of guilt flashed in Princess Rui's eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, confidently, "It's just a threat. Did Princess Rui just hear it?"

 Princess Rui, “…”

Who can lend her a knife?

Han Jingchen and Sun Contong, who had just persuaded Fan Qingyao to take a step back, heard this and began tracing the man's body with wide eyes.


This guy is the pretty boy raised by Princess Rui? !

As if they had been connected to the two branches of Ren and Governor, Han Jingchen and Sun Congtong stopped persuading them.

Even if there is only an empty title left on Princess Rui’s head, she is the daughter-in-law who has entered the royal family tree.

If this matter is taken seriously, it would be a minor matter for Princess Rui to have a layer of her skin peeled off.

Princess Rui's hair stood on end when she was looked at by three people and six pairs of eyes. Even if she was filled with anger, she could no longer burn it out.

Almost gritting her teeth, Princess Rui walked up to Sun Contong and said, "It was my fault just now."

Sun Contong, “…”

 Being apologized by the princess is something I would never dream of.

 Han Jingchen saw that Princess Rui also gave in, so she looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Let's go too."

Fan Qingyao originally just wanted to win a breath, and he didn't really plan to do anything to Princess Rui.

Seeing the three people go downstairs, Princess Rui had to learn her lesson this time and took the initiative to retreat to the corner with the man. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and said to Fan Qingyao to get out of here.

However, the man standing next to Princess Rui quietly looked at Fan Qingyao with his eyelids raised.

Fan Qingyao didn't like this kind of voyeuristic observation. He glanced indifferently and realized that the man lowered his head before continuing downstairs with Sun Congtong and Han Jingchen.

 When we returned to the mansion, it was completely dark.

As soon as Fan Qingyao returned to the yard, Lang Ya, who had been waiting in the yard for a long time, followed him.

Seeing that Lang Ya had been following the young lady, Nanny Xu guessed that something important was going on and hurriedly sent all the servants away in the yard.

Sure enough, as soon as Langya entered the door, he said, "Miss, the fifth prince said he had no idea."

 In fact, Lang Ya said this quite implicitly.

 Baili Lingyu's original words were that he didn't even know whether the woman was round or flat.

At that time, the horse was frightened, and Baili Lingyu did rush out of the carriage to save the person, but due to the difference between men and women, he just blocked the person behind him, without even touching her with a finger.

 As a result, such rumors spread in the main city for some reason.

A few days ago, the emperor summoned Baili Lingyu to the palace, thinking that he might just get married. One can imagine how angry Baili Lingyu was.

The emperor was also very angry after being sternly rejected by Baili Lingyu. In the end, the empress came forward and suggested that Baili Lingyu return to his mansion to think about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Things turned out to be simpler than Fan Qingyao thought, but Fan Qingyao's heart became heavier.

Princes may not always get married in a legitimate manner.

 There is no precedent in Xiliang that the concubine enters the house first and then marries the principal concubine. The emperor was far less wary of the fifth prince than he was of the others, and it was not impossible for him to get his son married as soon as possible if he showed a little paternal love.

If he were an ordinary father, Fan Qingyao would certainly not think much about it.

 But the fifth prince’s father is the emperor.

  He is the Nine-Five-Year-Old Lord of Xiliang!

 Those who can get a marriage from the emperor are not princesses and concubines, and who are not of noble status and family status.

As for the woman who was rumored to be having an affair with the fifth prince, the emperor wanted to marry her, so how could she not make people worry too much.

 It seems that the emperor already knows the identity of the woman.

Moreover, the woman’s status is worthy of the emperor’s marriage.

Even if the famous ladies in the main city keep a low profile, they always have traces to follow, but that woman has never been able to find out...

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly.

 This matter is really getting more and more interesting.

"Miss, do you plan to continue to investigate?" Lang Ya asked, indicating that he was ready to investigate in person.

Fan Qingyao said, "Let's put this matter aside for now."

The Empress circled the fifth prince in order to dispel the rumors in the city little by little.

And looking at the current situation, the people who want to promote this matter do not seem to intend to continue to bite on it.

Since the Queen has intervened, Fan Qingyao can't help but cause trouble.

Besides, there are just rumors in the city now. Even if something is really found, it will be harmless.

By then, not only will the problem not be solved, but the problem will be alarmed.

 It’s better to wait and see.

 When that person makes any other big moves, it won't be too late to see him again.

“Miss, I want you to go to the study room.” Nanny Xu’s voice sounded outside the door.

Fan Qingyao knew that his grandfather would never go to the study with her easily, so he immediately put on his shawl and went out.

 In the study, Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian were both there.

Fan Qingyao first stepped forward and bowed his knees to say hello, "My granddaughter would like to say hello to my grandfather and grandmother."

Tao Yuxian took Fan Qingyao's hand and pulled her to sit next to him, "It should be a good thing."

Fan Qingyao was stunned and looked at his grandfather in confusion.

Hua Yaoting didn't sell the lawsuit either. "Prince Heshuo just sent someone to deliver the news, saying that the prince personally delivered the letter to the palace and is scheduled to arrive in the main city on the night of Little New Year's Eve."

 Fan Qingyao thought to himself, this is indeed good news.

 But there was no smile on her face.

 Obviously, my grandfather did not finish what he said.

And if you just want to tell her the news that Baili Fengming has returned to the city, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Hua Yaoting looked at Fan Qingyao in silence, and then there was no movement.

Tao Yuxian frowned and looked at her husband. What about the second part of the sentence? Can you eat it?

Hua Yaoting sighed. If Xiao Qingyao was like other female dolls, with her own joy in her head, he could still use an educational tone to ask her to think about the overall situation, but now this child is silent and clearly Just waiting for him to continue talking, so obedient and sensible, how could he open his mouth?

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 Oh, you feel sorry for me, don’t I feel sorry for you?

 But the matter is there, how can it be solved by feeling distressed?

 (End of this chapter)

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