Chapter 616 The invisible Princess Yunyue

As soon as Fan Qingyao followed Baihe into Fengyi Palace, he saw several people standing in the courtyard.

 Looking carefully, we saw several princes and concubines.

This is a rule in the palace. Even if the prince's mother and concubine are still alive, when the prince and concubines come to the palace to visit during the holidays, they must first come to pay their respects to the queen.

It's just that the weather is already extremely cold right now, and the princes and concubines don't wear too much for appearance. Now they are shivering from the cold even if they are holding on.

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes in confusion.

The Empress is the mother of the world, and she would never deliberately neglect everyone to drink the northwest wind in the courtyard.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard sweet laughter coming from the palace not far away.

“Sure enough, I still like to stay with my mother in this palace.”

“If you like to come here often, I remember that when you were a child, you liked to come here to make trouble.”

"When I was a child, I was ignorant and always took things lightly. Fortunately, my mother was generous and kind and didn't care about me."

"Since you all want to call me Queen Mother, how can I be serious with you juniors?"

Fan Qingyao listened to this conversation and knew the lively scene in the palace just by thinking about it.

 I think it was precisely because of the arrival of Princess Yunyue that the Queen had no time to greet the princes and concubines for the time being.

Although Princess Yunyue's status is higher than that of the Crown Princess present, if Princess Yunyue really thought about the Queen, she would not do such a thing to hold the Queen back.

Whether it is unintentional or intentional, this is just to smear the Queen’s forehead.

Looking at the princes and concubines in the yard, Fan Qingyao whispered a few words to Lily beside him.

"The Crown Princess is still careful, I will do it now." Lily nodded suddenly and hurriedly walked to the small kitchen at the back.

The princes and concubines, who were freezing in the yard, looked around and saw Fan Qingyao walking this way.

"Princess." The Eighth Princess was the first to say hello, but she had been frozen for too long and her knees were numb. With this slight bend, she almost fell to her knees on the ground.

 Fortunately, Fan Qingyao helped the person in time, "Why is it so complicated if there are no outsiders?"

The eighth princess relied on Fan Qingyao's support to support her body. She smiled gratefully and said, "That's what the princess said."

Pan Yulu on the side heard this and couldn't help but said, "This etiquette is set by the royal family. As a royal person, you should abide by it. If the princess makes her own decisions, isn't she afraid of being blamed by the emperor?"

Pan Yulu was afraid of Fan Qingyao's methods, but she hated Fan Qingyao's escape from the battle even more.

 For a full half a month, she stared in the imperial kitchen, and her eyeballs still hurt badly.

"If that's the case, why don't the third princes and concubines say hello?" Of course Fan Qingyao wouldn't argue with Pan Yulu. If anyone was willing to bow down to her, she would be happy to take it all.

 The Eighth Prince's knees were numb from the cold, and Pan Yulu's knees were naturally numb.

 It’s hard to even walk now, let alone say hello.

 After trying several times, Pan Yulu almost fell to the ground because she bent her knees, and finally had to grit her teeth and give up.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao didn't force anything. He just smiled and said, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. It turns out that the third prince and concubine don't understand such a simple truth."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 It means that the chest is so blocked.

Fan Qingyao looked around again, then took the eighth prince's concubine's hand and asked, "Where is the second prince's concubine?"

The eighth princess said softly, "Before entering the palace, I said something happened in the palace and I would be delayed for a while." Fan Qingyao nodded and said nothing more.

Just at this moment, Lily came over with steaming **** soup.

Fan Qingyao saw this and said again, "Princess Yunyue returned to the palace last night. I heard that our princess was close to the Queen when she was a child. Now that we haven't seen each other for a year, she has a lot to say. In my opinion, You two shouldn’t just stand around here, why not go to the side hall and drink some **** soup to warm yourself up.”

Hearing these words, Lily was so excited that she wanted to give the Crown Princess a thumbs up.

Who dares to make decisions in Fengyi Palace except the Queen?

So whether it is the eighth prince's concubine or the second prince's concubine, they will instinctively think that this is the queen's intention.

In this case, are you still worried that the two princes and concubines will not accept the queen's love?

It's just a rule in the palace that you can't eat in other palaces during the holidays, but the princess's words are ambiguous. If you really look into it, this matter has nothing to do with the queen.

Thinking of this, Lily looked at Fan Qingyao with even more complicated eyes.

The Crown Princess has obviously left all the good things to the Queen and put all the bad things on her own shoulders!

Sure enough, when the Eighth Prince and Pan Yulu heard this, they both thought it was the Queen’s intention.

Even though it is not in compliance with the palace rules, none of them would do such stupid things as questioning the Queen from the Queen’s territory.

Besides, they were really too cold.

When Fan Qingyao saw this, he winked at Lily.

Lily hurriedly invited the people to the side hall, "The two princes and concubines are invited here."

Once entering the side hall, the Eighth Prince and Pan Yulu finally felt alive again.

 The entire temple was very hot with charcoal, and it was very comfortable to be roasted on the body.

Pan Yulu was really freezing. As soon as she entered the door, she didn't care about her image. She just moved a chair and sat down next to the brazier. She had no time to argue with Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao asked Lily to fetch two cloaks again, and carefully put them on the two of them.

 The eighth prince's concubine was feeling all this, and she was about to burst into tears of excitement.

 What the mother-in-law said is indeed true. There will be meat to eat if you follow the Crown Princess!

Princess Yunyue, who was still talking to the Queen in the main hall, was surprised when she heard that there was no movement in the courtyard.

But on the surface, she suddenly panicked and said, "Didn't you say that the princes and concubines are coming to pay their respects to the mother? Why is the courtyard quiet now, but what happened?"

After hearing this, Queen Zhen Xi felt nervous and asked Yan Qian to check.

Although it was not a big deal when something happened to the princess, it was bad for her reputation as a queen.

Princess Yunyue secretly looked at Queen Zhen Xi's expression and sneered fiercely in her heart.

Even if something happens to the princess, it's not a big deal, but it is enough to bring blackness to the queen's face.

So it was not in vain that she had to sit here for so long, accompanying the queen to make excuses.

However, as she thought in her heart, Princess Yunyue hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "It's all my fault. I'm afraid that the Queen Mother would only focus on reminiscing with me and ignore the prince and concubine who were greeting me outside. Don't worry, Queen Mother, if something really goes wrong Whatever happened, I will definitely explain it to my father in person.”

 Empress Zhen Xi looked at Yunyue kneeling on the ground, but she was so disgusted.

Even if this was indeed the case, she would never let Yunyue go to the emperor to plead guilty.

In this case, wouldn’t it mean that outsiders would say that she, a queen, has no sense of restraint and would blame her juniors for anything that happened?

 (End of this chapter)

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