Chapter 617 The enviable daughter-in-law

"What does this matter have to do with you? Get up quickly." Queen Zhen Xi still had to say what she should say.

Yunyue, however, knelt on the ground and did not get up. "I understand that my mother is good to me. If this is the case, how can I let my mother be angered by my father because of me?"

When Yan Qian entered the door, he saw Princess Yunyue crying deeply and deeply.

Just looking at Princess Yunyue's eyes that were red from crying, Yan Qian was lying if he said he wasn't disgusted.

Just now the Queen repeatedly mentioned the prince and concubine outside, but Princess Yunyue deliberately interrupted her again and again.

 Now you think about pretending to be a good person?

With these thoughts in mind, when Yan Qian walked to Queen Zhen Xi, he deliberately raised his voice a few degrees and said, "I just went out to take a look, and there was no one in the yard."

Yunyue was stunned for a moment, "Where have everyone gone?"

Yan Qian smiled leisurely and said, "Yes, I was also puzzled, so I sent someone to check it out."

Yunyue was so excited by Yan Qian that her neck felt sore. However, even though she had already scolded Yan Qian in her heart, she still kept her original posture and waited anxiously for the answer.

Queen Zhen Xi couldn't fall out with Yunyue at this time. She looked at Yan Qian and said, "You are an old servant and it's not easy to speak. Please tell me quickly what happened?"

Yan Qian didn't know the Queen's reminder, so he turned around and said with a smile, "After careful inquiry, I learned that it was the Crown Princess who saw that the princes and concubines in the courtyard were very cold, so she invited them all to the side hall. , and even asked people to prepare **** soup for the princes and concubines. "

 Empress Zhen Xi laughed when she heard this. Sure enough, that child Xiao Qingyao never let her down.

Yunyue, who was still kneeling on the ground, couldn't laugh after hearing these words.

 Originally, I wanted to discredit the Queen, but now it has allowed the Queen to win over the people...

Faced with such an unexpected outcome, it’s strange that she can laugh!

Empress Zhen Xi didn't care what Yunyue was thinking, she finally brought the topic to this, so she simply struck while the iron was hot, "I was busy reminiscing with Yunyue just now, but I ignored a few people outside. Let them come over. It just so happens that I can also let them come." Yunyue meets Xiao Qingyao."

Empress Zhen Xi said it so directly that Yunyue couldn't find any excuse to delay further.

Yan Qian was also from Saleng, so he hurriedly went out to invite people without waiting for Yunyue's reaction.

"Yunyue, you should get up quickly. After all, the ground is cold in winter. If you freeze, your mother and concubine and your father will probably come to settle accounts with me." Empress Zhenxi smiled and stretched out her hand, but In one sentence, he clearly stated his position with Yunyue.

After all, he didn't spring out of my belly. No matter how much he pretends to be filial, he is still an outsider.

Seeing this, what else could Yunyue say? She could only sit back on the chair awkwardly.

When Yan Qian walked into the side hall, the Eighth Prince and Pan Yulu had already recovered. When they heard the Empress summoned them, they both stood up quickly, eager to teleport to the Empress.

The sooner you are summoned, the sooner you get out.

Nowadays, Yan Qian sees that Fan Qingyao is very pleasing to his eyes. Not only did he walk to Fan Qingyao's side in person, but he also protected Fan Qingyao during the whole process and kept reminding him, "Princess, please be careful, the road is here." "Hua, that's the road that was just built before the beginning of winter. I'm afraid it's unstable. Follow me this way."

Facing Yan Qian's warm and respectful attitude, even the eighth prince and his concubine were extremely envious.

I thought that every time she went to Concubine Zhang Shu's palace, all the servants would treat her coldly.

 Let’s look at Fan Qingyao, who is also the daughter-in-law...

 Just thinking about it can make me shed a handful of bitter tears.

 In the bedroom, Yunyue has returned to normal.

But when Fan Qingyao walked in, he still saw Yunyue's slightly red eyes. But Fan Qingyao has absolutely no so-called sympathy.

Yunyue deliberately delayed the queen to let the princes and concubines suffer from the cold outside, which shows that she had ulterior motives.

It's freezing cold today, and the princes and concubines are used to pampering themselves, so it's normal for them to faint from the cold.

And if this is true, it will not only dilute the grandeur of the prince's return, but also make the emperor angry at the queen.

In the last life, Fan Qingyao was manipulated so hard by Concubine Yu and Baili Rongze, perhaps Yunyue's advice was involved. But from beginning to end, Fan Qingyao only met Yunyue briefly a few times, and every time Yunyue can pretend to be a good person in front of her, which shows the depth of Yunyue's intentions.

 “Greetings to the Queen Mother.”

 The Eighth Princess and Pan Yulu both knelt on the ground and respectfully greeted her.

Queen Zhen Xi knew that the two people had been delayed in Fengyi Palace for a long time, so she gave a few hasty instructions and asked Lily to send them out.

 As soon as the eighth prince concubine and Pan Yulu left, Fan Qingyao took a step forward and said, "My daughter-in-law has met her mother."

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao and was so happy that she opened her mouth from ear to ear. She hurriedly stretched out her hand and said, "Where did my family come from so many complicated things? Come here and show me, but you are too thin?"

Fan Qingyao took advantage of the situation and took the hand that was stretched out in front of him. He stood up slowly, walked to the Queen and looked at her.

Looking at the hands of the two people intertwined, Yunyue couldn't help but frown.

Looking at the women in this harem, which one is not destined to be the daughter-in-law of others in the end?

 Even her mother-in-law is the daughter-in-law of the royal family.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have always been difficult to get along with. It would be an understatement to say that they are incompatible with each other.

Now seeing that the empress really likes Fan Qingyao from the bottom of her heart, Yunyue said in her heart that she was not envious, which was a lie, because she knew that she might not be as lucky as Fan Qingyao in the future.

"By the way, this is Princess Yunyue. She is a few years older than you, but the prince is a few years older than Yunyue. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, you will follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, you will follow the dog. Since you are going to marry the prince , she is Yunyue's sister-in-law." While empress Zhen Xi introduced her with a smile, she also did not forget to tell Fan Qingyao that even if Yunyue was a princess, as the crown prince, Fan Qingyao did not need to use her honorific title.

Fan Qingyao couldn't understand what the Queen meant. He didn't salute but just smiled and nodded, "Princess Yunyue."

Yunyue hurriedly took off a bracelet from her hand and stuffed it into Fan Qingyao's hand, "It's all my negligence, but I forgot that Feng Ming is about to get married. Although this bracelet is not a priceless thing, it is You have been following me for several years, please don’t dislike me.”

Fan Qingyao accepted it with a smile, "Princess Yunyue's things are priceless."

 Yunyue, “…”

 This mouth is really good at talking.

Queen Zhen Xi didn't want her daughter-in-law to stand for a long time, so she hurriedly smiled and pulled her to sit next to her, "There is no movement in front of the palace gate yet. I think it will take some time for the prince to come. Now all the palaces are busy. Just chatting about home affairs here can be regarded as passing the time with me. "

Why are all the palaces so busy? Isn't it because the princes and concubines are busy greeting the concubines?

 Obviously, Queen Zhenxi was also urging Yunyue to go back to her respective homes and find her own mother.

Even a fool can understand what he said.

But Yunyue smiled and held Empress Zhen Xi's hand, "Originally, I thought that I would be the only one accompanying my mother, so I was a little lonely. Fortunately, the emperor's sister-in-law came in time, and now I and the emperor's sister-in-law are accompanying her. With my mother in my arms, it’s hard not to liven things up in Fengyi Palace.”

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

 It’s okay to be thick-skinned.

 (End of this chapter)

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