Chapter 618 A good digger

Fan Qingyao was shocked when he saw Yunyue's smiling face.

If other people listen to this, they may not be able to sit still even if they want to.

But looking at Yunyue again, one sentence broke her embarrassment, and even found a logical reason for herself to stay. In this way, if the Queen empress forced her to leave, it would be the Queen's fault.

This cloud and moon…

He is indeed a capable person.

When Queen Zhen Xi saw that the person was not being chased away, she could only ramble on and on.

Princess Yunyue also said with emotion, "Time flies so fast. Some time ago, I heard that the two royal sisters already have their own children. When I was young, what we children liked most was to come here." The Queen Mother's palace is bustling with excitement, and as a result, she has become a mother."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao glanced at the Queen uneasily.

 Sure enough, the smile on the Queen's face was obviously a little stiff.

The Empress does not only have one child, Baili Fengming, but that child...

Later on, the empress became completely disheartened because of this incident, and she had no plans to have any more children in these years.

With Yunyue's words now, it is hard not to think that she is stabbing the Queen's heart with a knife.

 The most helpless thing was that Yunyue looked nostalgic and innocent.

Even Fan Qingyao couldn't find any flaws in Yunyue like this.

Empress Zhen Xi really felt unhappy. Her biggest wish in her life was to have both children, but it all came to nothing. Now that Yunyue mentioned the daughters in the palace like this, how could she live well?

 But no matter how sad she was, Queen Zhen Xi had no intention of letting Yunyue see it.

As a result, just when Empress Zhen Xi wanted to hold back the smile on her face, Yunyue said again, "I thought it would be better to wait until after the New Year, so I proposed to my father that the two imperial sisters come back to live there." How many days, otherwise I don’t know when I can come back to fulfill my filial piety to my mother once I leave the palace.”

This time, Queen Zhen Xi really held on.

 Even if the princesses don't come back, her sadness will only be short-lived.

But if everyone comes back and makes noise in front of her all day long, she will not be sad unless she is dead.

Fan Qingyao smiled at this time and said, "Princess Yunyue just likes to joke. Now the mother and the father are in their prime. In the words of the people, it is a good time. To bring the princesses back at this time is probably to arouse the common people. Because of their panic, Princess Yunyue went to study medicine just to be filial to her father, and she thought she would be able to come back in a few years. "

What's the matter, you went out to study medicine under the guise of treating the emperor's health, and you don't plan to come back?

It's just that Fan Qingyao couldn't say this too straightforwardly, he could only delay it.

As long as the matter is delayed now, Princess Yunyue will not be able to hold on to it forever.

Yunyue felt dissatisfied hearing this, "What the princess said..."

Just at this time, Lily came in and interrupted, "Queen, the second prince and concubine have arrived."

 The time has come...

 It's a little late.

Fortunately, Queen Zhen Xi is not the kind of person who cares about everything. She nodded and said, "Let her come in."

Lily turned around and walked out the door. Soon, the second prince and concubine walked in in a panic.

As soon as they saw the empress, the second princess knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "My daughter-in-law is paying her respects to my mother. Today, my daughter-in-law's mother was fine and suddenly fainted. My daughter-in-law was tripped up by things at home, and her generals were free." , I hope my mother will forgive me.”                               castscripterator\'' to Queen Zhenxi, there was a trace of worry on her face after hearing this.

But before Queen Zhen Xi could ask, there was a sharp sound of slapping her hands on the wooden table.

 The sound of "Pa—!" startled several people in the hall.

Fan Qingyao subconsciously followed the sound and saw Princess Yunyue angrily yelling, "That's nonsense! Not only are you late for such an important day, but you also find such ridiculous excuses. Second Princess, where did you put your mother? ? Where did you place the palace rules again?"

 The second princess was stunned when she was scolded. She was originally worried about her family, but now she burst into tears.

However, looking at Yunyue with a cold eyebrow, it was obvious that the second prince and concubine did not recognize her.

 Empress Zhen Xi looked at Yunyue slightly unhappy, "Yunyue, what are you doing?"

Princess Yunyue looked like she was complaining for the sake of the Queen, "The Queen is kind, but she doesn't know that the people below are relying on the Queen's kindness to do evil. If what happened today can't scare the monkeys, won't everyone have to neglect the Queen in the future? reason?"

When the second princess heard that it was Princess Yunyue, she became even more panicked. "I didn't lie. I really didn't lie. If the queen doesn't believe it, she can send someone to the palace to ask questions."

Princess Yunyue snorted coldly, "Wow! You still dare to quibble now! Do you really think that the queen mother dare not send people to investigate, do you?"

The second princess knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face, but her eyes were firm, "My daughter-in-law is willing to personally take people back to the mansion to find out what happened."

Princess Yunyue sneered and said, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly!"

 Obviously, Yunyue intends to investigate thoroughly.

 But Fan Qingyao knew that he couldn't check it!

Although the second prince's concubine was the most quarrelsome among the several princes and concubines, she never had the courage to rush into the palace in Xiaonian and deliberately delayed the time to pay her respects to the queen.

Moreover, looking at the firm gaze of the second princess, it definitely didn't look like she was lying.

If someone really leaves the palace and goes to the second prince's mother's house on the Queen's orders, let alone not finding out, it will make the Queen appear to be careless. If it is really found out, what will everyone do? Treat the Queen?

 Rules are dead, but people are alive.

Even the extremely selfish emperor knew that he had to care about the people's voice and their will!

 It can be seen that things like reputation are important to people with high status.

Fan Qingyao looked at Yunyue with an angry face again, and really wanted to sigh that this person was a master.

This is how long I have been sitting in Fengyi Palace. The holes dug are one after another, which is completely dizzying.

Of course Queen Zhen Xi knew not to investigate, but if she opened her mouth about this matter, it would be a polite rejection of Yunyue's kindness. With Yunyue's temper, she didn't know what kind of trouble she would cause.

Suddenly, everything went dark, and Fan Qingyao was seen kneeling on the ground.

Seeing this, Yunyue said directly, "The emperor's sister-in-law doesn't need to make excuses for people who don't respect the queen. If today's incident doesn't get to the bottom of the truth, how can the queen be dignified in the palace in the future?"

Before Fan Qingyao could say anything, Yunyue labeled him as someone who would destroy the empress's prestige and boost the arrogance of others.

Empress Zhen Xi slightly tightened the handkerchief in her hand, her sharp eyebrows almost ready to show off.

If Xiao Qingyao really spoke, wouldn't he be knocked over by Yunyue's **** basin?

Over the years, Yunyue has always been talking and laughing with her. Even if it was a fake relationship, Queen Zhenxi was not willing to expose it.

 But now if she wants to drag her daughter-in-law into trouble, Queen Zhenxi will not sit idly by.

It's just that since Fan Qingyao knelt down, he had no intention of asking the Queen to come forward.

 (End of this chapter)

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