Chapter 620 The reason for sudden return

 Empress Zhen Xi changed her clothes and walked out quickly.

Seeing Fan Qingyao standing at the door in a daze, he took the initiative to come over, took her hand and looked at her carefully, "I just saw that you were kneeling sincerely, but where did you bump?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Mother is worried, but my daughter-in-law is fine."

Queen Zhen Xi was relieved when she saw that Fan Qingyao was really okay, "That Yunyue has always been a thoughtful person since she was a child. Even Concubine Yu could lose her temper sometimes, but this Yunyue was always smiling. Yes, I have a very good relationship with everyone in the palace. I am a queen who sounds nice, but sometimes she is unable to do what she wants. She is not as comfortable as ordinary concubines, who can distinguish between right and wrong according to their own temperament. "

Fan Qingyao’s support today made Empress Zhen Xi very angry.

 I think that after she lost her child a few years ago, Concubine Yu brought Yunyue over for a little sit-down.

When Yunyue was old, he would run to her and make trouble with other princesses and princes all day long.

Is it really because of the beautiful scenery of Fengyi Palace?

How can it be!

 Fortunately, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Now she has no children, but she has a capable daughter-in-law.

Fan Qingyao felt ashamed when he saw the empress's expression of hatred.

How long did the queen have to be angry with Princess Yunyue to be able to relieve her anger like this?

Lily heard the commotion outside and hurriedly opened the curtain to check, and saw the royal people coming to call.

Thinking that she could finally see her son, Queen Zhen Xi took Fan Qingyao's hand and walked out.

Fan Qingyao said, "Mother, this is against the rules."

Empress Zhen Xi said brightly, "I love my daughter-in-law. Is there anything that is against the rules? Some people have to admit that they are stupid and inferior. They are not afraid of coming to the door to stab their daughter-in-law. What are we afraid of fighting afterward?" Where’s the face?”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

I feel that the Queen’s revenge on Yunyue is not over yet.

To be honest, Fan Qingyao really doesn't like Yunyue.

Although he said that people who are different should not work together, Yunyue's method of hiding a knife behind a smile is really disgusting.

But if Fan Qingyao remembers correctly, Yunyue studied medicine and planned to return to the main city after a few years, but now it has been so far in advance, something seems to be wrong.

 “Do you know why Princess Yunyue came back?”

Empress Zhen Xi lowered her voice and said, "Last night, I was shocked when I heard that Yunyue suddenly returned to the palace. I quickly asked someone to find out the news. I heard that Concubine Yu was injured and relapsed, so she missed her dearly. I privately proposed to the emperor that Yunyue come back to celebrate the New Year this year."

Concubine Yu stabbed herself so hard in the chest in order to isolate the prince in the palace.

Although his subsequent purpose did not succeed, according to Fan Qingyao's understanding of Concubine Yu, that person would never settle for second best.

So Yunyue must have other secrets when she comes back this time.

Queen Zhen Xi naturally understood this truth, so she dealt with Yunyue so carefully today, for fear of causing trouble when her son came back.

“I heard that Yue Yu Palace is very lively today, and Concubine Yu’s niece has also entered the palace.” Empress Zhen Xi only got the news today, which shows how tightly Concubine Yu kept her secret.

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao frowned. She remembered that the relationship between Concubine Yu and her mother's family had always been tense.

Yu Guifei’s mother’s family relied on Concubine Yu, but Concubine Yu tried every means to squeeze profits from her mother’s family for her son.

 The back-and-forth situation seemed calm on the surface because no consensus could be reached, but in fact it was already turbulent underneath.

So of course Fan Qingyao didn't believe that Concubine Yu's mother's family would be so kind as to find someone to visit Concubine Yu.

Seeing that the Queen didn't mention it again, Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen had only found out so much, so he didn't ask any more questions.

 Today Baili Fengming returns to the palace, and it will definitely be very popular.

 According to Concubine Yu's plan, Baili Fengming will never be able to take the lead.

 So Fan Qingyao knew very well that he had to be very energetic tonight.

 The imperial court is very particular about delivering news. Although the emperor summons everyone to the banquet, the people in the imperial palace will still be divided into three, six or nine according to their rank.

 The lower the status, the more likely they are to get the news first, so that they can come to the main hall in advance and wait.

By the time Fan Qingyao and Queen Zhen Xi entered the hall, Concubine Yu was already sitting on her seat.

Yunyue, who was next to Concubine Yu, glanced at Fan Qingyao's hand that was tightly held by the empress, and her brows were so tight that they could kill a mosquito.

She knew that everything that happened just now was deliberately pretended by the Queen and Fan Qingyao to gag her!

Fan Qingyao swept past everyone in the hall and took in Yunyue's expression. He thought that the empress's method of irritating people was very effective. You could tell it by looking at Yunyue's appearance.

The Empress had to sit next to the Emperor, but Fan Qingyao's status was not that high, so when the Empress ascended the high seat, Fan Qingyao was invited by the palace officials to sit on the side seat.

At royal banquets, men and women sit separately. Even those who are married must abide by the rules.

Fan Qingyao was placed in the first row, and the person next to him happened to be the Princess of Heshuo County.

As soon as she saw Fan Qingyao, the princess of Heshuo County could not control her excitement.

 But no matter how excited she was, she had to hold it in.

Now everyone knows that the postponement of the prince's wedding was proposed by Prince Heshuo. A few days ago, Hua Yaoting kicked Prince Heshuo on the waist for this matter. If Fan Qingyao follows Heshuo, When Princess Shuojun chats with her, doesn't she take the initiative to put clues into other people's eyes?

 Hose Shuojun Princess understands the truth, but it’s so hard to pretend.

Fan Qingyao was sitting on the seat without squinting his eyes, but his heart was already shaking.

The people in the palace are not fools. They know that the Hua family is not getting along with the Heshuo County Prince's Palace, so they should have avoided danger.

 But it happened that the seats of two people were put together. Who would believe it if they said it was unintentional?

 But it doesn’t matter whose intention it is. All Fan Qingyao can do now is to ensure that his feet are not exposed.

Not far away, Princess Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao and the Princess of Heshuo County, who were looking at each other but not talking at all. She looked suspiciously at her mother and concubine beside her, "It doesn't mean that the Princess of Heshuo County has recognized Fan Qingyao a long time ago. Are you an adopted daughter? Why do you look so strange now?"

Concubine Yu snorted coldly before telling the prince about the postponement of his wedding.

Princess Yunyue nodded belatedly, "It seems that my father's suspicious temperament has not changed."

Concubine Yu sneered, "My suspicious temper has not changed, but my attention to the prince is increasing day by day. If the prince usually has the ability to delay your father, look at what time it is now, your father The emperor hasn’t come yet.”

 (End of this chapter)

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