Chapter 621 How can you speak for a bitch?

 When she thought about her son being upstaged by the prince, Concubine Yu felt so angry that she wanted to eat him.

Princess Yunyue felt helpless when she saw her mother-in-law's jealous and hateful look.

Princess Yunyue certainly does not admit that her younger brother is worse than the prince, but when it comes to marrying a daughter-in-law...

 There is absolutely no comparison between the third prince's concubine and the crown princess.

Just like what I said in Fengyi Palace, the third prince's concubine didn't even have basic flexibility, so she didn't dare to make the decision without authorization and involve the third prince's concubine in the situation, for fear that the third prince's concubine would not understand the situation and mess up the matter.

 But look at the Crown Princess, she had no communication with the Queen in the whole process, but she completely agreed with the Queen in every word and deed, so that even she did not take any advantage.

Looking at the mother-in-law's hateful expression, Yunyue persuaded her softly, "Fan Qingyao is a smart person. It would be more appropriate for the mother-in-law to be careful in the future."

Concubine Yu frowned, "How can you speak for a bitch? In the final analysis, Fan Qingyao is just a **** without a father. Even now, her grandfather is still trying to fawn over me. Who is a mere Fan Qingyao!"

Yunyue felt quite headache after hearing this.

 In the past, in the palace, due to her status, she was lawless and did not take anyone seriously.

 But during this year at Yaoshi Pavilion, she understood that ability really had nothing to do with status.

Just looking at the condescending look on her mother's face, Yunyue didn't know what to say to make her mother understand.

Concubine Yu was of course not happy that her daughter came back all the way, but ended up helping Fan Qingyao.

However, thinking that her daughter would still be of great use in the future, Concubine Yu could only persuade her, "What we did this time was perfect, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten you back. As long as we can bring down the prince this time, No matter how smart Fan Qingyao is, he still has to hold on."

Yunyue nodded, this is indeed correct.

 Otherwise, she would not have gone back to the main city so aggressively.

Not far away, Fan Qingyao was gently sipping tea, taking in the expressions of Concubine Yu and Yunyue across from her.

In order to consolidate Baili Rongze's position as the new emperor, Concubine Yu in her previous life married Yunyue to the current minister of household affairs.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that a princess commits herself to a small servant and is married off.

Hearing about the wedding day, Yunyue burst into tears.

 After all, Yunyue also wants to save face.

 But even so, it still did not shake Concubine Yu's mind.

 Just because the minister of household affairs came from a prominent family, and his father was the governor of water transportation.

I think back then, Concubine Yu even risked her daughter's life for her son. Now, I'm afraid nothing has changed.

But Fan Qingyao could see clearly just now that she didn't know what Yunyue said. Concubine Yu was obviously unhappy, but Concubine Yu still suppressed her anger and took the initiative to talk to Yunyue.

 Such deliberateness, if it is not profitable, who would believe it?

So even if Fan Qingyao couldn't hear the conversation over there, he knew in his heart that Yunyue was afraid of making big moves when he came back this time.

 “The Emperor is here!”

 “The prince has arrived—!”

As Bai Tu's unique voice sounded outside the palace, Emperor Yongchang was seen walking towards with Baili Fengming.

 Everyone in the palace stood up one after another, knelt on the ground and shouted, "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! May your Royal Highness live a thousand years!"

As the words fell, the hall fell into silence. Everyone knew in their hearts that even if they wanted to be flat, they would have to wait until the emperor sat on the high throne, so they were in no hurry.

Fan Qingyao followed the crowd and knelt in the crowd. He also understood the process and kept his head down.

 A pair of cloud boots embroidered with golden clouds suddenly appeared in front of them.

 Following this, came the extremely familiar Zi Shu Xiang.

Smelling this familiar smell, Fan Qingyao would be a fool if he didn't know who the visitor was.

But what Fan Qingyao couldn't understand was that when she entered the door, she clearly saw that the prince's seat was placed under the emperor. What's going on when Baili Fengming didn't accompany the emperor to sit down and ran in front of her?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the beautiful hand in his memory stretched out in front of him. The long and full fingers were like a budding flower, blooming quietly in front of Fan Qingyao's eyes.

Before Fan Qingyao could hesitate, the hand took the initiative to grab Fan Qingyao's hand and pulled her up.

Fan Qingyao, who can figure out anyone's thoughts, really couldn't understand Baili Fengming's thoughts at this moment, so much so that when he was pulled up, he was still confused and almost lost his balance.

Fortunately, Baili Fengming grabbed her waist first and fixed her to his side.

That jade-like face and beautiful eyebrows are still the familiar look of Fan Qingyao.

The palm held by Baili Fengming felt slightly hot, and a slight itching sensation spread along the palm to his heart.

Baili Fengming actually wrote in her palm?

Fan Qingyao felt a chill in his heart. After careful identification, all his suspicions turned into a chill.


 This is the word Baili Fengming left in her palm. Although there is only one word, it is enough.

I am afraid that the emperor is suspicious of Baili Fengming's initiative to postpone the wedding, and is even more worried that Baili Fengming had negotiated with her or the Hua family in advance to delay the wedding.

 So now, Baili Fengming has this series of strange behaviors.

 To put it bluntly, the emperor was using Baili Fengming's hand to test her reaction!

While thinking about it, Fan Qingyao pushed Baili Fengming away from him.

The level of ferocity pushed Baili Fengming to stagger.

Seeing this, Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly, his dark eyes darting between the two of them.

   Seems to be trustworthy, but not trustworthy.

 At this moment, Fan Qingyao looked towards Emperor Yongchang.

Looking at Fan Qingyao's look, she seemed a little flustered and wanted to continue greeting the emperor, but what happened just now was not her initiative at all, and she was also very aggrieved at this moment.

After struggling again and again, Fan Qingyao bowed to the emperor first, but what he said was extremely aggrieved, "His Royal Highness said he would postpone the wedding. I know that my humble status is completely incomparable to His Highness, but now His Royal Highness is so frivolous with his courtiers in front of the emperor, but he has put the emperor in a bad position. "

Fan Qingyao said this very softly, but he choked on every word.

 It seemed as if he had really been greatly wronged.

 Baili Fengming hurriedly walked over and grabbed Fan Qingyao's hand, "You are full of nonsense. How can I allow you to be so presumptuous in front of my father!"

Fan Qingyao originally wanted to break free, but thinking about Baili Fengming's words just now, she glanced at the emperor in front of her again. After all, she didn't struggle anymore and reluctantly allowed Baili Fengming to hold her arm. .

 (End of this chapter)

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