Chapter 628: Far away in the horizon and close at hand

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Even if Concubine Yu’s niece didn’t insist that it was the fifth prince who pushed the person down, the dirty things the fifth prince did were enough to make everyone present swallow a big whale.

It was at this time that everyone realized that the woman who had been rumored was actually the niece of Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu seemed to be surprised when she heard this, "Baoyan, are you sure you are the fifth prince?"

You Baoyan nodded weakly, "I have dealt with the fifth prince before, so I am sure now."

After hearing this, Yunyue seemed to be extremely angry, "How could Brother Five Emperors do such a thing? This is simply going to ruin Sister Baoyan's reputation! Now that Sister Baoyan's life has been saved, it can How will I behave in the future?”

 Baili Rongze hurriedly persuaded in a low voice, "Sister, please don't talk nonsense. You can't trust one person's words about this matter. Besides, I believe that the fifth emperor brother is not that kind of person."

Fortunately, Fan Qingyao didn't eat in the main hall just now, otherwise he would have probably vomited everything out after seeing Baili Rongze's hypocrisy.

It's obviously a mother and son teaming up to put on a show, but they still pretend to be good people to gain fame. It's really hypocritical.

Of course, Empress Zhenxi could not let Concubine Yu perform a play here with her two children. She said slowly, "Although I am very sympathetic to the experience of Concubine Yu's niece, but as soon as you say it, you must say it." The evidence, this is in the palace, and the person involved is a prince. You can’t just rely on red lips and white teeth to make everyone believe it. Don’t you think so, Your Majesty?”

Of course Queen Zhen Xi wants to remind the emperor that if her son really does such a thing, you, the father, will be disgraced.

So even for the sake of your own old face, you have to deal with it impartially.

 In Emperor Yongchang’s heart, no one could compare to his face and reputation. After hearing the Queen’s words, he said, “What the Queen said is very true.”

Yunyue didn't expect that the queen's mother-in-law could calm down her father with just one word, and she felt awe-struck in her heart.

This kind of queen is far from what she had in mind.

 After all, the former empress, at best, was aloof from the world, but at worst, she allowed herself to be oppressed by her mother and concubine.

Queen Zhen Xi saw the shock in Yunyue's eyes, and her heart became colder.

  She didn’t fight in the past because she didn’t have the confidence.

At that time, humiliating herself was the only weapon she had to protect herself and Feng Ming.

  But now it is different.

Feng Ming and Xiao Qingyao are so busy, aren’t they trying to have a peaceful future?

As a mother-in-law, if she doesn't be tough and fight for her two children with all her life, her life will really be in vain.

Concubine Yu waited for a long time, but did not see the emperor speak again. She could only ask the niece in her arms again, "The queen is right, slandering the prince is a serious crime. How can you be sure that the person is the fifth prince?"

You Baoyan seemed to have been greatly wronged and cried, "Although my nephew has a humble status, she also knows all the rules that she should know. If she doesn't really affirm the fifth prince, how can she dare to slander him out of thin air? Now Baoyan I just want to ask my aunt, is the fifth prince wearing Tsing Yi today?"

These words made everyone present tremble.

 Just because the fifth prince today is indeed wearing Tsing Yi.

You Baoyan never appeared in the main hall from beginning to end, so it was impossible to know in advance what the fifth prince was wearing. Such certainty now proves that everything You Baoyan said is true. Seeing that the evidence was solid, Concubine Yu turned to look at the emperor, "Your Majesty, you must make the decision for me! If Baoyan has really been wronged, how can I have the face to see her again in the future? Someone from my mother’s family?”

Emperor Yongchang frowned, wishing he could rectify the fifth prince on the spot right now.

Baili Fengming, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "If it's Tsing Yi, it is true that only the Fifth Emperor's brother wore it at today's banquet, but there is no guarantee that no one in the palace will wear the same clothes. I wonder if the You family girl can still wear it." Can you think of any other details?”

You Baoyan was a little impatient after hearing this.

But when Baili Fengming asked, his tone was gentle and slow, and his words and deeds were even more polite. Looking at his handsome face under the moonlight, You Baoyan could only grit her teeth and spit out her last trump card, "Follow me." When the fifth prince was entangled, the little girl accidentally saw that the sleeves of the robe the fifth prince was wearing were embroidered with bat patterns. "

Concubine Yu was afraid that Baili Fengming would ask more questions, so she hugged You Baoyan in her arms and said warily, "What does the prince mean by these words? I know that the prince has a good relationship with the fifth prince. Now the fifth prince is doing this." If such a beastly thing happened, wouldn’t it be possible for the prince to help the fifth prince eliminate the evidence of his crime?”

 Baili Fengming nodded slightly. He couldn't confront Concubine Yu head-on.

But he can't, but the Queen can.

"I know that the incident happened suddenly. Concubine Yu loves the younger generation very much, but as the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. The prince just asked as usual. Why should Concubine Yu be so aggressive? The prince has been in the hall all the time, and now he is standing next to Concubine Yu. In front of you, Concubine Yu is making such speculations, where does she put the emperor? "

Concubine Yu was anxious just now, fearing that the prince would lead her away, so she spoke without thinking. Now she was hit on the head by the queen, which can be said to be a serious blow.

Seeing this, Yunyue quickly took the initiative to apologize to the queen, "Mom, please calm down. I have no other intentions. Since my father is here, I hope that my father can make the decision on this matter."

Emperor Yongchang was already agitated by the cold wind, but after hearing Yunyue's words, he immediately ordered, "Come here! Find me the fifth prince!"

Hearing this, Bai Tu quickly turned around with the others.

 In the end, I saw the fifth prince standing in the crowd...

Bai Tu has never been so afraid of my prince's face as he is now. He was so frightened that he let out an "ouch" and almost sat down on the ground.

Following Bai Tu's shocked gaze, everyone instinctively turned their heads. Naturally, they all saw the fifth prince who was standing beside them at some point.

 Baili Lingyu touched his nose and said, "You guys are looking at me like this. I'm not a ghost."

 Everybody, “…”

 You can watch your own excitement with such peace of mind, Fifth Prince, you are also a talent!

Emperor Yongchang looked at Baili Lingyu and was furious, "Evil obstacle! You can't come here yet!"

 Baili Lingyu hurriedly walked out of the crowd and respectfully greeted the emperor, "My son, I would like to greet my father, the emperor."

Emperor Yongchang is cold and angry now, what else can he do?

Concubine Yu looked at the slippery fifth prince and pointed angrily, "Now that everyone has gained the stolen goods, what else can the fifth prince say?"

 Baili Lingyu is different from Baili Fengming. He is not a prince, so he does not need to care about the opinions of others. He does not have a mother-in-law, and he does not have to worry about angering Concubine Yu. It is not easy for a mother-in-law and concubine to live in the palace.

So now facing Concubine Yu's angry finger, Baili Lingyu didn't intend to get used to it, "Who is getting the stolen goods? What is Concubine Yu talking about? Why can't I understand? Just now I saw Concubine Yu crying and crying. He was shouting, maybe his mind was stimulated by something. In my opinion, I’d better ask the imperial doctor to take a look at it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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