Chapter 629 I’m just confused

 Concubine Yu, “…”

Are you calling her crazy?

 Baili Rongze frowned and stood up, "Fifth Emperor Brother, how could you speak so rudely in front of my father?"

Baili Lingyu laughed angrily, "We must speak with conscience. Concubine Yu is forcing me to marry her niece. Do I still have to pretend to be a fool and clap my hands? Baili Rongze, do you really take me seriously?" Silly, isn’t it?”


"What am I? Don't think that you can bully Brother Huang before and you can bully me now. I tell you Baili Rongze, if you want to throw dirty water on me, just bring out evidence."

Baili Rongze was so angry that his chest was wheezing.

 When the mother-in-law was planning the plan, he said that the fifth emperor's younger brother was a thorn in the side, but the mother-in-law didn't listen.

Baili Lingyu turned around and knelt in front of the emperor, "I have never had a concubine since I was a child, but my concubine is a person who lives an open and honest life. Now some people have lost their mother and concubine because of my son. I want to stuff the mouse into Erchen’s mouth, and I beg my father to make the decision for me!”

dead mouse…

You Baoyan, who was nestled in Concubine Yu's arms, almost pushed her head forward when she heard this.

Emperor Yongchang has always been a little partial to this fifth son. After all, he is the one who reassures him the most among all the princes. Now after listening to these words, although his face is still gloomy, his tone has softened a lot, "Fifth son, you and I To be honest, you really don’t know Concubine Yu’s niece?”

Baili Lingyu said frankly, "I did meet with an injustice on the road in the city some time ago, and I did save a woman, but I don't know her identity. If I know that the story of the farmer and the snake will happen to me, It would have been better for me to just watch her die."

You Baoyan liked the fifth prince a little. After all, the fifth prince really wanted to save her.

 That's why she couldn't accept it when facing the fifth prince now.

Seeing that the Fifth Prince was a stranger to her, she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs, "Your Majesty, Fifth Prince, how can you not admit what you have done? Just now you told me by the lake that as long as I obey you, Then I would beg the emperor to marry me, but now that you have changed your clothes, are you refusing to admit what you just did? "

Baili Lingyu was shocked by the harsh sound. She turned her head and just looked at Concubine Yu and said, "Concubine Yu, is your niece also mentally ill?"

 Concubine Yu, “…”

Smelly boy, you’re not done yet, are you?

You Baoyan was, after all, a noble lady raised in a mansion. She had never been ridiculed in public like this before. She jerked away from Concubine Yu, just to jump into the lake again.

This move shocked everyone present.

Yunyue and Baili Rongze quickly pulled the person back.

You Baoyan looked at Concubine Yu, knelt on the ground again and cried loudly, "If something like this happens, and His Highness the Fifth Prince refuses to admit it, I have no choice but to die and give myself a clean slate. I hope my aunt won't blame me. I I didn’t mean to cause trouble to my aunt.”

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? Don't worry, the emperor will definitely make the decision for you!" Concubine Yu bent down and hugged You Baoyan in her arms. Invisible to everyone, she hugged her slightly. red lips.

As expected of a person who has been carefully trained by his family, he is actually good at getting things done.

Of course Emperor Yongchang couldn't really let people kill people under his nose. He looked at the fifth prince and asked, "Where are the clothes you changed?"

 Baili Lingyu snorted, "It's in the East Palace. I just don't know if it has been taken to be washed."

Emperor Yongchang turned to look at Bai Tu and ordered, "Go and get someone to bring the clothes. Everyone who has touched the clothes should also be brought to me!"

Bai Tu bowed his head and accepted the order, and quickly led the people towards the direction of the East Palace.

You Baoyan felt a lot more at ease as she watched Bai Tu and his group leaving in a hurry.

Although the fifth prince did not look down on her, when she was standing here just now, she did see the fifth prince wearing a green suit. She could clearly see through the moonlight that the patterns on the fifth prince's sleeves were bat patterns.

What You Baoyan didn't expect was that she deliberately fell into the lake while the fifth prince was around. She thought that the fifth prince would come to save her like before, but she didn't expect that the fifth prince would just leave...

 Fortunately, she paid attention and wrote down the patterns on the fifth prince's sleeves in advance.

 Once the clothes were brought, the fifth prince could no longer quibble.

 “Huh?” A voice of doubt suddenly rang out from the crowd.

Everyone looked around and saw the Crown Princess holding her chin, wondering what she was thinking.

Concubine Yu glanced coldly, but was too lazy to speak.

Of course she didn't believe that Fan Qingyao could make any waves.

But Yunyue, who had dealt with Fan Qingyao head-on, quickly looked at Pan Yulu opposite.

Pan Yulu understood, and hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Fan Qingyao's sleeve to persuade her, "I know that the Crown Princess has a good relationship with the fifth prince. In fact, I don't believe that the fifth prince can do such a thing, but I better I believe that the emperor will definitely find out the truth... It is better for the princess not to overstep her authority in front of the emperor. "

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao looked at Pan Yulu in front of him coldly.

I thought Pan Yulu had understood her method when dealing with Fan Xuening last time.

Now it seems that Pan Yulu is not afraid of death.

 Pan Yulu, “…”

Of course she is afraid of death!

But as the third prince’s concubine, does she have other choices? !

"The Crown Princess has always been calm, but I am very curious about the Crown Princess's doubts." Of course, Empress Zhen Xi could not let others stop her daughter-in-law's mouth.

Fan Qingyao took a few steps forward and said curiously, "The moonlight is thick now. Even if you come with a lantern all the way, you will inevitably trip over the stones on the ground. But the palace servant who came to deliver the message I have good eyesight, and I saw at a glance that the person who fell into the water was Concubine Yu’s nephew.”

Concubine Yu's heart skipped a beat and she opened her mouth to reply.

Yunyue, however, had quick eyesight and quick hands. She grabbed her mother-in-law's sleeve, looked at Fan Qingyao with a smile and said, "The princess doesn't know something. The palace servant who sent the message is the mother-in-law's palace, and he is also the one who has been accompanying Baoyan's cousin. Take care of you."

Fan Qingyao nodded as if he was belatedly.

Yunyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

Unexpectedly, Fan Qingyao suddenly looked at the little **** who was delivering the message, "Since you have always been with Concubine Yu's nephew and daughter, why didn't you save someone immediately when you saw someone falling into the water? Fortunately, there are no distinguished guests from the Zhenyi Kingdom today. If you didn't come to the banquet, wouldn't it be rude to Xiliang?"

Fan Qingyao's words were deliberately exaggerated, but everyone present had a different taste.

Yes, even if you keep a dog with you, if you see your master falling into the water, the dog will jump in to save him. Is it possible that the people of Yue Yu Palace are not even as good as dogs?

 Or perhaps, this young **** deliberately wanted to publicize this matter!

As for the purpose of publicizing the matter, it is something that everyone understands tacitly.

Facing such a simple truth, even the sixth prince, who had always been concerned about when he could leave the palace, understood it, not to mention the always jealous emperor.

 (End of this chapter)

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