Chapter 636 Fan Qingyao killed someone?

At this time, Princess Rui no longer had the hostility and hatred of the past. She was like a withered fallen leaf. She was lying quietly on the steps of the mansion in the western suburbs. At a glance, she thought she was asleep.

Fan Qingyao quickly walked over and knelt down, put his hand in front of Princess Rui's nose, and then pressed his hand on Princess Rui's wrist, which felt cold.

 This temperature…

"Little Qingyao." Tao Yuxian, who hurried out of the house after hearing the news, called Fan Qingyao softly, but his eyes quickly looked at Princess Rui beside her.

But before Tao Yuxian finished reading, Fan Qingyao shook his head at her.

Tao Yuxian's heart skipped a beat.

Such a subtle movement that others cannot understand or detect.

But as the Tao family’s medical daughter, she had to know.

 This means…

 Princess Rui is dead!

Faced with such an unexpected disaster, even Tao Yuxian, who had experienced many battles, could not help but take a step back.

Seeing this, Fan Zhao quickly came over to help him and asked softly, "Do you need my subordinates to disperse the people?"

Tao Yuxian held Fan Zhao's strong arm tightly and shook his head heavily, "No!"

It is true that the cause of Princess Rui's death is unknown, and the whole thing is also very mysterious, but since the body is now placed at the door of the Hua family, it means that this matter is directed at the Hua family.

If the Hua family dispersed the people first at this time, I'm afraid they would have nothing to say about it later.

 What Tao Yuxian is worried about, Fan Qingyao naturally wants to achieve.

So after confirming that Princess Rui was hopeless, Fan Qingyao stretched out his hand towards Princess Rui's body again.

 The corpse was cold but not stiff, with no minor injuries on the surface. As for the fatal injuries...

Fan Qingyao suddenly opened Princess Rui's mouth, and a dry and bitter taste hit her face.

 Looking carefully at the throat again, it was vaguely visible that something had half melted in the throat.

Fan Qingyao knew that everything she discovered now was enough to prove that Princess Rui committed suicide by taking poison.

 Suddenly, my fingertips paused.

Fan Qingyao looked at Princess Rui's neck again.

 The slender neck has turned white to blue due to blood coagulation, and there is no trace of scars on the surface.

 But at this moment, under Fan Qingyao's fingertips, there was an obvious indentation that was different from the rest of the skin.

But when Fan Qingyao looked carefully at the dent again, there was nothing.

 This can only mean...


 The sound of chaotic footsteps suddenly sounded from far to near.

Soon, the group of people dispersed the crowd and blocked the door of the western suburbs mansion.

Tao Yuxian looked at the official uniform worn by the leader, and then tightened his grip on Fan Zhao's arm.

This is…

 People from Dali Temple!

That person in the lead is none other than the Minister of Dali Temple!

Tao Yuxian's heart quickened for no reason. To arrest someone, Dali Temple only needed to send out police officers. Today, all the officials of Dali Temple were alerted, which is enough to show that the person Dali Temple wants to arrest has a high position and authority.

 Looking at Fan Qingyao in the middle of the steps again, an ominous premonition instantly enveloped Tao Yuxian's body.

At the same time, the Minister of Dali Temple came to Fan Qingyao's side and said, "Wei Chen has met the Crown Princess."

Fan Qingyao slowly glanced sideways, looking at the bowed Dali Temple Minister, with a calm expression on his face, "It takes half an hour to get here from Dali Temple at the fastest. It's so cold and freezing, I'm afraid you won't be able to get there." That Yaxing came to chat with me specifically, so if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly." After hearing this, the Minister of Dali Temple couldn't help but take a closer look at this young woman when he stood up.

 Wearing a plain skirt with a white fox skirt, her black hair is pulled up into one sideburn, and there is no jewelry around her body.

If you just look at these, I'm afraid even he wouldn't believe it. This is the crown prince gifted by the emperor.

 But it is precisely without any modification that the originally slender face becomes even more revealing with bright eyes and white teeth.

Dali Temple is a place that deals with the strange things of the dead all the year round. Even the noble concubines in the palace are a little frightened when they see him. But these Dali Temple ministers have the expressions they are accustomed to, but at this moment, under Fan Qingyao's eyes There was no trace at all on his face.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 I feel like something is wrong, but I can’t tell what is wrong.

"If the Crown Princess is willing to cooperate, it will naturally save both parties time. Come here! Take the Crown Princess to Dali Temple!" The Minister of Dali Temple waved his hand, and a group of detectives surrounded Fan Qingyao.

Seeing this, Tao Yuxian hurriedly walked down the steps to stop him, "I didn't know that Dali Temple has such great power and can arrest people at will!"

The Minister of Dali Temple knew Tao Yuxian, so he spoke politely, "Please understand, Madam Huajia, that since I am standing here today, there is naturally evidence that I have taken away the Crown Princess."

Tao Yuxian's heart trembled when he heard this.

Are you here for Xiao Qingyuan?

Fan Qingyao felt calm after hearing these words.

 Fortunately, it was for her.

 The moment she saw Princess Rui, she knew that the person who came was not evil.

 Grandma and grandma are old and can no longer afford to deal with such disputes.

 The sister-in-law is pregnant. If something happens to her brother, the sister-in-law will definitely be affected.

 So at this moment, Fan Qingyao was actually happy.

"Since Mr. Dali Temple has evidence, you might as well bring it out. This will make people convinced!" Tao Yuxian raised his head slightly and looked at Mr. Dali Temple. He wanted to fish in troubled waters in front of her and take away Xiao Qingyao, but he didn't even think about it.

The Minister of Dali Temple seemed to have thought that the Hua family would not cooperate obediently, so he nodded to the inspector beside him.

Seeing this, the inspector hurriedly signaled to several detectives.

Not long after, a staggering figure was arrested and quickly led over.

 The common people looked at the figure who was floating as he walked, with doubts on their faces.

Who is this person?

Even Tao Yuxian frowned, no matter how he looked at that person, he felt that he was unfamiliar.

On the contrary, Fan Qingyao recognized the man's face the moment he saw it.

 This man is exactly the man who was with Princess Rui when they were in the tea house that day!

As soon as the man saw Fan Qingyao, he pointed his finger and said, "That's her, she killed Princess Rui!"

 When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Tao Yuxian's words to the Minister of Dali Temple just now were too obscure and the people did not hear them.

So now, faced with such straightforward words, the people would not be able to hear it unless they were deaf.

 So that means…

 The princess killed someone? !

Tao Yuxian looked at the man and snorted angrily, "What kind of madman dare you to slander my Hua family in the clear sky!"

The man was so yelled at by Tao Yuxian that he trembled. Facing Tao Yuxian who was not evil but strict, he didn't even dare to look at her, but his outstretched hand still pointed at Fan Qingyao, "She was the one who killed Princess Rui, and why?" Please adults, please arrest the person quickly and give Princess Rui justice..."

 (End of this chapter)

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