The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 637: How much salt do you need to eat to be like this?

Chapter 637: How much salt do you need to eat to be so idle?

Faced with the man's reluctance, even Fan Zhao was itching with hatred.

But even if he wanted to strangle this man to death, he had to endure it now.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that their young lady committed murder and silenced her?

 “I seem to have seen him somewhere…”

 In the crowd, someone looked at the man in confusion.

Soon, some people said, "Yes, this person is indeed Princess Rui's lover."

Someone even followed up and said, "That's true. I saw him and Princess Rui acting intimately in the teahouse some time ago. I heard that that day in the teahouse, Princess Rui had an unhappy relationship with the Crown Princess..."

As the people continued to discuss, many people remembered what happened in the teahouse that day.

As a result, the faces of the people gradually became ugly.

So the death of Princess Rui was really at the hands of the Crown Princess?

Seeing that the faces of the people had changed, the man even grabbed the sleeves of the Minister of Dali Temple, knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, saying, "The Crown Princess once hated Princess Rui, and Princess Rui used to follow her more than once. Xiao Xiao mentioned how the Crown Princess hated her, but Xiao Xiao firmly believed in the Emperor's approval, so he persuaded Princess Rui again and again. Just a few days ago, Princess Rui said that the Crown Princess wanted to kill her. Xiao Xiao didn't take it seriously at first, but... But I don’t want to…”

Tao Yuxian's heart was heaving when he heard these words, but he didn't dare to speak easily again.

From the reactions of the people, it can be seen that Xiao Qingyao did have an affair with Princess Rui before, and coupled with the discord between the Hua family and Prince Rui’s palace...

Tao Yuxian didn’t dare to speak, but he was worried that if he continued to argue, people would think that the Hua family was bullying.

 At that time, it will only push her little Qingyao to a dead end.

Although the minister of Dali Temple knew what the man was talking about, he was suspected of having him removed.

 But now that the evidence is in front of us, the person must be taken back to Dali Temple and interrogated slowly.

Looking at Tao Yuxian again, he was speechless. The minister of Dali Temple once again said to Fan Qingyao, "Although this matter has been certified, the Dali Temple investigation will never be finalized based on one-sided words. Please ask the Crown Princess..."

 Princess Princess…

What about people?

The Minister of Dali Temple tried his best to maintain a kind appearance and turned around, but there was nothing behind him?

 Looking around again, he saw Fan Qingyao squatting next to Princess Rui again, looking at something.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

I have seen people who are indifferent, but being so indifferent is like watching other people having fun...

  It’s really a unique one!

 The Minister of Dali Temple looked at the inspector on the side displeasedly. How do you look at people?

The inspector was very innocent. It was a clear day and the sky was bright. The princess didn't run away or struggle. She just squatted on the ground and looked at the body. Even if he wanted to stop her, he couldn't find any evidence, right?

 Besides, he was also keeping an eye on the Crown Princess the whole time. The way the Crown Princess examined the body was probably more professional than the ones at Dali Temple.

"Princess, I believe you have heard the testimony just now. Although Dali Temple is rigorous in investigating cases, but now that the certification is in front of us, I hope that the Crown Princess can cooperate with Wei Chen to go to Dali Temple." The Minister of Dali Temple has never said that, When someone is arrested so irrationally and without courage.

Fan Qingyao did not immediately answer the Dali Temple Minister's words, but looked at Princess Rui's neck again. After confirming her thoughts, she slowly stood up, but her black eyes still looked past the Minister of Dali Temple and towards the man who was kneeling down, "You said, between me and Princess Rui Have a grudge?”

The man had known for a long time that Fan Qingyao would not give in, so he did not panic when he was prepared. He nodded quickly and said, "When Prince Rui was still here, he looked down on the Crown Princess, and even called her a **** more than once. Later, Princess Rui even told me that it was the Crown Princess who killed the prince. Last time at the teahouse, the Crown Princess deliberately made things difficult for Princess Rui, making it impossible for Princess Rui to step down in public. "

These things have been going on for a long time. If the man hadn't mentioned them, Fan Qingyao would have been a little confused.

But since someone is willing to talk to Zeng Zeng, she is happy to accompany him.

"King Rui has already gone to the west. Since the people are gone, everything in the past has also disappeared. Or do you think that the person recognized by the emperor will be the kind of villain who cares about every detail and will retaliate?"

Of course the man did not dare to question the current emperor, "The emperor's choices have always been wise. I never thought that King Rui would be laid to rest, and the princess would still cling to Princess Rui."

These words are clearly talking about Fan Qingyao's petty nature and extremely vicious manner.

"As you just said, Princess Rui believes that I killed the prince. I will not argue with the truth. After all, the prince has died with King Rui. However, it was indeed Princess Rui who collided with me in the teahouse that day. My friend, I forced Princess Rui to bow her head and admit her mistake.”

Hearing this, the man’s lips curved up slightly.

I didn’t expect Fan Qingyao to admit it so happily. I guess he knew there was no room for struggle.

So now listening to Fan Qingyao's words, the man naturally wanted to continue, "The Crown Princess doesn't know that Princess Rui has been depressed since she left the teahouse that day, and she even shed tears all night. …”

 Obviously, the man wanted to win the sympathy of the people.

Fan Qingyao didn't give him this chance at all, "In that case, don't you think that the hatred between Princess Rui and I should come from Princess Rui, not me?"

The man obviously didn't expect that Fan Qingyao would suddenly ask back, and he was stunned on the spot.

Hearing this, the people around him nodded unconsciously.

If according to what the man said, Princess Rui believed that the Crown Princess had killed her son, and she was forced to apologize by the Crown Princess in the teahouse last time, no matter how it seems, the Crown Princess has always had the upper hand, and Princess Rui was tortured to the point of being tortured. ah.

 So, shouldn’t Princess Rui take revenge on the Crown Princess?

 There is no reason for the Crown Princess to take revenge on Princess Rui.

 The most important thing is!

There is absolutely no reason for the Crown Princess to seek revenge. How much salt does it take to be able to do such a thing leisurely?

Besides, if the Crown Princess really dislikes Princess Rui, wouldn't killing her be an advantage to Princess Rui? According to normal people's thinking, it would be more satisfying to torture Princess Rui again and again. Anyway, Princess Rui is no match for the Crown Princess.

 What the common people can think of, the Minister of Dali Temple can naturally think of.

 So now even the Minister of Dali Temple has begun to fall into deep self-doubt.

The man noticed the suspicious looks of the people around him and panicked, "The Crown Princess killed the person, how could I know what the Crown Princess was thinking? Maybe the Crown Princess had already thought of how to clear her name before she dared to attack Princess Rui. The one who hurts the killer!"

 (End of this chapter)

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