Chapter 640 My legs are numb from squatting

Fifteen minutes later, while Baili Rongze got on the carriage entering the palace, the eldest prince was kicked out by the servants of the palace.

It has to be said that Baili Rongze's men were bad guys. Not only did they ridicule the eldest prince, he was different from the past, but they also ridiculed the eldest prince for not knowing what he could do, in order to win the sympathy of his highness.

The eldest prince was pushed to the ground outside. Looking at the extremely twisted faces, his face turned pale.

Of course Baili Rongze was not worried. The eldest prince brought this matter to his face.

 Don't tell me what happened today, the eldest prince has no shame in knocking on the door of his mansion again.

Even if the eldest prince really knocks the door, as long as Baili Rongze finds a reason at will, the eldest prince will not be able to see him at all.

 Furthermore, those who did evil today are all his subordinates and have nothing to do with him.

It is really a place where the eldest prince's services will be needed again in the future, and he has a hundred reasons to put it off today.

 So for Baili Rongze, the eldest prince did not pose any threat at all.

 The most important thing for him right now is how to trick Baili Fengming into revealing his secrets!

If it is true that Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao have a life-long private relationship according to what the eldest prince said, that would be deceiving the emperor!

No matter why his father asked Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao to monitor and restrain each other, as long as Baili Fengming can really show his concern for Fan Qingyao in front of his father, then Baili Fengming will not be able to stand up. .

Even Fan Qingyao will fall into the abyss.

The crime of deceiving the emperor is unforgivable and the nine tribes should be punished!

 After Baili Rongze entered the palace, he went directly to the imperial study room.

Bai Tu, who was guarding the door, didn't know what the third prince said to the emperor. He only knew that half an hour later, the emperor sent someone to invite the prince, and judging from his tone, he was not kind.

Soon, Baili Fengming arrived outside the imperial study room.

Bai Tu walked over first, pretending to bend down to say hello, and at the same time lowered his voice and said, "The Third Highness is also inside."

 Then, he quickly straightened up, looked in the direction of the royal study and raised his voice, "The prince is here!"

 In the imperial study room, Emperor Yongchang, who had already turned gloomy, put down the tea cup in his hand and said, "Xuan!"

As Bai Tu opened the door and raised the curtain, Baili Fengming stepped in.

 In the huge imperial study room, the charcoal fire in the furnace was burning red.

 The room was very hot, but also depressingly quiet.

 Baili Fengming took a few steps forward and knelt down at the emperor's head, "My son, please see your father."

Emperor Yongchang seemed not to have heard the sound of Baili Fengming, and picked up the tea cup next to him again.

Without the emperor's approval, Baili Fengming did not dare to get up without authorization, so he could only kneel quietly on the spot.

 Under the gaze of Emperor Yongchang, his seemingly thin body trembled slightly.

 It looks more like panic than fear.

I don't know how much time passed, but Baili Rongze suddenly said, "His Royal Highness, who can immediately ask Dali Temple to go to Hua's house to arrest people and protect the Crown Princess, is not like someone who would tremble like this in front of his father. People.”

It was Baili Fengming who was kneeling on the ground and was startled by the sound.

His body was trembling all the time, but when he looked at Baili Rongze, it started to tremble even more.

Baili Rongze looked at Baili Fengming's pretense with a sneer and hated it in his heart.

 Once upon a time, the prince used this appearance to deceive everyone's eyes, causing those around him who should have regarded the prince as their biggest competitive enemy to ignore the prince's existence.

Even my father was probably kept in the dark by Baili Fengming.

The thought of Baili Fengming’s disguise being torn apart today makes Baili Rongze excited just thinking about that scene!

"Is it really you who asked Dali Temple to arrest the person at Hua's house?" Emperor Yongchang lowered his eyes and looked down at the prince kneeling in front of him, the scrutiny in his eyes was self-evident.

 Before he got the news, the prince had already taken action.

 If this is really the case, both the prince's mind and the people around him have been underestimated by him.

  "If I return to my father, it is indeed the person whom I asked Dali Temple to arrest." Baili Fengming lowered his head.

Emperor Yongchang tightened his grip on the tea cup. But Baili Fengming lowered his head and said, "When something happened today, I was in the city."

 “What are you doing out of the palace?”

 “I went to visit the eldest brother. I heard that the eldest emperor’s wife was pregnant, so I stayed a little longer.”

Emperor Yongchang was slightly stunned.

  I didn’t expect to hear this news.

Even if the eldest prince is really demoted to a commoner, his bones and tendons will be broken.

Now listening to Baili Fengming's words, Emperor Yongchang was also a little moved.

 Unexpectedly, the eldest prince also has a queen.

Of course Emperor Yongchang knew that the prince would not lie like this.

But he still looked at the Crown Prince with a hidden look, "You seem to be taking the initiative to expose the Crown Princess, but in fact you just want to temporarily protect the Crown Princess."

After hearing this, Baili Rongze already had one hand on the armrest beside him, sitting ready to stand up at any time.

 Because he knew that Baili Fengming would definitely quibble.

And he was waiting to give Baili Fengming a fatal blow at that time.

“My father is wise, and my son’s actions really want to protect Fan Qingyao.”

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 He must have heard something wrong.

 Otherwise, why would the prince admit it as a matter of course?

  Do you want to die?

Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly, the sharp edge in his eyes already showing a cold light, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Fan Qingyao was originally a doctor from the Tao family, and her medical achievements were unparalleled. Although my father was surrounded by the Jiyuan judge, I was still worried. Furthermore, I heard that the doctor who arrived in the main city was Although the mother sent someone to contact the businessman, it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not. If Fan Qingyao is here, he will get twice the result with half the effort. My son is worried that if something happens to Fan Qingyao, it will affect his father's plans. "

Baili Fengming said this very implicitly, but Emperor Yongchang, who was the party involved, heard it clearly.

He only wondered about the prince's motives for suddenly favoring Fan Qingyao and suspected the prince's intentions, but he forgot that Fan Qingyao was also involved in the most important matter.

 Businessmen from the Western Regions, the wonders of the wild snow, rare and exotic animals, and immortality!

Each word struck Emperor Yongchang’s heart.

 Those people in Tai Hospital don’t even dare to believe in immortality, so how can they tell the difference?

So if something really happened to Fan Qingyao, it’s unknown if the animal’s fur was faked.

Thinking about this, Emperor Yongchang's expression softened a lot, "So, you don't want anything to happen to the Crown Princess?"

After Baili Fengming's panic, he returned to his usual calm expression, "Father is wise."

  That's what he said, but there was no warmth in that cold face.

  It seems that he is talking about a person who is insignificant to him.

 It is precisely this inconsistent appearance that fits Emperor Yongchang's assessment.

 The prince temporarily saved Fan Qingyao in order to please him, but in his heart, the prince actually still rejected Fan Qingyao, so...

  There is no deviation from his original design.

“You have been kneeling for so long, please get up and speak.”

 “Thank you, Father.”

Baili Fengming stood up, but Baili Rongze beside him couldn't stand.

 The way he stood up, he prepared a stick of incense!

Even my legs are numb from squatting!

 Now show him this? !

If he hadn't been there the whole time, he would have thought that the prince had drugged his father.

 (End of this chapter)

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