Chapter 641 Who married Fan Qingyao?

Baili Rongze couldn't figure out what went wrong, but the fact was that it was beyond his control.

Seeing his father giving Baili Fengming a seat, Baili Rongze was so angry that his back teeth hurt from the bite!

"I heard that the relationship between the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess is very close, but none of us in the royal family are dedicated. Originally, I wanted to persuade His Highness the Crown Prince, but now it seems that I was overly worried. After all, His Highness the Crown Prince has always been... Holding the Crown Princess in the palm of your hand."

Since Baili Rongze has entered the palace, it is impossible for him to leave in defeat.

Baili Fengming listened to this and said with a calm expression, "What the Third Emperor Brother said is that I dare not disobey my father's instructions."

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 What does this have to do with my father?

Should you marry Fan Qingyao, or should your father marry you?

Of course Baili Rongze didn't know that Baili Fengming was ordered to show affection.

So now that Baili Fengming had put the blame on the emperor, Emperor Yongchang's expression began to change.

"Why, do I have to report to you when I do anything in the future?" After all, Emperor Yongchang still favored Baili Rongze because of Concubine Yu's favor.

  But even so, Baili Rongze was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

“Father, please calm down, but your sons and ministers will not dare.”

Naturally, Emperor Yongchang would not explain so much to his son, nor did he think of blaming anyone. He just looked at Baili Fengming and said, "I have sent people to secretly investigate the matter of Princess Rui. I believe it will be solved soon." I will restore the innocence of the Crown Princess. Since you took the initiative to inform Dali Temple of the matter, Dali Temple will leave it to you. "

Baili Fengming quickly knelt down to thank him, "My son, I would like to thank my father."

 They are both kneeling on the ground, but their thoughts are completely different.

 Baili Fengming still had a calm expression on his face, as if he were an emotionless chess piece in the hands of the emperor.

 And Baili Rongze is...

 I really want to kick Baili Fengming from here to there!

He was originally the one who came to expose Baili Fengming, but now he is watching Baili Fengming take advantage of it...

Had his heart been a little weak, I'm afraid he would have fainted on the spot.

However, Emperor Yongchang was partial to Baili Rongze and specially kept him in the imperial study for dinner.

Baili Fengming was already accustomed to this, so he knelt down and exited the imperial study room.

Shaoxuan, who had been waiting outside the courtyard for a long time, hurriedly greeted him, "Your Highness, Lin Yi just sent news that the eldest prince had visited the third prince's residence before he entered the palace."

To put it bluntly, what happened today cannot be blamed on the eldest prince who sells sliced ​​cakes!

 Baili Fengming was not surprised, and just walked in the direction of Fengyi Palace calmly, "A single edge is a knife, and a double edge is a sword. Whether it is a knife or a sword, you have to try it to know."

 Shaoxuan, “…”

Can he say that he didn’t understand it at all?

In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi was at a loss when she saw Baili Fengming entering the door.

Seeing this, Lily hurriedly waved the other palace people to retreat.

Empress Zhen Xi hurriedly waved and asked Baili Fengming to come over and talk, "What is going on?"

 Baili Fengming walked to Queen Zhen Xi and sat down, telling her everything about today.

Queen Zhen Xi sneered and said, "The gap between the Hua family and Prince Rui's Mansion is not just a day or two. With Xiao Qingyao's mind and means, if he wanted to send Princess Rui on her way, how could she wait until Princess Rui was about to give birth?" Three babies.”

She has heard that Princess Rui has been very successful in raising pretty boys recently.

Baili Fengming said, "If everyone thought the same as the queen, there would be no such thing."

Queen Zhen Xi asked, "I heard that you went to the Imperial Study Room? What does your father mean?" "Father also hopes to let Ayao refine the elixir of immortality after getting the blood of the rare and rare animals in the ice wilderness and snowfield. Medicine, so my father must protect Ayao in this matter. Moreover, even if there is no elixir, my father still hopes that Ayao will contain and monitor me. He will never give up Ayao's chess piece just because of a trivial matter. "

“Such a simple truth, do the people who want to frame Xiao Qingyao really not know it?”

 Baili Fengming lowered his eyes slightly, "I'm afraid he has other motives."

“The most important thing now is to save Xiao Qingyao first, as long as Xiao Qingyao is released without charge.”

As long as Xiao Qingyao returns safely, no matter what the person behind it is, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Empress Zhen Xi thought about it, "Since your father is most concerned about immortality now, why don't we use a plan to let that merchant show up in the main city again. Your father will definitely find Xiao Qingyao to trade just to be safe."

As long as the emperor wants Xiao Qingyao to come forward, he must give her a reason to leave Dali Temple in an upright manner.

In this case, they just need to sit and wait for Xiao Qingyao to return safely.

When she thought of that extremely selfish man, Queen Zhen Xi felt why she was so blind back then.

 I only think about my own immortality and don’t care about other people’s feelings over the years.

Thinking about the oath of love between the two of them back then, Queen Zhen Xi could even spit out her last night's meal.

 “The Queen Mother will actually create problems for the Father.” Baili Fengming did not expose the disgust written on Queen Zhenxi’s face.

"If you want to live forever, you have to take some action." Queen Zhen Xi didn't feel distressed at all, but she was very happy.

 Old bastard, it’s best if you don’t kill him.

 But after thinking about it carefully, Queen Zhen Xi couldn't help but worry, "Although this is the only way to cut through the mess quickly, it is also extremely risky for us."

 After all, the so-called merchants do not exist at all.

Baili Fengming smiled politely, his dark eyes showing no trace of panic, "Without risk, how can there be stability?"

 Empress Zhen Xi saw that Baili Fengming already had a plan in mind, so she said no more.

 Baili Fengming stayed in Fengyi Palace for a while, then left the palace at night and headed to Heshuo County Prince's Mansion.

 The more anxious you are, the more you need to seek stability amidst chaos, so as to minimize the so-called risks.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the door where Baili Fengming disappeared, and murmured to herself, "Lily, why do you think God doesn't want lovers to get married?"

Lily quickly comforted her, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. The more you experience, the stronger the relationship between His Highness and the Crown Princess will be."

 Empress Zhen Xi nodded, and then asked Lily to get the phoenix hairpin she always wore.

Lily looked at the golden phoenix hairpin in the tray, "Queen, this is..."

"A little later, you can take Fengchai to Dali Temple in person. My daughter-in-law lives there. As a mother-in-law, I will naturally have to put more effort into going there." Doesn't the emperor like everything? If everyone obeys him, then she should be the one who obeys his wishes the most.

"But the Queen, this phoenix hairpin is too precious." Lily was very anxious. This was the Queen's first birthday after she became queen, and the emperor specially ordered it to be made.

“It must be valuable so that the people in Dali Temple can know my attitude.” Queen Zhen Xi looked at Feng Chai lying quietly on the tray without any reluctance or nostalgia.

“Empress, you are deliberately trying to stir up trouble in the Emperor’s ears.”

“Not only do you want to make a fuss, I also wish you could deafen him.”

That old **** has too many worries. Even if he really wants to save Fan Qingyao, he still has to look forward and backward. If she doesn't push her, who knows when that **** scumbag will give little Qingyao to her. Release it?

 It was almost the New Year's Eve, and she didn't want her precious daughter-in-law to spend New Year's Eve at Dali Temple.

 (End of this chapter)

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