Chapter 647 Turning against guests

Shaoxuan was seriously injured and blood was oozing from his feet when he walked.

Ninghan was so frightened that she covered her mouth and almost screamed.

"What happened?" Fan Qingyao asked, while someone helped Shaoxuan onto the soft couch and carefully inspected Shaoxuan's injuries.

Shaoxuan endured the pain of scratching the wound when he took off his clothes, and gritted his teeth and said, "I went to the restaurant with His Highness today, but when I was pretending to negotiate with the merchants, I was attacked. Now the merchants have been killed, and Your Highness is still I was detained in a restaurant. The person who came here was very skilled in martial arts and I didn’t know the details, but he said that he was a friend of the Crown Princess and asked me to come back to deliver a message to the Crown Princess.”

Shaoxuan said as he took out a blood-stained letter from his arms.

Fan Qingyao took advantage of Ninghan to get the medicine box and quickly opened the letter.

 The next second, it became calm.

 Zhenyi Kingdom, regent.

 It is reasonable and unexpected.

Shaoxuan was shocked, "Why did the regent of Zhenyi do this?"

Lin Yi was shocked, "You, a young master from the East Palace, can't beat a pampered prince?"

 Shaoxuan, “…”

 He also feels it’s a shame, but what should he do if he just can’t beat him?

"I once dealt with the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom. This man claimed to have the carcasses of rare and rare animals in the ice wilderness. This man was too unpredictable and scheming. I did not agree to have an in-depth discussion with him."

Shaoxuan thought about it, "So this time the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom wants to..."

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly, "Let's buy and sell by force."

Lin Yi suggested, "No matter what the reason is, should we go to the restaurant immediately?"

Fan Qingyao said, "No."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is indeed very skilled in martial arts, but Baili Fengming’s martial arts is not weak either.

If it is really a fight between two tigers, it is not easy to decide who will lose and who will win.

"The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom seems to be coming in force, but in fact he does not dare to really move Baili Fengming in the territory of Xiliang. Even if Baili Fengming is not taken seriously by the emperor, he is still the crown prince of Xiliang, unless The regent of Zhenyi wants to break up with Xiliang."

Moreover, once they really go now, things will become a big deal.

By then, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom would only say that he wanted to have tea with Baili Fengming, and it would be Baili Fengming who would make a fuss about it.

Lin Yi and Shaoxuan listened to Fan Qingyao's analysis and felt that their heads had grown in vain.

 Otherwise, why can’t they think of things that the princess can think of?

Shaoxuan looked at Lin Yi, "..."

 With your IQ, it’s okay that you don’t understand.

Lin Yi looked at Shaoxuan, "..."

 Those who cannot even defeat a prince have no right to speak.

 Shaoxuan, “…”

Fan Qingyao said he won’t go, so he really won’t go.

 Because she was sure that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom would not touch Baili Fengming.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed. Manager Sun, who had been standing by the window, saw that the Crown Princess of Xiliang had not come for a long time, so he turned around and walked to the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom to report.

"Your Majesty, an hour has passed. If the Princess of Xiliang wanted to come, she would have arrived long ago." She did not lower her voice when she said these words. Baili Fengming, who was sitting opposite, could easily hear them all.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom waved his hand and signaled Manager Sun to go out first.

 As the door of the restaurant room was closed, the room fell into silence.

 Baili Fengming and the regent sat face to face, one wearing a green robe and the other wearing a white robe, each with its own merits but equally divided.

At this moment, the murdered merchant was lying next to the two of them. Blood slowly flowed down the gradually cold body, staining the soles of their shoes red.

The man died extremely miserably. All the joints on his body were broken, and his neck was twisted into a weird arc, hanging on his shoulders. On his blue face, his eyes popped out of his sockets.

Such misery shows the ruthlessness of the murderer.

It was so terrifying that it was enough to see the calmness of those sitting aside. The regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom deliberately left the body behind just to see the reaction of the Xiliang Prince. Unexpectedly... it turned out to be much more calm and composed than he expected.

Sure enough, the Prince of Xiliang is much more powerful than the rumors say.

"I didn't expect that the Crown Princess of Xiliang did not come to the appointment. It was a waste of my patience in waiting. After all, the Crown Princess of Xiliang was very punctual in coming to the appointment with me last time." Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom He slowly raised his hand to light the small stove in front of him, as if he didn't know how ambiguous and suspicious his words were.

Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "Ayao has always been polite and courteous when facing strangers."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom paused for a moment as he picked up the teapot, but then he smiled and said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xiliang has a close relationship with the Crown Princess."

These words are clearly threatening Baili Fengming. He can report the matter to the Xiliang Emperor anytime and anywhere.

“Whether it was intimate or not, the Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom should have known when he saved the life of the Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.”

These words are also full of threats.

 After all, the regent of Zhenyi State sneaked into Xiliang privately.

 Whatever the reason, infiltration is enough to break the alliance treaty.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xiliang is deliberately showing off his feelings for the Crown Princess in front of me?”

 “It’s not about showing off, it’s just a matter of fact.”

In the room, the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom was chatting and laughing happily, and the phoenixes were singing in a calm manner.

Outside the house, Manager Sun, who was guarding the door, was breaking out in a cold sweat just listening to it.

It can be said that it is a master's game, every frown and every smile is full of murderous intent.

  “Gulu gulu… gulu gulu…”

 The tea is already boiling on the stove.

The regent of Zhenyi State poured two cups of tea in a leisurely manner, and pushed one cup in front of Baili Fengming very generously. "Actually, I am here today to help the Prince of Xiliang."

 Baili Fengming’s eyes were indifferent and he didn’t answer anything.

"I learned that the Crown Princess of Xiliang was imprisoned. The Crown Prince of Xiliang was eager to save her, so he came up with the idea of ​​a merchant. Therefore, I also want to get involved."

“Why does the regent of Zhenyi think so?”

 “Just because I like the Crown Princess of Xiliang.”

These words are really said without any disguise.

As the words fell, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom had been looking at Baili Fengming.

However, there was no expression on Baili Fengming's face, as if the person the Regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom was talking about had nothing to do with him, "I don't see the sincerity of the Regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom. "

 Baili Fengming said and glanced at the already cold merchant not far away.

Seeing this, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom curled his lips, half-smiling but not smiling, "If this were not the case, how could the Prince of Xiliang agree to let me join the game?"

“Buying by force, selling by force, may backfire.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a forced purchase or sale, as long as the Crown Princess of Xiliang knows how good I am to her, it’s enough.”

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom spoke so frankly, and he was completely stepping on Baili Fengming's bottom line.

 Baili Fengming was not annoyed at all, he just paused and said, "The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom might as well tell you how he wants to enter the game?"

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom seemed not to have expected that Baili Fengming would agree so happily, and was slightly taken aback.

Now, it is not the regent of Zhenyi who threatens Baili Fengming to join the game, but Baili Fengming, with a scrutinizing attitude, asking the regent of Zhenyi how to join the game.

 From passive to active, it’s really just a matter of one sentence.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, who had been taking the initiative, was inadvertently suppressed by Baili Fengming.

 (End of this chapter)

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