The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 648: How can there be such a shameless person?

Chapter 648 How can there be such a shameless person?

“I have in my hands the carcasses of rare and rare animals from the ice wasteland and snowfields.”

"so what?"

"I know that the Crown Prince of Xiliang is doing this act to save the Crown Princess from prison, but since it is a show, it must be fake and real. Only in this way can it be foolproof. So as long as the Crown Prince of Xiliang nods, I am willing to unconditionally bring out Binghuang. The carcasses of rare animals in the snowfield are exchanged for the peace of the Crown Princess.”

 Baili Fengming put down the tea cup in his hand and smiled slightly, "The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is willing to spend a lot of money."

 “I have said that I have a crush on the Crown Princess of Xiliang, and I will do everything I can for the woman I love.”

“In this case, I am afraid that I will disappoint the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.”

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was stunned again.

"Ayao did have a life-saving favor to the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, but it was just a life-saving favor. With Ayao's temperament, if he knew that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom would buy and sell by force afterwards, I'm afraid he would have watched helplessly at the beginning Let the regent of Zhenyi die miserably in a foreign country."

Baili Fengming said it very straightforwardly.

 Perhaps it can be put more simply, your so-called deep love is worthless in the eyes of my wife.

 And the way you keep showing off your affectionate jokes is just being affectionate.

Such harsh words made the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom change his expression, "Is this the character of the Prince of Xiliang?"

“Cultivation and stupidity are not the same thing, so why should the regent of Zhenyi country compare them?”

 The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, “…”

Since arriving in Xiliang, he has heard about and even seen the prince several times.

 But whether he heard or met him, the impression this prince gave him was completely different now.

I have to say that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is indeed very well hidden.

Even the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is not sure whether this appearance is the most real side of him.

He always said what he said so openly. If it were anyone else, even if he could hide his resentment, he would probably be unable to hold back his anger.

 But unfortunately, the prince remained calm and composed from beginning to end, as if it was not his wife who was being cared about.

If this is his truest side, it would be a bit scary.

 Happiness and anger cannot be expressed in color, likes and dislikes cannot be expressed in words.

Today, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom really saw it.

“If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xiliang agrees, all you need to do is nod, and I will leave the rest to my arrangement.” It was obvious that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom no longer wanted to waste time.

Baili Fengming said, "I'm afraid we still need the regent of Zhenyi to wait patiently."

Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, "?"

"My wife has always had the final say on my family's affairs. This matter is not a child's play. It needs to be decided by my wife after careful discussion with my wife. No matter what my wife decides, I will give an accurate answer to the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom. "

As soon as the words fell, Baili Fengming stood up first to say goodbye.

 The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, "!"

It was obvious that he was desperate, and even the so-called merchant had been killed by him, but Baili Fengming just didn't want to give him a happy answer, so...

I have to say that this matter must be left to the Crown Princess.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom looked at Baili Fengming's leaving figure, no matter how he tasted it, it smelled like dog food.

Mr. Sun waited for Baili Fengming to leave completely before turning around and returning to the room. He looked at the prince who was sitting silently and remained silent for a rare moment.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen someone who can lead the prince by the nose.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was also calm, "Do you think this king has become a joke?"

 Mr. Sun, “…”

 This old slave would not dare to say this.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom smiled faintly, and there was no trace of anger on his handsome face. So what if it becomes a joke now?

Only the one who laughs last is the winner.

 “Tell them to be ready at any time.”

 “This is what the prince means…”

 “This situation has been decided by me.”

After Baili Fengming left the restaurant, he went directly to the western suburbs mansion.

Externally, Fan Qingyao has just returned safely from Dali Temple, so it is reasonable for Baili Fengming to come to visit.

Ning Han, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, smiled as soon as she saw His Highness the Crown Prince, "I have seen His Highness the Crown Prince."

 Baili Fengming walked up the steps and asked softly, "Where is your lady?"

 “The lady is waiting for His Highness in the courtyard.”

Baili Fengming nodded and followed Ninghan all the way to Fan Qingyao's yard.

 The room where the charcoal fire was burning was warm.

Shaoxuan, whose injuries had been taken care of long ago, was drinking freshly made soup under Lin Yi's gaze.

When Baili Fengming entered the door, he saw Fan Qingyao sitting on the soft couch beside him, looking quietly out of the window.

I don’t know what I saw, but I saw God.

Shaoxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw His Highness entering the door, "Your Highness!"

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and saw Baili Fengming standing next to the soft couch, looking at her with his eyes closed and a smile.

In this situation, even if Shaoxuan and Lin Yi didn't understand love, they still knew how unnecessary they were. They got up and left the room without saying anything.

Ninghan saw the two people walking out one after another, and hurriedly stretched out her hand towards the side room, "Aunt He has already lit the charcoal pot next door, and the hot tea has been prepared. You two are following me. Just come."

Lin Yi and Shaoxuan were both shocked.

To be honest, they were all ready to stand outside and drink the northwest wind.

 In the end, they were told that there was a warm room and hot tea?

 As expected of the people around the Crown Princess, they are attentive and considerate.

Lin Yi and Shaoxuan both could imagine the happy life of their chickens and dogs ascending to heaven after the princess married to the East Palace.

Through the window, Baili Fengming looked at Lin Yi and Shaoxuan following Ninghan like dogs, and smiled slightly, "I'm afraid that someone is more anxious than me to get you married into the East Palace now. "

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 What time has it been and you still have the time to joke?

Baili Fengming knew that she was anxious, so he lifted up his robe and sat on the edge of the couch, telling her everything about what happened in the restaurant just now.

Fan Qingyao just…

  I’m really shocked!

 Baili Fengming raised his hand and gently clasped her slightly open chin, and said with a smile, "It's rare that something surprises you."

When Fan Qingyao came to his senses, he was still a little surprised, "This regent of Zhenyi Kingdom really surprised me."

In fact, after learning that Baili Fengming was detained by the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, Fan Qingyao guessed that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom wanted to get involved.

However, Fan Qingyao thought that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was planning to make a deal.

 No matter how bad it is, we will only take action if it is profitable.

So Fan Qingyao never expected that the regent of Zhenyi Country could be so shameless!

 “You don’t believe what the regent of Zhenyi said?”

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows and looked at Baili Fengming. Is there any need to say this?

Every time they met, the regent of Zhenyi would hurt other people. The first time was Langya and the second time was Shaoxuan.

Everyone loves their houses and crows, but the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom always brings trouble to fish ponds. This shows that this person's methods are ruthless and his heart is cold, and he doesn't care about anyone at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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