Chapter 649 Is shamelessness still contagious?

 Baili Fengming was really a little cold. Seeing that Fan Qingyao was sitting comfortably on the soft couch, he turned sideways and came to her side, hugged her and leaned against the soft cushion behind him.

 The fragrance of Zishu Xiang instantly enveloped the whole body.

Looking at Fan Qingyao's face full of disgust, Baili Fengming smiled and said, "It seems that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom has really offended you."

Fan Qingyao snuggled into Baili Fengming's arms and frowned slightly, "What are you going to do next?"

“Since the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is very sincere, it’s better to give it a try.”

Fan Qingyao nodded, not surprised by Baili Fengming's answer.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom seemed to be pleading, but in fact he took a tough stance.

 The purpose of killing the merchants was simply because they did not want to give them any hesitant retreat.

Although Fan Qingyao has many options and can find other people to act as merchants, the attitude of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is unclear now. If they really break up, who knows what kind of trouble will be caused.

Moreover, Fan Qingyao always felt that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was not as innocent as he said.

 Baili Fengming had similar thoughts to Fan Qingyao, but there were still many things that he had not smoothed out yet, and he did not want to say more.

Noticing that the person in her arms was sinking, Baili Fengming turned her face to the side and saw that Fan Qingyao, who was leaning against her side, had fallen asleep with her eyes closed.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Baili Fengming sighed almost inaudibly.

  These past few days, she has been really tormented.

Fan Qingyao really didn't expect that he would fall asleep like this. When he opened his eyes, it was completely dark.

Ninghan heard the movement in the house and quickly opened the curtain and entered the door. When he saw his young lady, he smiled from ear to ear and said, "Miss, are you hungry?"

Fan Qingyao looked at the empty soft couch and asked, "When did the prince leave?"

"Half an hour ago, His Highness the Crown Prince specifically told her that there was no need to wake up the young lady, and that she wanted her to sleep a little longer. Oh, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also said that there were still many things to be done in the palace, so he left in a hurry. When I have some free time in a few days, I will come to the house to sleep with the lady."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Is shamelessness contagious?

Aunt He moved very quickly. By the time Fan Qingyao got off the couch, the food was already on the table.

Just as Fan Qingyao was about to move his chopsticks, Mu Yan opened the curtain and entered.

“But have you disturbed the third sister’s meal?”

"How come? Since you are here, come and eat some with me before leaving." Fan Qingyao quickly asked Ninghan to add chopsticks.

Mu Yan held the rice bowl in her hands, but her dark eyes were always looking at Fan Qingyao.

 As I looked at it, my eyes started to turn red.

Fan Qingyao quickly took out the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes, "What's going on?"

Mu Yangan swallowed and said, "I just feel that I am useless. I can't help the third sister in any way. I am not like others who can share the burden for the family."

 She was frightened and panicked when she heard that her third sister was in jail.

The first thing that came to mind was Zhou Renjian, but Zhou Renjian was like coaxing a child, telling him that there was no need for her to worry, and that His Highness the Crown Prince was already thinking of a solution.

 In the past, Mu Yan would not have thought too much about it.

  After all, women are supposed to be in the backyard, and it is their duty not to show up in public.

But now, in front of her, there was not only the third sister, but also Tianyu and a smiling face. The thought of everyone being able to share the burden for this family made her feel full of guilt.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan's aggrieved look and smiled, "But do you feel you owe something?"

Mu Yan nodded with tears in her eyes.

“Since I feel that I am indebted, I will take good care of her in the house and wait for her to marry into the Zhou family in a glorious manner.”

 Muyan, “…”

What does it have to do with marrying into the Zhou family?

Fan Qingyao knew that this girl was in over her head again.

"The power of the Zhou family is enough to help the Hua family gain a foothold in the main city. Once you marry Zhou Renjian, the Hua family and the Zhou family will become in-laws. In the past, when the Hua family fought alone, others could have no scruples. start, because in those eyes, when something happens to the Hua family, it is just the fall of the Hua family, but if the Zhou family and the Hua family are tied together because of you, then even if someone wants to take advantage of the Hua family in the future, they will You have to think carefully about it.”

Fan Qingyao did not name him by name, but Mu Yan also knew that the person mentioned by the third sister was the current Holy Emperor.

 After all, the Hua family suffered a huge impact back then. Even now, their fathers are still living outside for this reason.

 But Mu Yan doesn’t think that she is really that important, “Why do third sisters need to comfort me?”

 “It’s not a comfort, it’s a fact!”

One chopstick is easily broken but ten chopsticks are enough to hold tightly into a ball.

 Muyan, “…”

"As long as you can integrate into the Zhou family well, you will be the Hua family's biggest support. Mu Yan, everyone has their own meaning in life. Instead of dwelling on your own shortcomings, it is better to think about how to use your strengths. Maximize it.”

“Third sister, do you really think so?”

"Mu Yan, you have seen with your own eyes the heavy losses that the Hua family has suffered. If you want to stand firm in the storm, you must find ways to make yourself stronger through your strengths."

Fan Qingyao doesn’t want to repeat the experience of his last life.

 But she cannot stay with her sisters forever. The only thing she can do is to let them become independent.

Mu Yan really didn't expect that her marriage would still maintain such an important thing. When she really figured it out, her eyes became firm, "Third sister, don't worry, I know what to do. "

Fan Qingyao smiled and gave Mu Yan a piece of fried bacon with chopsticks, "My sister can understand everything at once."

 Mu Yan’s heart felt warm and sour at the same time.

  She found that the third sister was really good at comforting people and knew how to make a person go further.

"By the way, my mother and the others just came back and asked me to tell Third Sister that my aunt didn't know about Third Sister's imprisonment. Uncle Sun also sealed the mouths of everyone in the house. Third Sister, don't worry. That’s it.” While chatting, I almost forgot about the real thing.

 This is indeed good news for Fan Qingyao.

Even if Baili Fengming plans to join forces with the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, it will still take some time.

Fan Qingyao originally planned to take time to visit his mother, but now it seems that there is no need.

Since my mother will give birth later in the year, it won’t be too late to visit her after she is completely fine and healthy.

After having dinner with Mu Yan, Fan Qingyao went to his brother's place with Mu Yan.

Hua Fengning went to a nearby **** some time ago and was about to come back. He heard the news about Fan Qingyao's accident from his wife's mouth, and was about to go to Fan Qingyao's yard when he saw Fan Qingyao come in.

"Hurry up and have a look!" Hua Fengning rushed to Fan Qingyao in one swift step and looked at him carefully by candlelight. Those who didn't know thought Fan Qingyao was blooming.

Fan Qingyao was helpless, but he couldn't say anything.

Fortunately, Wu Qiuzhuo smiled and said, "Qingyao is about to get married. Even if you are an elder brother, you must have some sense of proportion."

Only then did Hua Fengning react. He quickly pulled Fan Qingyao and Mu Yan to sit down together, and asked carefully what happened. When he knew that Princess Rui was dead, the two sword eyebrows were tightened together. .

Fan Qingyao didn't want his brother to worry, so he comforted him, "The murderer has been found, so I don't need to worry anymore."

Of course, Hua Fengning knew that things were definitely not as easy as Fan Qingyao said, but seeing that Fan Qingyao didn't want to say more, he didn't ask any more questions and just warned carefully, "Little Qingyao, I'm afraid the road ahead will be difficult. It’s getting more and more dangerous, so remember to take care of yourself.”

Fan Qingyao smiled sweetly, "Brother, don't worry."

 Hua Fengning knew that a man shouldn't be like this, but he felt uneasy if he didn't say it out loud. He pulled Fan Qingyao and talked about it for a long time, and after he finished speaking, he didn't forget to ask his wife's opinion.

 “Qiu Zhuo, do you think so?”


 “Autumn autumn?”

 Hua Fengning shouted several times in succession, but received no response.

When Wu Qiuzao came to her senses, she saw everyone in the room looking at her.

A trace of panic flashed in Wu Qiuzhuo's eyes, and he smiled quickly and said, "Everything you said is right."

Hua Fengning is a man after all, and he doesn’t have such delicate thoughts.

But Fan Qingyao could clearly see that his sister-in-law had something on her mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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