Chapter 656 It’s another new year

  After midnight, the daughters-in-law and their servants were busy preparing for the reunion dinner.

Tao Yuxian specially waved, called Fan Qingyao to him and warned, "After your grandfather came down from the court, he was left directly in the palace. Today, there is a New Year's banquet in the palace. There are so many people." It’s complicated, you have to go out on business with the prince, so remember to be careful.”

Fan Qingyao nodded, "Grandma, don't worry, I will be even more careful."

Tao Yuxian knew that his granddaughter had always been a calm and thoughtful person, but she no longer wrote anything.

Fan Qingyao said goodbye to his grandmother and got on the carriage heading to Sun's Mansion.

 If you don’t see your mother before entering the palace, you will always feel a little uneasy.

At this time, the gate of Sun Mansion was wide open. The beggars who had been given porridge by Huayue Lian came to the mansion early and cleaned and dusted with the servants in the mansion. It was very lively.

When Fan Qingyao arrived, he saw his mother, with her bulging belly, writing couplets with the maids in her yard with the support of her grandma.

Mammy Jiang was the first to see Fan Qingyao. She smiled and said hello, "Miss."

Fan Qingyao looked at his mother's rosy complexion and knew that Aunt Jiang had contributed a lot. He personally took out a purse from his sleeve and gave it to Aunt Jiang, "Mama Jiang, you have worked hard to take care of me."

Mammy Jiang was flattered and said, "This is what an old slave should do."

Hua Yuelian smiled and said, "Since Yue Ya'er gave it to me, just keep it."

Mammy Jiang didn't dare to refuse anymore and quickly bent down to accept it. Knowing that the young lady was afraid that she might have something to whisper to the young lady, she carefully helped Hua Yuelian into the house and then took the initiative to retreat.

Since there was no one else in the room, Hua Yuelian just held Fan Qingyao's hand, "I heard some time ago that you seemed to be in jail, but is it true?"

There is no airtight wall in this world.

No matter how well the aunts and Sun Che hide it, the news will always leak out.

But looking at his mother's uncertain look, Fan Qingyao knew that her mother was not sure, "There are really outrageous rumors now. If my daughter is really in jail, how can she still appear in front of her?" ?”

Huayue Lian was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that what her daughter said didn't make sense. "It's fine, it's okay. I also accidentally heard what the boy who came to work in the house said."

Fan Qingyao pretended to be helpless and raised his lips, "How have you been, mother?"

"It's good. You have seen that Grandma Jiang is the head of the household, and the servants who came into the house later also respect me very much. But a few days ago, the old lady of the Sun family sent someone to say that she wanted to I want to come to my house to celebrate the New Year.”

Hua Yuelian had a headache when she thought about the old lady of the Sun family. Fortunately, her attitude was very firm this time. Even for the sake of the child in her belly, she would never give in.

“Sun Che was very tolerant of me. He didn’t say much when he saw that I didn’t agree. He just gave the person who came to deliver the news some money and sent him away.”

Fan Qingyao looked at the calmness in her mother's eyes and knew that her mother had actually changed.

In the past, with my mother's nobleness and pride, she would never have refused the old lady of the Sun family.

Just like back then, he didn't even bother to fight with Zui Ling, so he just left Fan Mansion with her.

The mother at that time was indeed admirable.

 But if you want to survive, you must learn to be flexible.

 Fortunately, it is not too late for my mother to understand this truth now.

 Hua Yuelian wanted to stay with Fan Qingyao to eat together. Anyway, Sun Che didn't have so many rules here. Besides, with just the two of them, it would be more lively with Yue Ya'er around.

As a result, before he could speak, Sun Che hurriedly entered the door.

Hua Yuelian was just thinking about what happened to Sun Che in such a hurry. When she looked back, she saw His Highness the Crown Prince entering the door gracefully.

“My wife, please see Your Highness the Crown Prince.” Hua Yue Lian, who was belatedly aware of the situation, had to bend down with her big belly.

Baili Fengming gave her a hand, "We are all one family sooner or later, Mrs. Sun doesn't need to be so outspoken." Sun Che really felt sorry for his daughter-in-law and hurried over to help her.

 Huayue Lian thought that what His Highness the Crown Prince said was not unreasonable, and that His Highness the Crown Prince had always been very approachable, so he straightened his body.

But even if His Highness the Crown Prince is approachable, he is still His Highness the Crown Prince.

 The room fell into an oppressive silence for a while.

 Baili Fengming behaved naturally. He walked to Fan Qingyao and took a look. His beautiful brows were knitted together.

Fan Qingyao was stunned when he saw a flower in front of him.

By the time she reacted, the cloak that was originally on Baili Fengming's shoulders was wrapped around her body.

“You know you’re going out, why don’t you wear more clothes?” Baili Fengming lowered his eyes slightly, opening and closing his slender fingers, carefully tying the belt of his cloak.

Fan Qingyao actually didn't feel cold, but seeing that the cloak was already covering him, he stopped arguing. He waited until Baili Fengming let go of his hand and said, "Why are you here?"

“I heard you were here, so I followed you.”

 “Have you been to Xijiao Mansion?”

“I went and met the old lady of the Hua family. I said a few auspicious words and got a lot of lucky money.”

Sun Che’s mouth twitched as he thought of the scene when His Majesty the Crown Prince received the New Year’s money at Hua’s house...

 It’s just completely unimaginable.

 Hua Yuelian didn't expect that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Yue Ya'er had such a good relationship. The two were obviously not married yet, but their conversation and behavior when they got along looked like a couple who had been together for many years.

Thinking about this, Hua Yuelian was confused, should she also stay for a meal with the prince?

 Baili Fengming said with a smile, "Today Ayao is going to the palace for a family banquet. I'm afraid he won't be able to stay and have dinner with Madam Sun. If I get free time in the future, I will definitely accompany Ayao back to have dinner in person."

 Huayue Lian, “…”

She was just thinking...

 Is it really that obvious?

But I have to say that His Highness the Prince is really good at talking, especially the voice coming back in the last sentence, which won Hua Yuelian's heart. Although he was a little disappointed, he still had a smile on his face. "His Royal Highness is serious. Today is the New Year, so naturally the banquet in the palace is important."

 Baili Fengming nodded slightly, "In this case, I will leave with Ayao first."

Hua Yuelian nodded and naturally followed to see him off.

 The result was that the pleasant voice of His Highness the Prince rang out again, "It's cold and the road is slippery, Mrs. Sun's family stayed behind."

 Huayue Lian, “…”

Is His Royal Highness the Prince so considerate?

Sun Che looked at his wife's flattered face and felt convinced in his heart.

 The way of imperial power is the art of controlling people.

 The princes in the palace have received this kind of education since they were young.

But as a prince, he has long been accustomed to being pampered and privileged, so how could he lower his status with others?

 Looking at His Highness the Crown Prince, he is well versed in humility, prudence, and open-mindedness.

Such a guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and neither restraint nor ambition. If you are not a great person, I am afraid that God is blind.

 (End of this chapter)

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