The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 657: It’s hard for a butcher to be refined

Chapter 657: It’s hard for a butcher to be refined

Fan Qingyao left the Sun Mansion, thinking that he would enter the palace soon, so he simply asked Ning Han to drive the carriage back first.

 As for herself, she got on Baili Fengming's carriage.

Even if he is not favored, he is still the prince of Xiliang. Even this seemingly ordinary carriage has been modified by skilled craftsmen. The layout inside is very large, with soft couches, low tables, heaters, teapots... It can be said that everything is available.

Moreover, the carriage was extremely stable and bump-proof. It went all the way into the city so smoothly that the bumps were almost unnoticeable.

After Baili Fengming got in the car, he found a book at random and started reading.

Fan Qingyao was thinking about the transaction for a while and asked softly, "Has everything been arranged at the restaurant?"

 Baili Fengming nodded, "Lin Yi has already taken people to hide in the restaurant in advance to prevent anyone from breaking in."

"The emperor has also released the news?" Fan Qingyao thought, considering the emperor's suspicion, he would definitely send someone to quietly monitor the activities in the restaurant.

"Yesterday night, Shaoxuan painted the portraits of those people sent by Emperor Father." Baili Fengming said, taking out a few portraits from his sleeves and handing them over.

Fan Qingyao took it and examined it carefully, memorizing the appearance of these people as quickly as possible without feeling panicked.

The emperor sent people to find out, it was nothing more than suspicion.

As long as she and Baili Fengming follow the normal procedures to trade with the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, no matter how many spies the emperor sends to monitor them, they won't be able to catch anything.

Now, Fan Qingyao just hopes that the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom will not make any trouble.

"By the way, you..." Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming again, but as soon as he said the words, his arms tightened, and he jumped forward according to the pulling force.

 The next second, Fan Qingyao bumped into Baili Fengming's chest.

"I heard from the old lady of the Hua family that you got up before midnight today. It will take at least half an hour to get to the restaurant from here. Close your eyes and rest for a while. I will call you when you get there." Baili Fengming almost said Without any explanation, he held Fan Qingyao in his arms.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Why do you need to talk about taking advantage in such a high-sounding way?

 Baili Fengming turned his face and saw through Fan Qingyao's inner slander at a glance, "If I really want to take advantage of you, you won't have the time to look at me here now."

His thin lips, close to his eyes, opened and closed as he spoke.

Fan Qingyao looked at it and thought of the scene of being kissed by these lips.

His face was slightly hot. Seeing Baili Fengming still looking at him, Fan Qingyao closed his eyes instantly.

Since you can’t struggle, you might as well just pretend to sleep...

 Baili Fengming slowly raised his hand and tucked Fan Qingyao's scattered hair behind his ears.

The full fingertips scratched the cheek that seemed to be smudged by the red glow, and then carelessly rubbed the auricle that was also stained red.

 Until the red ear turned transparent, the harassing hand stopped moving.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

As expected of a black-hearted fox, he is still in the mood to do this at this time!

 Baili Fengming seemed to have seen Xiao Jiujiu in someone's heart, and smiled, "Go to sleep."

Half an hour is not a short time, but Fan Qingyao did not really fall asleep.

I have been thinking about the whole thing in my mind. I don’t know how long it took, but the carriage finally stopped.

Before Baili Fengming could speak, Fan Qingyao opened his eyes.

 Because it was the New Year, there were many people on the street, and people were passing by outside the restaurant.

Fan Qingyao followed Baili Fengming out of the carriage, looked at the familiar restaurant in front of him, and tensed up all his nerves.

Baili Fengming seemed to be aware of her discomfort and leaned slightly towards her side.

 Under the cover of the wide sleeves of the robe, the hands holding each other's hands were blocked. Walking all the way towards the private room on the second floor, Fan Qingyao keenly discovered familiar faces hiding in the dark, including people from Baili Fengming, and even spies sent by the emperor.

Those pairs of eyes stared at Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming through the crowd, both sharp and sharp.

In this way, if there is even the slightest thing wrong, it will soon reach the ears of the emperor.

Fan Qingyao knows that the more this is the case, the more natural it must be.

 The matter of merchants is really too involved.

 Once the weak point is exposed, not only will all the previous efforts be wasted, it will almost be in vain.

From the first floor to the second floor, it is obviously only a short distance, but it seems to be endless.

By the time he finally reached the second floor, Fan Qingyao's back was already wet with sweat.

 Baili Fengming seemed indifferent, but in fact the hand he held with Fan Qingyao was a little wet.

 After all, the merchants this time are not our own.

Now the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom has unclear thoughts, and no one knows what changes will happen in the process.

According to the originally agreed location, Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao stood outside the door of Tianzihao Yajian.


At the same time, the closed door was opened wide.

As Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming stepped in, the door was closed again.

This room has obviously been tidied up.

 Coupled with the passage of a few days, many traces have long since been smoothed away.

 But Fan Qingyao was still keenly aware of the smell of blood remaining in the room.

"It is said that people with good medical skills also have very good eyesight. I have long heard that the Crown Princess of Xiliang has superb medical skills. Now that I have seen it, her reputation is indeed well-deserved." A man walked out from behind the screen. He was in his twenties, typical. The profound facial features of the Zhenyi Kingdom.

Fan Qingyao looked around the man carefully and found that he had not seen him in the palace before.

The man seemed to have noticed Fan Qingyao's attention. Instead of shying away, he took a step forward, hoping that Fan Qingyao would take a closer look, "Why, the Crown Princess of Xiliang is interested in me?"

Such frivolous words not only failed to take Baibaili Fengming seriously, but also failed to take Xiliang seriously.

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly and said, "Sorry, I am not interested in butchers. I am not as philanthropic as the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom."

This is a bit harsh to say.

Not only did he belittle the man in front of him, but he also made fun of the taste of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

 A butcher is a person who deals with animals all year round.

 As the saying goes, it is difficult for a butcher to be refined.

The man didn't seem to expect that Fan Qingyao could tell what he was doing at a glance. He curled his lips unnaturally and said, "The Crown Princess of Xiliang is indeed powerful. No wonder she can haunt my master."

“The philanthropy of the regent of Zhenyi State really scares me.”

This time, Fan Qingyao did not belittle the man, but grabbed the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom and kicked him hard.

 Obviously, the smile on the man's face was beginning to lose its hold.

She must have never expected that even the emperor of Xiliang would bow to the Zhenyi Kingdom. How could a little princess have the confidence to dare to provoke her again and again.

 (End of this chapter)

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