Chapter 677: Others can’t but I can

Everyone watched as they walked, and slowly reached the main street.

Even though we were not riding in a carriage, so many people appeared on the street all at once, which still attracted a lot of attention.

 Baili Fengming took the initiative to walk to the emperor's side and suggested, "Why don't the emperor and the queen walk in front with their guards, and the rest of the people will follow behind to do their own activities, and then slowly gather with the emperor before returning to the palace."

Emperor Yongchang himself didn’t want to attract too much attention, “Just do as you say.”

 When other people heard this, they naturally wouldn’t move too far forward.

Concubine Yu saw that it was the prince who came to make suggestions in front of the emperor again, so she couldn't help but cursed, "He will be in the limelight."

Yunyue was still in a daze when she looked at the prince who was responding fluently and calmly to the emperor.

In my impression, the prince has always been very introverted since he was a child. When she went to Fengyi Palace to greet the queen, she accidentally saw her father going to Fengyi Palace. The prince did not even dare to raise his head when he saw his father.

At that time, Yunyue always thought that it was really a pity that the prince had such a good skin.

Thinking about it now, she has only been gone for more than a year, and the prince seems to have changed.

Even though the prince still acted a little dull in the imperial study today, he was no longer the same person as she remembered him.

Yunyue looked at it and saw that the prince had already walked to Fan Qingyao's side.

Yunyue narrowed her eyes slightly. Are all these changes because of Fan Qingyao?

 Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao stopped in front of a small stall and stopped moving forward.

The emperor has already led the queen away towards the distance. At present, everyone's attention is on the emperor and the empress, and no one notices that the prince is lagging behind.

Fan Qingyao was really confused about Baili Fengming's behavior today. When he saw that everyone around him was almost gone, he asked, "What did you do today..."

Before he finished speaking, his wrist suddenly tightened.

Before Fan Qingyao realized what was going on, he started running after Baili Fengming.

After bypassing the main street, Fan Qingyao was pulled by Baili Fengming through the nearby alleys. After passing through an unknown number of alleys, Fan Qingyao saw a carriage parked quietly. not far away.

Baili Fengming, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke softly, "It's too late to come back before midnight."

After speaking, he pushed Fan Qingyao onto the carriage.

The carriage seemed to have been ordered a long time ago, and the driver started driving quickly as Fan Qingyao got on the carriage.

Fan Qingyao, who was sitting in the carriage, was still in a trance for a moment, when he saw a familiar figure rushing towards him, "Miss!"

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "Ninghan, why are you here?"

Ninghan cried, "Something happened to Madam!"

Fan Qingyao's heart skipped a beat, but he still comforted Ninghan, "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Ning Han hurriedly recounted everything. In fact, she did not expect that not long after she was kicked out of the palace by the Eighth Prince, His Highness the Crown Prince sent someone to find her and placed her in this carriage. .

Ninghan had tears in her eyes. She didn’t know whether it was because she was too surprised or frightened, “I finally got the young lady here!”

Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan's crying face and finally understood why Baili Fengming agreed to leave the palace.

I'm afraid that Baili Fengming had already planned everything from the moment he received the news.

 Emperors of all dynasties were extremely superstitious.

 I think Baili Fengming understood this and did not report Ninghan's matter to the emperor.

Otherwise, with the selfish character of the Emperor, he would not put himself in the shoes of others and would only blame others for his fault. What's more, if this year is not a year of peace, I am afraid that all the responsibilities will be taken away from him. Blame it on Ning Han, who broke into the palace with bad news. The emperor was angry and laid down millions of corpses.

 Let alone Ninghan, even the Hua family may not be able to bear the emperor's wrath.

Fan Qingyao now has no time to think about how many spies Baili Fengming deployed in the palace to be able to grasp the situation in the palace at any time. Now she just wants to see her mother as soon as possible.

  The driver drove the carriage very quickly, weaving through the small roads of the main city along the way.

Both Ning Han and Fan Qingyao had to reach out to hold the soft couch under the carriage body, otherwise they would really be jolted out.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, the carriage finally stopped at the door of the Sun family's mansion.

Sun's mansion is still brightly lit.

Fan Qingyao ran all the way to the backyard where his mother was. The closer he got, the more he could see the moving figures.

 In the main courtyard, all the servants of the Sun Mansion were standing in order in preparation for emergencies.

As the heavy door curtain was lifted, several maids lined up and walked out in a hurry. The water basins in each of their hands were filled with dazzling blood red.

Fan Qingyao, who had just entered the courtyard, looked at this scene and his eyes trembled.

Because it was too dark and Fan Qingyao walked very quickly, none of the servants in the mansion recognized him.

But as soon as Fan Qingyao stepped through the door, the daughters-in-law who had been guarding the outer hall all stood up.

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to say hello and asked urgently, "Where are my mother-in-law?"

The fourth daughter-in-law, Yafu, hurriedly reached out and pointed to the inner room, "Inside, my mother-in-law is also there..."

Fan Qingyao didn't wait for his fourth aunt to finish speaking, but turned around and ran to the back room behind him.

At this time, Sun Che was standing at the door. When he saw Fan Qingyao coming, he quickly lifted the curtain.

The moment Fan Qingyao stepped in, he was hit by the thick smell of blood.

 In the room, Hua Yuelian, who was still very unconscious, was being held up by someone's legs.

Under the bright candlelight in the room, her face and lips had long since become white and transparent, her messy hair was stuck to both sides of her cheeks with sweat, and the quilt covering her body was soaked with her sweat.

Tao Yuxian was sitting by the bed, constantly observing the situation under the quilt.

There are silver needles scattered around and a lot of medicinal materials. It seems that all the methods that need to be used have been used.

Fan Qingyao's heart tightened as he watched this scene.

 In the last life, the scene of my mother’s painful death suddenly came to mind.

 It hurts like that.

 Such pain.

 It’s so reluctant to give up again.

I have to say that it was Fan Qingyao’s nightmare, and it was her lingering shadow.

With his heart aching so much that he was almost suffocating, Fan Qingyao took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his heart, and quickly walked to the bed to observe his mother's situation.

When Tao Yuxian saw Fan Qingyao, he was obviously startled, but he quickly collected his thoughts and said, "I heard from Grandma Jiang that your mother suddenly fainted. She should have accidentally bumped her body when she fell to the ground. The amniotic fluid ruptured due to his stomach, and the amniotic fluid was about to flow in, but this person never had a strong sense of consciousness. If this continues, I am afraid, I am afraid that one person and two people will die..."

 (End of this chapter)

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