The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 678: Stepping into the door of the Fan family again

Chapter 678: Entering the Fan family again

Even if Tao Yuxian, who was used to seeing life and death, said the words "one corpse and two lives", he still trembled violently.

Her daughter has not enjoyed many blessings in her life. She finally looked forward to good days, but she is about to suffer this bad fate...

 Tears flowed silently across Tao Yuxian's cheeks, reflecting her unbearability and even more helplessness!

Tao Yuxian knew very well that if he directly opened the belly at this time, the child could still survive, but if the baby was taken out of the flesh and blood like this, the adult would really have no chance of survival.

Even if it hurts, it will hurt to death!

 A doctor does not heal himself, and he who heals others does not heal himself...

At this moment, sensibility finally overwhelmed rationality.

Tao Yuxian, who has always been calm and self-possessed, looked at his frail daughter and could not say anything like "keep the child alive" no matter what.

Fan Qingyao's eyes were hot, and his throat could not restrain itself from rolling with waves of soreness.

 But she knew that every minute and every second now might be the key to saving her mother's life.

Biting his lower lip, he let the blood slowly seep out from the corners of his lips. While the pain temporarily suppressed the soreness in his heart, Fan Qingyao quickly picked up the silver needle next to him, untied his mother's clothes, and used his heart to For the formation eye, the silver needles were arranged from deep to shallow, forming a needle array that resembled a plum blossom.

Tao Yuxian's eyes trembled, "Nine Palaces Plum Blossom Array..."

This formation is uniquely created by the Tao family, and it is also the forbidden formation of the Tao family!

This formation is mostly used for people who are unconscious due to excessive blood loss. The formation is first used to protect the person's heart, and then the depth of the silver needle is constantly adjusted to stimulate the unconscious person's consciousness.

It’s just that if you want to achieve this formation, you must constantly supply human blood to the unconscious person.

 In order to protect the heart of the unconscious person, this formation requires a large amount of blood.

There was once a Tao family doctor who used this formation to save her child, but because of this, she consumed all of a person's menstrual blood, which violated the Tao family's rules, so she was permanently exiled, and this formation was also permanently banned. .

Now, Tao Yuxian sees with his own eyes the needle array that was banned by his family once again appeared in front of his eyes. How can he not be frightened!

 She knew very well that with Xiao Qingyao's character, it was absolutely impossible to hurt other people, so...

Just as Tao Yuxian was thinking, he saw Fan Qingyao taking out the dagger beside him.

 A cold light suddenly appeared, and blood flowed out of the snow-white wrist.

Tao Yuxian was angry and distressed, "Confused!"

Human blood vessels divide and combine. If you want to transfuse blood, you must first test whether the two bloods can be fused with Tao's special potion.

Tao Yuxian knows from many years of medical experience that even biological blood may not really be able to fuse with each other.

"Grandma believes in me." Fan Qingyao faced Tao Yuxian's angry rebuke with a firm look. Maybe other people's blood is not acceptable, but her blood is definitely acceptable.

At the same time, Fan Qingyao also cut his mother's wrist with a dagger, and then used a silver needle to penetrate the skin near the wound along the acupuncture points.

As the third silver needle fell, the wound on Hua Yuelian's wrist suddenly jumped visibly to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Qingyao's blood that was originally flowing on Hua Yuelian's wrist was sucked into the flesh by the slightly beating wound.

As the blood on Fan Qingyao's wrist was continuously absorbed by Hua Yuelian's body, Hua Yuelian's face, which was already as white as a piece of paper, finally became rosy.

Looking at this scene, Tao Yuxian knew that Xiao Qingyao's blood could indeed blend with his daughter's.

But it is clear that Xiao Qingyao has never experimented at all, so how can he be so sure?

 Is it a gamble? Tao Yuxian looked at Fan Qingyao's dark eyes and quickly rejected the idea just now.

Such a determined look could never be a gamble.

 Could it be!

Another answer came clearly to mind, and even Tao Yuxian was shocked!

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother's expression and knew that he might not be able to hide it.

But now was not the time to explain this. Seeing his mother's breathing becoming more steady, Fan Qingyao quickly reached out and gently pulled out all the silver needles near his mother's heart by an inch, and finally pulled out the needle closest to her heart. A silver needle pressed two inches...

 The intense pain instantly stimulated all of Huayue Lian's nerves and senses.

 “Hu—!” With a long exhale, Hua Yue Lian suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Tao Yuxian saw that his daughter was conscious, but he didn't dare to delay for a moment longer. He hurriedly checked the situation under the quilt, and shouted to Hua Yuelian to use more force, and use more force...

Perhaps it was human instinct, Hua Yuelian almost didn't even think about it, and just kept exerting force in response to her mother's voice.

I don’t know how long it took, until a baby’s cry echoed through the sky, Huayue Lian’s exhausted body fell heavily back on the bed, and she passed out again.

It was the people waiting outside the house who started crying when they heard the child's cry.

But in the room, Tao Yuxian was still tense with all his nerves. He didn't even glance at the child, but stood up and walked to Hua Yuelian's side.

He quickly pressed Hua Yuelian's pulse. Although the pulse was weak but still stable, he quickly took out a life-saving elixir brought from home and stuffed it into Hua Yuelian's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Tao Yuxian stuffed another one into Fan Qingyao's mouth.

 The bitter taste made Fan Qingyao's already somewhat fuzzy consciousness finally sober up.

Originally, she wanted to raise her head to signal to her grandmother that she was okay, but as soon as she moved, the world in front of her was spinning for a while.

Tao Yuxian hurriedly helped Fan Qingyao sit on the soft couch beside him. He picked up the silver catgut and quickly sewed it on his wrist, which had become white flesh.

Fan Qingyao was leaning on the soft couch in a daze, his eyelids were very heavy. Although he was still conscious, he couldn't open his eyes, and he couldn't even hear the sounds around him clearly.

I don’t know how long it took before Fan Qingyao slowly opened his eyes.

 The room had been tidied up a long time ago, and even Hua Yuelian's wrists had been sewn up.

Grandma Jiang was holding the infant in her arms and was talking to Tao Yuxian. When she saw Fan Qingyao opening her eyes, she smiled and said, "Old madam, Miss Wai is awake!"

Tao Yuxian turned around suddenly, and after confirming that Fan Qingyao was really awake, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mammy Jiang held the baby in her arms and walked to Fan Qingyao. "The young lady has given birth to a sister. From now on, the young lady will have a biological sister."

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the swaddled baby. He was small and wrinkled, but he slept extremely soundly.

Looking at the new life, Grandma Jiang was a little moved, "Today, the eldest grandma of the Fan family came to see the young lady and said some unpleasant things. Now that the young lady and her daughter are safe, let's see how the eldest grandma of the Fan family can survive." Can’t laugh out loud.”

Fan Qingyao's heart skipped a beat, "Who did you say has been here?"

 (End of this chapter)

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