The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 683: The Ziwei star moves, the sign of the heroic emperor’s appearance in the world

Chapter 683 The Ziwei star moves, the heroic emperor’s appearance in the world

“Perhaps the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom is also free.”

Other than this reason, Fan Qingyao really couldn't think of it and didn't have time to think too much.

 The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, “…”

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly as his wrist was clenched tightly again, and the iron-like fingers pinched the newly sutured wound.

It was just an extremely subtle movement, but it caught the attention of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

He suddenly pulled off Fan Qingyao's cuffs and looked at the blood seeping out from under the white cloth with an almost ferocious look, "Who did you save with your blood?"

Fan Qingyao watched the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom in silence, his heart already beating wildly.

 Why does he know this secret?

Seemingly catching the surprise in Fan Qingyao's eyes, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom narrowed his eyes slightly, "When you rescued me in Bincheng, you didn't use your blood. I thought you didn't know, but now it seems This king is not worth it.”

Fan Qingyao looked at him without fear and did not explain. Although the poison he was poisoned at that time was complicated, it was not difficult. There was no need to waste her blood to save him.

"If I had known the identity of the regent, maybe I would have let you die a little more happily." Fan Qingyao in this life has never had the problem of being a woman.

"If this king is really dead, how long does the Crown Princess of Xiliang think she will live?" The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was used to being stimulated by Fan Qingyao, and now he didn't care.

Fan Qingyao frowned and fell silent again.

Looking at Fan Qingyao who was motionless again, the regent of Zhenyi sighed inaudibly.

She is just a little girl, but she is impeccable in her conduct and work.

He has already spoken to this point. Even if a normal person is not led by him, he will always lower his guard.

But if we look at the person in front of us, she looks like she has her own way of doing things and is hard-hearted. To say that she doesn't take in food and salt, and that she doesn't take soft and hard advice is an understatement.

"I think the crown prince also knows about the prince's illness. His father is the person I hate the most, but he is my only salvation. I have no plans to marry and have children in this life, so the prince will definitely succeed him in the future. The Yi Kingdom is unified, and I just hope that the prince can get rid of the disease in his lifetime. "

Fan Qingyao was unmoved, "I am doubly surprised that the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom is still such a kind person."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom did not care about the sarcasm in Fan Qingyao's eyes, "How can a person who has been missed by his own brother for half his life be kind?"

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Suddenly I felt like I heard something I shouldn’t have heard.

The first king's preference was his own younger brother. This kind of thing is probably a dead secret no matter which country it is placed in. However, as the person involved, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was able to speak out so calmly...

Fan Qingyao really didn't know whether to call him bold or big-hearted.

The regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom treated Fan Qingyao's scrutiny calmly, "Someone once said that if you want to save the prince, you need to obtain the medical classics. Others said that those who obtain the medical classics will have eternal life. If the Crown Princess of Xiliang is the prince The only antidote is to offend me."

 It turned out that this was his answer to help Baili Rongze and frame Baili Fengming.

As long as Baili Fengming falls, the Crown Princess Fan Qingyao will no longer exist. By then, as long as the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom initiates a marriage, I think the emperor will be very willing to send her to the Zhenyi Kingdom to please the regent.

"Why do you know that the medical code is me?" The medical code is a secret guarded by the Tao family for generations, but even the Tao family does not know what the medical code is. If she had not accidentally discovered it in the previous life, even Fan Qingyao She didn't even know that the so-called medical classic was actually her.

“I not only know the medical classics, but I also know that just last year, someone saw that the crape myrtle star was moving, the Big Dipper moved eastward, and the Sirius appeared with five stars in a row. With this prediction, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos.”

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly, last year...

That was the year when she forcibly reversed her fate and received divine punishment one after another!

 Could it be that the movement of Ziwei Star really has something to do with her?

"Ziwei Star, like the Emperor Star, is a noble star that can deter barbarians and eliminate disasters. It is also an auspicious star that can turn people's misfortune into good fortune and eliminate disasters. To put it bluntly, it is the sign of the heroic emperor's appearance." At the beginning. Because of this news, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom almost risked his life, so he was deeply impressed. Fan Qingyao suppressed his fear and smiled, "If this is really the case, it will be a blessing to the people of the world."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom did not deny it, but paused and said, "It is also a disaster for other countries and even the courtiers."

 There are many kinds of relations between countries, but most of them are to do what they want and to keep things peaceful on the surface.

To the courtiers, an emperor who wants something is much better than an emperor who is upright and dedicated to the people. After all, what the courtiers want is to rise to prominence in the court.

Nowadays, many relationships are intertwined with each other, so that they can last longer.

If a colorless emperor really ascends the throne, he will probably block the way of survival for too many people.

But these are not what the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom considers. His thoughts have always been very simple, "What happens in this world has nothing to do with me, but for the sake of the prince's well-being, the Crown Princess of Xiliang is afraid of this trip to the Zhenyi Kingdom." The journey is decided."

 Are you going to use the strong one?

"The reason why the heart disease of the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom can be controlled is because my blood has been melted into the medicine. Every ten years for thirty years, the prince must take my blood as medicine. Otherwise, the body will It will accelerate the depletion until death. "

To put it simply, if she dies, the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom will not survive.

“In this case, I want to take away the Crown Princess of Xiliang.”

“The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom can take me away, but I will die in front of you.”

 The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, “…”

Of course Fan Qingyao knew that this method of threatening others with her own life was not very glorious, but now it was her only weapon that could restrain the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

  Her blood was secretly put into the medicine of the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom in order to save people, but also for selfish reasons.

The regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom may seem sinister, but his affection for the prince of the Zhenyi Kingdom is deep-rooted.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't know what his plan was at that time, no matter what his plan was, as long as he seized the life of the prince of Zhenyi State, he would seize the weakness of the regent of Zhenyi State.

 Now it seems that the effect is still very significant.

 In the teahouse opposite, Yunyue's face obviously no longer looked good.

 Obviously, things are getting close to a fever pitch over there.

Fan Qingyao suddenly withdrew his arm and walked away.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom grabbed her wrist again.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 This man is not finished yet, is he?

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom looked at Fan Qingyao steadily, "Follow me so that you can continue to live. Otherwise, do you think they will let you go if I let you go?"

Fan Qingyao frowned, not really understanding what the regent of Zhenyi said about them.

"who are they?"

 “It’s the person who prevents you from changing your destiny against heaven.”

 (End of this chapter)

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