The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 684: His Highness the Crown Prince’s Teeth Sticking Kung Fu

Chapter 684 His Highness the Crown Prince’s Teeth Sticking Kung Fu

 The second floor of the teahouse.

Yunyue looked at the reluctant prince, obviously unable to control her temper, "Since the prince said that the princess was behind the screen, why didn't he let me see her?"

 Baili Fengming smiled indifferently and said, "The Crown Princess is taking a nap. If Princess Yunyue has anything, why don't you tell me?"

 Yunyue, “…”

 Can I tell you?

"I am just worried about the health of the Crown Princess, but the Crown Prince is so blocking and resisting like this. Even if I believe that the Crown Prince feels sorry for the Crown Princess being disturbed, I am afraid that others will also be suspicious. Isn't the Crown Prince afraid of being criticized? The Crown Prince The concubine left without permission while she was in charge? "

Yunyue's words were cruel enough.

Seeing Yunyue pressing closer and closer, even Pan Yulu felt suffocated.

 But the same thing obviously didn't work for Baili Fengming, "It's just catching wind and shadow, I don't care, Yunyue, why do you have to be so nervous?"

Yunyue was really angry to death, and her eyebrows were twitching.

 The prince in my impression is still the coward who cowers in the East Palace and dare not come out to see anyone all day long.

 But now, we haven’t seen each other for more than a year. How come the same person has turned into such a candy?

Yunyue and her men were standing here, and they needed a cup of tea without even a stick of incense. But no matter whether she used a soft one or a hard one, it was like a punch on cotton, with no place to put any force!

 Do you want Yunyue to back off like this?

No, the more Baili Fengming behaves like this, the more Yunyue is certain that there must be no one behind the screen!

"But do you want a cup of tea?" Baili Fengming smiled, poured another cup of tea, and placed it opposite him.

Yunyue looked at the tea cup for a while, then suddenly walked over with a smile, "Seeing that the prince was so calm, I guess I made too much of a fuss. In this case, I will wait with the prince for the princess to wake up."

Yunyue sat down and glanced at Pan Yulu.

Pan Yulu understood, turned around and walked out.

 Baili Fengming didn't seem to notice Pan Yulu's little move. He just looked at Yun Yue in front of him and said, "I know that Brother Sanhuang has never liked me. Now even Sanhuang's sister-in-law treats me like a stranger."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

“My father often said that brotherhood and blood ties are the most precious, but I am too stupid to know how to maintain them.”

Yunyue didn't believe a word of what Baili Fengming said. "The blood of the third prince and the prince is thicker than water, so how could it be like what the prince said? I'm afraid the prince is overthinking."

Baili Fengming said, "If that's the case, why did the Third Emperor's Sister-in-law leave in such a hurry?"

Pan Yulu quickly said, "I, I just want to go out and get some air."

Baili Fengming didn't argue. He just looked hurt and lowered his eyes in self-pity. "I know that Sanhuang's sister-in-law is still deliberately alienating me. It doesn't matter. Sanhuang's sister-in-law doesn't need to worry about me. I'll wait until tomorrow." I will personally ask my father how to become more affectionate with the three emperors."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

She doesn’t want to worry about the prince, but she can’t help but worry about herself!

No matter how the princes fight in the mainland, they are all peaceful and harmonious on the surface.

If it is really because of her departure today that the prince caught the third prince and was at odds with her...

She doesn’t know how the relationship between the third prince and the crown prince will develop, but she will definitely be the one who dies the most ugly death!

Looking at the stairs just outside the door, Pan Yulu could only walk over and sit at the round table.

Yunyue looked at Pan Yulu, who was coming back as soon as she said she would, and was so angry that she wanted to flip the table.

 She had never noticed before that the prince was so sticky!

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure passing by outside the window. Yunyue loosened her fingers and the tea cup filled with tea shattered to the ground. “Crack!” The sound of the tea cup breaking was extremely clear.

Pan Yulu's face turned pale with fright, and she instinctively knelt on the ground.

Yunyue stood up in a hurry and looked at Baili Fengming with an apologetic look on her face, "It was all because of my carelessness that I failed to hold the tea handed to me by the prince. I will punish myself with a cup of tea as an apology to the prince."

Yunyue’s voice was very loud, and even the last few words had broken sounds because the pitch was too high.

 Baili Fengming frowned slightly.

But before he could say anything, he heard a familiar voice outside the door, "Why are there such a big commotion?"

The door to the private room was opened, and the empress, together with Concubine Yu and other concubines, appeared outside the door.

Yunyue immediately asked An and said, "When I go back to my father, it's all my fault for knocking over the tea cup."

Emperor Yongchang got the Lingxue Pill today, and he has always been in a good mood. He looked at Baili Fengming and smiled and said, "I remember that the prince didn't like making noise when he was a child. If the noise around him was louder, he would cry and howl. No. I still have the same problem when I get older, and at the end of the year I still think about drinking tea to find peace."

Yunyue immediately continued, "What my father said was that the prince wanted to keep his son clean. It had been so long since his son came in. Even the prince didn't see him, and he didn't know where the prince had hidden him."

 Everyone present frowned when they heard this.

It is true that, looking around this private room, there is no figure of the Crown Princess at all.

Seeing Yunyue looking in her direction, Pan Yulu hurriedly followed her and said, "The Crown Princess is probably too fast asleep, and she doesn't even know that the Emperor is here."

Emperor Yongchang looked at the private room suspiciously, "Where is the Crown Princess?"

Baili Fengming looked at the screen behind him and said, "If you go back to your father, take a nap in the back."

If Empress Zhen Xi really believed that Fan Qingyao was sleeping without even knowing that such a group of people were blocking the outside, she would really be a fool. "In total, the Crown Princess has been working hard for a whole day, and she is inevitably tired. I just saw someone hawking something very lively on the street outside. Your Majesty is rarely in a mood today, why don't I accompany you to have a look?"

Concubine Yu said, "Since it's so lively, it's time to wake up the Crown Princess. It's more lively if we all watch it together. Is your concubine right, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Yongchang was silent for a while, then winked at Bai Tu behind him, "Go and see the Crown Princess."

Queen Zhen Xi's heart skipped a beat. After experiencing so many things, the emperor was still on guard against Xiao Qingyao.

Seeing this, Yunyue glanced at Pan Yulu unconsciously.

Pan Yulu also clenched the handkerchief tightly, her eyes shining with excitement.

While everyone's attention was on the screen, Baili Fengming quietly walked to the window, took off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it out the window. However, at the critical moment when he released his fingers, he clenched the jade pendant again.

At the same time, Bai Tu's voice sounded from behind the screen, "It was the slave's heavy foot that woke up the princess."

Yunyue, "!"

 Pan Yulu, "!"

Is Fan Qingyao really behind the screen?

How can it be!

 (End of this chapter)

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