The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 685: I don’t want Fan Qingyao to see the joke

Chapter 685: I don’t want Fan Qingyao to see the joke

Although Concubine Yu didn't know what happened, she knew her daughter's temperament. If she wasn't absolutely sure, how could she have deliberately dropped the tea cup and spoken loudly just now.

 Isn’t it because you want to lure the emperor who is passing below?

Although it would not be a big mistake to catch Fan Qingyao leaving without any reason, Concubine Yu now hates Fan Qingyao as much as she would have torn her skin and bones every minute, so as long as she can find Fan Qingyao, she will Happy, Concubine Yu is of course happy to watch the excitement from the sidelines.

But just now, Bai Tu called the Crown Princess so obviously...

 Did the daughter make a mistake in her calculations?

Thinking like this, Concubine Yu looked at Yunyue.

Yunyue felt numb at the sight, and walked towards the screen with long strides.

Just when she was about to walk around the screen, she suddenly stopped.

Pan Yulu’s eyebrows jumped, and then she saw a familiar figure walking around the screen.

Really are…

Fan Qingyao? !

Fan Qingyao walked up to the emperor and empress under the gaze of everyone, and knelt down quickly, "I was already asleep. I didn't know that my father and mother were here. It's my daughter-in-law's fault. Please calm down my father's anger."

Emperor Yongchang lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Fan Qingyao.

Under the candlelight, her palm-sized face was a little pale, and there was a trace of sweat on her forehead. Although her face was full of panic and apologies, her dark eyes still showed the anxiety after waking up. .

"I know I've worked hard for you today, get up." I don't know how long it took before Emperor Yongchang withdrew his gaze.

Fan Qingyao slowly stood up and walked back to Baili Fengming. Then he looked at Yunyue who was still frozen at the screen and said, "I just heard that Princess Yunyue has always wanted to go around the screen, but this time Is the screen in the teahouse particularly attractive to Princess Yunyue? "

Concubine Pan De in the crowd said, "The Crown Princess is really good at joking. Princess Yunyue grew up in the palace. She has never seen anything good, so how could she look at a mere screen? The Crown Princess doesn't really think that everyone is like the Crown Princess." You also have an unspeakable childhood, right?"

 What are you pretending to be? Who doesn’t know that Fan Qingyao was a **** before?

Concubine Zhang Shu laughed when she heard this, "What Concubine Pan De said is wrong. As the saying goes, everyone has their own interests in life. So what if Princess Yunyue likes the cheap screen? Maybe Princess Yunyue just likes the special ones. Otherwise, why does Princess Yunyue have to go to the screen?"


"Did I say something wrong? If I remember correctly, the marriage of the third prince's concubine was not the result of Concubine Pan De's request." Concubine Zhang Shu really dared to say that she directly pressed Concubine Pan De's old face to the ground and stepped on it.

 At present, the camp has been clearly defined, and Concubine Zhang Shu will certainly not spoil Concubine Pan De.

Concubine Pan Defi never thought that Concubine Zhang Shu could even say such words, and her face became lighter with anger.

Yunyue walked up to Fan Qingyao and held her hand intimately, "I heard that the Crown Princess was taking a nap behind the screen. I was worried that the Crown Princess was not feeling well and was holding on, so I wanted to go and have a look. I didn't want to offend the Crown Prince. The concubine is unhappy."

 Don't say that Fan Qingyao hasn't passed the door yet, even if he has passed the door, he can't feel resentful towards the princess.

 One is the daughter-in-law and the other is the daughter. The scale in the Emperor's heart is always on the wrong side.

"Actually, I woke up when Princess Yunyue came in just now. I don't know why, but my body felt very heavy." Fan Qingyao's words clearly alluded to the loud voice of Yunyue coming in. It didn't sound like worry at all. It's more like they are looking for trouble.

Yunyue did not expect that Fan Qingyao would not give up even in this little verbal dispute, and the smile on his face could hardly be maintained.

"I heard that there will be fireworks tonight, and it's almost time. Speaking of which, this is all the wishes of the courtiers, and the emperor can't miss it." Concubine Yu suddenly took Emperor Yongchang's arm, chatting and laughing while talking, Even though he is over thirty years old, his every smile is charming and charming.


   , pleasure, joy.

Concubine Yu really deserves this title.

Emperor Yongchang patted Concubine Yu's hand, then raised his eyes and looked at everyone, "Let's go, let's go and watch the fun." The emperor has spoken, and everyone must obey.

Princess Yunyue followed Emperor Yongchang attentively, playing the role of a filial daughter.

It wasn't until Emperor Yongchang left the teahouse that the smile on Yunyue's face completely disappeared. She slapped Pan Yulu behind her, "Didn't you say that Fan Qingyao must not be inside?"

Pan Yulu covered half of her face, her lips twitching in pain, "I have indeed been standing outside for a long time, and I have never seen Fan Qingyao appear..."

Before Pan Yulu could finish speaking, Yunyue turned around and left.

She finally understood why the mother-in-law regretted not winning over Fan Qingyao in the first place. Look at the gap now!

Pan Yulu stood there blankly, feeling exhausted mentally and physically.

At this moment, Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming came down from the stairs. Pan Yulu almost gritted her teeth and forced herself to release her hand covering her cheek, and walked out of the teahouse with her head held high.

No matter how miserable she is, it's not Fan Qingyao's turn to laugh.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Can she say that she has a panoramic view of the scene just now?

I don’t know if it was because he was bleeding too much. When Fan Qingyao looked away, he felt that the stairs under his feet were a bit steep, and every step he took seemed to be stepping into an abyss.

 A hand held her hand without any warning.

Those slender fingers wrapped around Fan Qingyao's small hand, and the thin calluses on the palm touched the skin, giving him an indescribable sense of security.

Looking up and looking into his dark eyes, Fan Qingyao took the initiative and said, "On the way back, I met the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom."

Baili Fengming smiled faintly and said, "It's good that you're fine."

As for other things, as long as she didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask.

Fan Qingyao also laughed after hearing this.

 Actually, she really didn't know how to explain it to him.

 The matter of inheriting the Tao family's medical code will definitely cause an uproar once word gets out.

At that time, I am afraid that everyone who knows about it will be implicated.

She watched Baili Fengming reach today step by step, and she couldn't let him fall short because of her.

 Fortunately, he never pressed her for anything.

Almost instinctively, Fan Qingyao tightened some of his fingers and held them in Na Mei's hand.

Because of the Emperor, the people who were originally scattered around for a walk have gathered around the Emperor unconsciously.

Han Jingchen, who had no idea about it, saw the hands of Fan Qingyao and the prince clasped together from a distance. Then he looked at the person next to him. From the beginning to the end, he only raised his two hands in the air, like a crab protecting a bastard. The sixth prince she trapped among them...

 We are all human beings, so why are there such big differences?

 Sixth prince, “…”

 What's going on? What's going on?

On the roof opposite the teahouse, the regent of the Yi Kingdom stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the back of Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming leaving hand in hand, following closely with his dark eyes, and did not return to his senses for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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