Chapter 688: Worse than bandits

Emperor Yongchang looked at the prince suspiciously, "You mean, the third prince also knows about what happened to the eldest prince today?"

 Baili Fengming nodded and said, "This is my own decision. I have not discussed it with Brother Three Emperors, but I guess Brother Three Emperors also thought of this."

Concubine Yu gritted her teeth and was about to speak.

Empress Zhen Xi rushed to the front and said, "I think the third prince and the prince should be thinking about the same place. The third prince has always had a good relationship with the eldest prince. Now that he sees the eldest prince in a state of desolation, she feels uncomfortable."

Concubine Yu glared directly at the queen.

 What do you want to do?

 Snatching his son’s credit in an open and fair manner? !

 Empress Zhen Xi didn’t even disdain Concubine Yu’s cannibalistic look.

You are only allowed to dance, but I am not allowed to play the role?

But I am in a good mood today, but I just want to be defeated.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Prince Heshuo didn't know what to say.

It’s not that he has limited knowledge. How can any normal person imagine that the third prince definitely wants to monopolize the credit, but it is so divided by the prince’s light and sweet potato as an opportunity for the eldest prince to show his face?

His Royal Highness is actually a bandit, right?

 Otherwise, how could he be a robber worse than a bandit? !

No wonder His Highness the Crown Prince just helped the third prince to speak. It turned out that he was waiting here for Concubine Yu and her party.

The ministers who just now questioned the prince's ghost possession said, "..."

Your Highness, the Crown Prince, is right!

Seeing that the situation had turned towards Baili Fengming, the ministers of the Third Prince and his party gave up their duties and hurriedly made suggestions, hoping to turn things around.

When King Heshuo saw this, he immediately led the ministers from the prince's party and started a war with the third prince's party. No matter what you say, it's because the third prince shows pity for his brothers. No matter what you do, it can't be erased. The third prince's heart beat hotly when he pitied his brother.

 The ministers of the two sides were going back and forth, the war of words was loud, spitting stars were flying all over the sky.

Yunyue took the opportunity to walk up to the emperor and said, "Father, the emperor clearly knows that the third prince really doesn't know what the prince is doing."

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Yunyue lightly and asked with a smile, "If the third prince's original intention is not this, then why did the third prince do this?"

No matter how smart Yunyue is, she cannot compare with the empress who has experienced hundreds of battles.

It was just one sentence, which directly silenced Yunyue and everyone else.

Yes, if the third prince's efforts this time were not to help the prince and give the eldest prince a chance to show up, could it be to deliberately please the emperor?

Of course Concubine Yu couldn't admit it, "Yun Yue is young, how could he know those things? A few days ago, the third prince told me that he missed the eldest prince again, but he didn't expect that child to have an idea. , and actually made such a big noise together with the prince."

   When the ministers of the Third Prince and his party saw Concubine Yu saying this, they immediately acted like deflated balls.

Of course Concubine Yu doesn’t want to admit it, but is it okay if she doesn’t admit it?

If you refuse to admit it, you are obviously suspected of trying to please the emperor!

The current emperor is too suspicious, how can Concubine Yu afford to gamble?

Yunyue certainly understands her mother's thoughts. Now that things have been twisted like this, if she admits that the third prince is assisting His Royal Highness, she might be able to stay in front of her father. If she does not, it will be a thankless effort.

Concubine Yu was also helpless. Seeing Yan Hanbai struggling to help the eldest prince kneel in front of the emperor, she could only look at Pan Yulu in the crowd and tried to ask what was going on. Seeing Pan Yulu's guilty conscience Nodding her head, Concubine Yu could only curse inwardly at the waste.

Pan Yulu was filled with grievances and dared not speak out.

When the eldest prince lost power, it was Concubine Yu who kept telling her to stay away from Yan Hanbai, and it would be best to ask her to stay away from Yan Hanbai.

The family members stopped contacting each other. She obeyed and did as she was told, but now they are blaming her again?

When the third prince and his party saw the eldest prince kneeling on the ground and talking to the emperor, they could only rejoice in their hearts. The eldest prince could indeed kneel in front of the emperor, but he was a sinner after all, and it was impossible for the emperor to talk to the emperor. The prince was too enthusiastic, and it was impossible to withdraw the charges.

However, when Emperor Yongchang looked at the flat belly of the eldest princess, he subconsciously said that if necessary, he could find an imperial doctor to take a look at it. As a result, everyone heard that the eldest princess politely rejected the emperor's kindness and said that the child in her belly had been taken care of by the princess.

When the ministers in the prince's party heard this, their eyes glowed green, and almost without thinking, they all spoke and praised the prince's benevolence in front of the emperor.

 Everyone knows why the eldest prince fell from power.

 But the person who is supposed to hate the eldest prince the most, instead helps him repeatedly?

 The prince's reputation has risen to a higher level just because of what happened just now.

 As a result, in just a blink of an eye, he has climbed to a new peak because of the Crown Princess.

The speed was so fast that it almost gave the Third Prince and his party a heart attack!

 Baili Rongze, who was still waiting in the Third Prince's Mansion to avoid punishment through this incident, didn't expect that waiting and waiting until midnight would lead to such a result? !

Looking at Pan Yulu in front of him, Baili Rongze kicked over all the charcoal basins in the house angrily.

 In my impression, he seemed to have indeed told the prince about the eldest prince.

But at that time, Baili Rongze just met the prince by chance in the palace. In order to show that the prince did not care about brotherhood, he deliberately mentioned the eldest prince. Unexpectedly...

Now this has become a weapon for the prince to kill him!

Pan Yulu looked at the brazier rolling on the ground, her face turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to say a single word.

Just at this time, the maid from Fan Xuening's yard came over and said, "Your Majesty, Third Highness, Aunt Fan said she has stewed your favorite hoof flower soup for you, and it has just been cooked."

 Baili Rongze nodded, "I understand, tell Aunt Fan that I will be there in a minute."

The maid knelt down and left in a hurry.

Pan Yulu was very angry when she saw the maid's cheerful steps.

 Sure enough, no one named Fan is good!

Fan Qingyao didn't know that he had eaten a melon for no reason. When he woke up, the third watch was ringing.

 Listening to Ningtian talking about what happened outside today, it was really a bit surprising.

She has really seen Baili Rongze's method of exploiting every opportunity, and she has long been used to it.

What Fan Qingyao didn't expect was that Baili Fengming would notice Baili Rongze's thoughts early on.

If I remember correctly, Baili Fengming was still in the palace at that time?

Think about it, when Baili Fengming said that he wanted to take her to watch the fireworks when he wrote the letter, he must have already grasped everything.

It's no wonder that the Third Prince's party collapsed. They did everything perfectly, but the result was that Baili Fengming, who was far away in the palace, had already found out everything.

However, it is indeed a good skill to be able to arrange everything in such a short period of time, and to be able to allow the eldest prince to appear at the right time and force Baili Rongze's hard work to be divided among everyone.

Fan Qingyao sighed, but it was a pity that she was not at the scene. After all, she did not see the scene when Concubine Yu was so angry that she jumped.

"Creak..." The door was pushed open, and Tao Yuxian walked in carrying the medicine box.

 (End of this chapter)

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