The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 689: The secret of the Tao family doctor girl

Chapter 689 The Secret of the Tao Family Medical Girl

It was Fan Qingyao who was sitting on the bed and struggled to get up when he saw his grandmother coming in.

Tao Yuxian hurriedly came over and held Fan Qingyao's shoulders, "After I heard that the prince sent someone to send you back, you have been sleeping. I just saw light in your yard, so I thought you should wake up."

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao felt even more indebted, "I made grandma worry."

"Since you still call me grandma, everything is as it should be." Tao Yuxian smiled and used the candlelight in the room to remove the gauze from Fan Qingyao's wrist. When he saw the fleshy wound inside, the smile on his face instantly Disappeared.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Tao Yuxian opened the medical box in his hand, threaded needles and threads, and carefully sutured the hideous wound on his wrist.

 Densely packed catgut threads crisscrossed Fan Qingyao’s thin wrist, and it was shocking just to look at it.

 Tao Yuxian's hands were obviously shaking during the last few injections.

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It's okay."

Tao Yuxian sighed, "It's always hard for girls to get scars on their bodies."

"How is your mother doing?" She left in a hurry tonight, and she still couldn't worry about her mother.

"Don't worry, I'll be awake when I come back. Sun Che is guarding me. I heard that the Sun family has received the news. The old lady of the Sun family wanted to come over that night under the pretext of taking care of the confinement, but Sun Che gave her a I refused." Tao Yuxian didn't expect Sun Che to refuse so decisively. From this point of view, it was clear, and she could finally rest assured.

 “It’s you.”

Tao Yuxian looked at Fan Qingyao, "When did you know the secret of the medical code?"

 Before death in the previous life.

At that time, Fan Qingyao was pierced through the heart by Baili Rongze. When he was unconscious, he saw his own blood flowing under a withered plum in the yard. Then, he thought it would be impossible to see the cold plum again. , a little bit of new life came into her blurred vision.

 So, Fan Qingyao felt happy at that time.

 Because the thing that Baili Rongze was thinking about was taken away by her in the end.

 She had no children in that life. As long as she dies, there will be no medical records in time.

But in this case, Fan Qingyao could not tell his grandmother truthfully, "I also knew it accidentally. When I was preparing medicine for the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom last time, I accidentally scratched my finger, and the blood dripped into the medicine. Then I did it again." After several experiments, I realized that my blood is different from ordinary people.”

Tao Yuxian sighed, "This is the last secret of the Tao family. After I gave those things to you, I wanted to blind the eyes of the world, so I didn't tell you the truth, but I didn't expect... maybe this is destiny. ”

“Grandma has known about this for a long time?”

“The Tao family’s medical ladies of all generations would keep this secret secret until they were about to die. Originally, I didn’t even plan to tell your mother. Only in this way may I be able to preserve the last bit of stability for you, the Tao family’s medical daughters.”

Under the candlelight, my grandmother’s face showed a dejected and desolate look.

That was an expression that Fan Qingyao had never seen on his grandmother's face before. It was dead silent and lifeless.

"Not all the blood of the Tao family's medical women can save life and death, or make people live forever. Only one person in five generations can get it. Therefore, the medical classics are extremely precious to the Tao family. The Tao family's handwritten notes record that the Tao family's medical classics were leaked a hundred years ago. The world was in chaos, and everyone in the world wanted to get the Tao family's bloodline at all costs. The emperor at that time was also obsessed with it, and even went as far as to imprison the Tao family in order to be able to continue the Tao family's bloodline medical code and help him live forever..."

Tao Yuxian let out a long sigh, "The Tao family medical ladies of that generation had no choice but to seduce the king with sex, step by step, became the queen at that time, took control of the government, and killed everyone who knew the truth about the Tao family's medical code. , and with the passage of time and changes in dynasties, the secrets of the Tao family’s medical code were gradually forgotten and unknown.”

It turns out that what the Tao family needs to protect now is soaked in countless blood!

 Fan Qingyao in the previous life had no idea about these things. Tao Yuxian held Fan Qingyao's hand, trembling and strong, "Resurrection from the dead is an act against nature. Even if we as doctors are not afraid of heaven's punishment, we cannot control the greed of people."

How could Fan Qingyao not understand what his grandmother meant?

Once the secrets of the Tao family's medical code are leaked again, the consequences will be disastrous.

“Grandma, don’t worry, I won’t let anyone else know about it at this time.” The matter was so important that Fan Qingyao would not gamble.

Tao Yuxian held Fan Qingyao's hand but never let go, "Not even the prince!"

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother for a long time and nodded heavily.

 In this way, Tao Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in the prince’s character, but that she can’t afford to gamble either.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tao Yuxian gave a few more instructions before getting up and leaving.

Fan Qingyao watched his grandmother leave, but did not tell her that someone had already discovered the secret that allowed the Tao family doctor to change her life.

 She just doesn’t know who knows all this.

The regent of the Yi Kingdom has a lot of eyes like a sieve, and he can't find out a single word of the things he doesn't want to talk about.

 But it’s enough to have him remind me.

 After reviving his life, Fan Qingyao is no longer afraid of anything.

Fan Qingyao recovered his thoughts and called Ningtian in. "Go and call Yue Luo and Peng Jing over."

Ningtian never had any doubts about his lady's orders.

Soon, Yue Luo and Peng Jing were lifted up from the warm bed by Ning Tian.

 Looking at the young lady in front of them, Yue Luo and Peng Jing were both a little confused.

 Ever since the two of them started taking Miss Mu Yan to take care of Qingnang Zhai, the miss basically never looked for them again.

 “There is something you need to do.” Fan Qingyao did not beat around the bush.

“Miss, just say so.”

"The slaves will do their best."

Although they are helping Miss Mu Yan now, she will always be their Miss.

Fan Qingyao said, "You should leave early today to spread the news that the eldest grandma of the Fan family went to the Sun Mansion yesterday and caused my mother to give birth prematurely. The more people know about it, the better."

Yueluo and Pengjing were startled.

They have been in Qingnangzhai all the time and have no idea about this incident. No wonder everyone in the house looked bad after returning to the house. It turned out that such a big thing happened!

“Don’t worry, miss, the servants know what to do.”

Yueluo and Pengjing have been at Qingnangzhai for a long time. One is in front and the other is behind. They have good tempers and are friendly to everyone, whether they are customers who come to buy things or those who have business dealings with Qingnangzhai. The merchant has a very good relationship with both of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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