Chapter 690 Is this something a human can do?

 The two of them were thinking about the lady's explanation, and they couldn't sleep well all night.

 When it was still dark the next day, the two of them opened the door of Qingnang Zhai.

The days in winter are already short, and it is also the first day of the Lunar New Year. The surrounding merchants saw that Qingnangzhai opened its doors so early and started doing business, and they all came over curiously to visit and pay their respects in the future.

Yue Luo thought about her young lady’s advice. Wouldn’t it be better if more people knew about it?

She simply linked the matter of opening the door for business with what happened to Hua Yuelian yesterday.

The reason why we open the door during the Chinese New Year is because my wife has had a miscarriage. Both the wife and the young lady need money to supplement their nutrition. As for why they open the door so early, it is entirely because everyone in the family is in a bad mood right now. Well, they can't just sit idle in the mansion.

 The fact that Qingnangzhai is owned by the Hua family is no longer a secret in the business circle of the main city.

However, many people thought that the Qingnangzhai belonged to Mu Yan, and few knew that it was actually Fan Qingyao's handiwork.

 Of course, none of this is important right now.

 The important thing is that something happened to Mrs. Sun’s family!

After further inquiry, it turned out that the eldest grandma of the Fan family took the initiative to go to the Sun Mansion on New Year's Eve. She didn't know what she said to the Sun family's wife. The Sun family's wife was born prematurely.

  Everyone in the main city didn’t know about Mrs. Sun’s earlier donation of porridge.

Now that I heard that something happened to Mrs. Sun's family, the first thing to do was that those people in Temple Street who had received favors from the Sun family quit their jobs.

Just when everyone was thinking about going to the Fan family to ask for an explanation, news of the death of the Fan family's eldest grandmother suddenly came from the Fan family.

Although the Fan family did not announce the death, to the people in the main city, the eldest grandmother of the Fan family committed suicide out of fear of crime. Otherwise, she would have died sooner or later. Why did she die at this time?

The imperial city has never been a place where news can be hidden, and soon the matter reached the palace.

When the eighth prince in the palace heard the news, he was so frightened that he dropped the chopsticks in his hands on the table.

He drank a lot of wine yesterday, but he didn't think much about what happened.

But today he is sober, and the Eighth Prince can’t even think about it.

Thinking about the maid who begged her to enter the palace to meet the Crown Princess yesterday in front of the palace gate, thinking about the news coming from outside the palace, and then thinking about the eldest grandma of the Fan family who committed suicide out of fear of crime...

 The eighth prince was completely confused.

It is okay to deceive ordinary people about committing suicide out of fear of crime.

 But a person like him, who has been born in the vortex of conspiracy since childhood, knows that things are not that simple!

Concubine Zhang Shu didn't even notice when her son dropped his chopsticks. She smiled and asked the palace attendant to get another pair of chopsticks. "What are you thinking about? Breakfast is the most important thing. You can't be careless."

The eighth prince looked at his mother and concubine intently, as if he had grasped the last straw, and told her everything about last night.

Concubine Zhang Shu was shocked. She never expected that the son she gave birth to could be so stupid!

No wonder the Crown Princess showed up so late at the teahouse yesterday and was almost caught by Yunyue, but she actually took the time to go to the Fan family to kill someone?

"I have told you a long time ago not to mess with the prince and the princess. Those two people are not what we can compete with. But what about you? You didn't listen to me even once!" Zhang Shufei really hates the iron.

The eighth prince was quite scared, but when he saw that his mother-in-law was always helping outsiders to speak, he frowned and said, "Even if you are a prince, don't you have to be jealous of your father now? Then what Fan Qingyao said was the prince's concubine at best, but not at all. It’s just a person who hasn’t passed the exam yet.”

Zhang Shufei’s hands were trembling with anger, “But it’s this unscrupulous person who can make everyone applaud her after killing someone!”

 Eighth Prince, “…”

 It's like being hit directly on the fatal spot...

 This is also the reason why he is most afraid now!

 If their identities are fighting openly and covertly, it is normal for some lives to be lost. But even if you really hate someone until you die, it still takes time and place.

But look at that Fan Qingyao, if you offend her today, you won’t even wait until tomorrow...

 Is this something that humans can do?

Even the eagle can't catch its prey as swiftly as she does!

Looking at the concubine again, the eighth prince obviously didn't have that much confidence, "Didn't the concubine have a good relationship with that Fan Qingyao? Besides, I didn't know what happened yesterday, so why don't the concubine find a chance to help me?" Talk about interceding? For the sake of his mother and concubine, Fan Qingyao doesn't dare to go too far. "

"You still really think highly of me." Zhang Shufei smiled coldly and dropped the chopsticks in her hand to the ground.

 Eighth Prince, “…”

 Didn’t you just say that breakfast is the most important thing?

 Zhang Shufei, “…”

 You are a waste, eating too much is a waste.

 Eighth Prince, “…”

Just when Concubine Zhang Shu and the Eighth Prince looked at each other speechless, they heard the palace attendant's voice at the door, "Eighth Prince, Concubine Shu, Your Highness is here."

The eighth prince had a guilty conscience. Hearing the word "prince" was like a thunderbolt. If he hadn't been sitting on a round stool, his legs would have been weak and he would have fallen to the ground.

Concubine Zhang Shu was also shocked. She never expected the prince to arrive so quickly.

But if you think about it carefully, since the prince has blocked the door, it means that he will definitely not be able to hide the stupid things his son has done.

"Go and invite His Highness the Crown Prince to come in." Concubine Zhang Shu sighed. If she had to face it sooner or later, it would be better to do it earlier than later.

When the eighth prince heard that his mother-in-law asked the prince to come in, he immediately stood up and walked inside.

Concubine Zhang Shu immediately scolded, "Stop!"

 The eighth prince looked at Concubine Zhang Shu in surprise, "Does the concubine really want me to be a target for the prince to vent his anger?"

"Do you really have to wait for someone to come with a knife before you are satisfied?" Concubine Zhang Shu asked helplessly. If there were other ways, do you really think she would be willing to see the prince at this time?

 The eighth prince thought about the news that the eldest grandma of the Fan family had committed suicide out of fear of crime, and he gave up the idea of ​​moving forward.

But if you think about it carefully, he and the prince have grown up together. Considering the prince's wilting character, what will happen even if he comes?

Thinking like this, the Eighth Prince became much calmer.

Just at this moment, I saw a tall figure stepping into the door.

Concubine Zhang Shu quickly stood up and said, "Your Highness."

 Baili Fengming nodded slightly, "I took the liberty of coming here to disturb Concubine Zhang Shu."

 Concubine Zhang Shu quickly asked His Highness the Prince to take a seat, "If His Highness the Prince can come, my Qinghui Pavilion will be full of glory."

Baili Fengming smiled faintly and without further refusal, walked around the main hall outside and walked into the soft couch in the middle of the inner hall.

 (End of this chapter)

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