Chapter 702 I don’t like you like that

Fan Qingyao's nerves have been tense ever since he received the post from the Sixth Prince's Mansion. Now that he got on the carriage, he began to feel drowsy.

 Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao's upper and lower eyelids fighting, stretched out his hands to pull her into his arms, and gently rubbed her delicate cheek with his thin lips, "Go to sleep, I'll stay with you."

Fan Qingyao nodded drowsily, his consciousness having already begun to settle.

It wasn't too cold in the carriage, but Baili Fengming was still worried that the person in his arms would catch cold. Seeing that the person was asleep, he shook off his cloak and hugged them together.

Fan Qingyao could feel a steady flow of warmth flowing into her body, but her limbs were still cold.

 She had a dream, a dream that had no clue.

In the dream, she was floating in mid-air, surrounded by blood mist and filled with harsh and sharp screams.

Fan Qingyao wanted to walk out of here, but no matter how hard she tried, her body didn't respond at all. Just when she was at a loss, the blood mist in front of her eyes was suddenly slowly dispersed.

 Baili Fengming was walking towards her direction step by step, walking on the river of blood.

Fan Qingyao looked at that familiar face, it still looked as handsome as in his memory, but it seemed so strange at the moment.

His fair face was spattered with dazzling blood, and even his dark eyes were soaked in blood. He was holding a long sword in his slender beautiful hands, and he was obviously smiling, but it was three points more miserable than crying.

Standing in front of her, he whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Suddenly, he clenched the sword in his hand and swept towards her.

The surrounding blood mist dispersed, and Fan Qingyao actually saw her deep inside the palace!

Fires shot into the sky, and the sound of killing was sharp and harsh.

Fan Qingyao's consciousness began to become blurred, and even everything in front of him began to become distorted.

A pair of arms suddenly held her in his arms. At the moment when her consciousness was withdrawn, he buried his head in her ears and said, "If there is an afterlife, I will not be too late. Ayao, wait for me. This I will definitely find you first..."

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes suddenly and broke into a cold sweat.

“Are you having a nightmare?” My ears were itching, and the sound of Baili Fengming flowed into my ears.

Fan Qingyao then realized that he was being held in Baili Fengming's arms, and the carriage beneath him had already stopped bumping.

"Have I been asleep for a long time?" Fan Qingyao found out that it was a dream and relaxed into Baili Fengming's arms again.

Baili Fengming kissed her smooth forehead and said, "Two hours."

 Two hours…

 So you’ve already arrived at Hua’s house?

Fan Qingyao stretched out his hand to lift the lathe curtain, and sure enough he saw the gate of the western suburbs mansion standing in the dark night.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Fan Qingyao looked up at the handsome young man beside him.

"I want to stay with you for a while." Baili Fengming smiled faintly, not mentioning the word pampering, but everything he said was related to pampering.

Fan Qingyao didn't know that he couldn't bear to wake her up.

"What dream did you have that made you so panicked?" Baili Fengming looked at her funny.

Fan Qingyao didn't intend to hide anything, he just repeated the dream just now, and suddenly looked at this handsome face, "Baili Fengming, such killing should not belong to you."

 Baili Fengming raised his eyebrows and was startled.

Fan Qingyao slowly raised his hand and gently traced his three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, "You look scary in that way. You have no emotions but killing. I don't like it. I still like you now..."

Before I could finish speaking, my lips were blocked.

 The warm breath hit my face, itching.

I don’t know how long it took before Baili Fengming returned her lips to hers. Looking at her flushed cheeks, he chuckled and said, "Do you like me like this?"

  Fan Qingyao, "..."   stinky gangster!

Looking at Fan Qingyao's speechless appearance, the smile on Baili Fengming's face deepened.

He rubbed the top of her hair and kissed her lips again, but this time he just touched her lips. "It turns out that my Ayao is also childish and trapped in dreams."

Fan Qingyao frowned, "Isn't it normal for dreams to affect your mood?"

 Everyone will have it.

Baili Fengming said with a smile, "Others may be normal, but my Ayao is resolute and invincible. I originally thought that you who look like this have already become an immortal. Now it seems that my Ayao is also an immortal." As a mortal, that’s fine, my pressure won’t be that great.”

"What's the meaning?"

"Madam is too good. If I don't work harder, I will look incompetent."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

It’s really impossible to have a pleasant conversation today.

But when it came to business, Fan Qingyao frowned and said, "Since the third prince was grounded last time, there hasn't been much movement. Is there any action from Concubine Yu?"

Baili Fengming shook his head, "The Queen Mother never said it. Come to think of it, she didn't."

Even Concubine Yu fell silent, making Fan Qingyao even more confused.

After all, in her understanding of the mother and son, they were not people who would give up easily.

This time the third prince was banned, which may be a big blow to the third prince and his party, but with Baili Rongze's character, I am afraid that he will have to work harder to find a way out.

It's just that everything now has deviated from the previous life. Even Fan Qingyao is not sure what Baili Rongze will do next, so he can only tell Baili Fengming to be careful.

“I received a letter from Lao Wu today. Everything is going well in Subei. I should be able to come back next month.” Baili Fengming said softly.

Fan Qingyao nodded, this is good news.

 When others want to stand out, they only want to add chips to themselves.

But Baili Fengming went in the opposite direction and kept adding brilliance to the people around him.

On the surface it seems incomprehensible, but in fact it spreads the risks equally.

It's like the fifth prince who has made great contributions to Subei this time will definitely be promoted to a higher position. In this way, if Baili Fengming is really imprisoned in the future, the fifth prince who is already able to take charge of his own affairs will definitely be able to help him. A helping hand.

And if someone wants to target the fifth prince to suppress the prince's party, they will ignore Baili Fengming. Even if those people really try their best to pull the fifth prince off his horse, I'm afraid they won't have the extra energy to scheme against Baili Feng. Ringed.

"It's getting late, go back to sleep." Baili Fengming smiled and pinched her cheek.

"You too." Fan Qingyao nodded as he came to his senses, bent down and got out of the carriage.

 Baili Fengming waited until he watched Fan Qingyao enter the mansion before ordering Lin Yi to drive away in a carriage. At this time, he who was sitting in the carriage had no smile on his face.

A gust of cold wind rolled up the car curtains, and the bright moonlight shone on his handsome face, desolate and cold.

 In the silence, Baili Fengming raised the corners of her lips like a smile but not a smile.

At this moment, he was completely integrated with the man in Fan Qingyao's dream.

 “Lin Yi.”

  “The subordinate is here.”

 “Turn around and go to Huguo Temple.”


 (End of this chapter)

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