Chapter 703 Princess Yunyue’s sudden visit

 The news that the sixth prince was happy to have the emperor's eldest grandson spread throughout the main city the next day.

As the queen mother of all the princes in the harem, it is necessary for the empress to go to the emperor in person and tell the emperor the good news.


At about noon, Bai Tu personally led the palace people, and blocked the door of the Sixth Prince's residence, and sent in all the gifts given by the Emperor and the Queen.

Such a big movement alarmed all the high-ranking mansions in the main city.

As soon as the people in the palace left, the ladies from all the families came over to congratulate him with smiles on their faces.

Fan Qingyao asked Nanny Xu to take a trip on his behalf, and the gift was a longevity lock inlaid with gold and jade.

Han Jingchen didn't care so much and just hung the longevity lock around his son's neck.

 Everyone who came to congratulate them, “…”

This makes people more deadly than others!

They hurried over in a hurry, saying all they could to say good things, and their words were all thin, because they didn't have the dignity to take the longevity lock given by the princess.

Fan Qingyao didn't go, simply because she wanted to avoid suspicion. The emperor had given rewards, and people from the royal family had to show up. Although she was not afraid of anything, instead of wasting time with those people, she would rather show them at home. Drying medicinal materials is even more relaxing.

Xu Yan returned quickly, thinking about Mrs. Han's advice, and hurriedly said the affairs of the little lady in the six princes' house a few days ago.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 I didn’t expect this episode at all.

"Ms. Han's wife said that the midwife left her breath that night just to continue the interrogation. Unexpectedly, she was fine at night, but she died the next day when someone was sent to go there. Others The midwives had no idea about this. Only one of them remembered that before the Sixth Prince's concubine gave birth, that midwife received a lot of money, and the family's son, who was over thirty years old, simply bought a young girl as his wife..."

 Mrs. Han's wife and Mrs. Sun's family have been struggling for so long, and they have found out this matter. There is no other way, so they asked Aunt Xu to bring the news back, hoping to give the Crown Princess a warning.

Fan Qingyao asked, "Did the Sixth Prince and Concubine know about this?"


Fan Qingyao nodded and asked Nanny Xu to go out first.

It would be best if Han Jingchen didn't know about this, otherwise she would have to blame herself a lot given her temperament.

The Sixth Prince does not have a mother-in-law, and the midwives must have been introduced by familiar servants in the palace. As a wife of the inner house, she should be more aware of these things. Mrs. Sun and Han worked together and failed to find out anything. Even if If she takes action again, it will be in vain.

 As for the death of the midwife...

 I'm afraid he was silenced.

Fan Qingyao exhaled a long breath. Now that it has entered a fever pitch, this road will definitely become more difficult.

"Miss, someone is visiting and wants to invite you out for a walk." Ninghan opened the curtain and entered the door, handing a post to Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao opened it and his eyebrows jumped.

Princess Yunyue?

 “Where is the person now?”

 “It’s in the carriage at the door.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

They didn’t even get off the carriage, which clearly meant that she wasn’t given any room to make a detour.

Of course, Fan Qingyao knew that he did not have the dignity to let Princess Yunyue come to the door in person, but since she was already here, if she deliberately shied away, she would only lose the conversation.

 After simply cleaning up, Fan Qingyao left the yard.

 At the entrance of the mansion in the western suburbs. It was Yunyue who was sitting in the carriage when she heard the footsteps, raised her hand to lift the curtain, and saw Fan Qingyao walking this way.

The sun was shining brightly, and Fan Qingyao's long plain dress rippled like water as she walked around. Her waterfall-like black hair was loosely tied behind her head, held in place only by a plum blossom. Although she had no other accessories on her body, But there is no sense of poverty and inferiority. On the contrary, the already agile facial features are highlighted.

Fan Qingyao was like this, even Yunyue sitting in the carriage couldn't help but frown.

Even she couldn't get enough of this face, let alone a man.

Although Fan Xuening and Fan Qingyao, who are both members of the Fan family, have similar facial features, they are only limited to similarities. Fan Qingyao's elegant aura makes them faint as if they were born under the new moon.

 Two people don’t even need to stand together to make a judgment in minutes.

"I have met Princess Yunyue." Fan Qingyao stood in front of the carriage and bowed first.

Yunyue instantly returned to her original expression, with a smile on her face, and she was so affectionate, "I didn't see the Crown Princess at the Sixth Prince's residence, so I was a little worried and came over to take a look. The weather happened to be nice today, so I thought of asking the Crown Princess to go out for a walk together. , The princess will not be free, right?"

Fan Qingyao didn't go to Han Jingchen's place because he was on guard against unnecessary social interactions.

As a result, this person blocked the door directly.

Looking at the smile on Yunyue's face, Fan Qingyao thought that even if she said she was not free, Princess Yunyue would not let her go.

“This will disturb Princess Yunyue.”

"What are you talking about, the princess? You should get in the car quickly."

Fan Qingyao got on the carriage, and Yunyue asked the driver to continue driving, but before it had traveled far, it stopped again.

Fan Qingyao looked out the car window. In front of him was the busiest main street in the main city.

Princess Yunyue smiled and said, "I have been back for such a long time, and I still haven't been able to go out for a walk. Today, I have accepted the love of the sixth prince and the princess for giving birth to the emperor's eldest grandson, so I can come out with the prince to get some fresh air."

Fan Qingyao also smiled, "Princess Yunyue shared the emperor's worries and took the initiative to go out to study medicine. Her filial piety is enough to move the world. Women like us who have been in purdah all year round cannot compare."

Yunyue twitched the corner of her mouth. This was the first time she discovered that Fan Qingyao's mouth was not only able to attack people smoothly, but he could also flatter people with ease.

 At noon, the streets are lively.

The doors of the shops on the main street were wide open, and the small merchants on both sides of the street were shouting vigorously.

Fan Qingyao followed Princess Yunyue and walked among the crowd. Because both of them were wearing low-key clothes and the streets were crowded, no one recognized their identities.

Just as we were walking, it became obvious that something was wrong.

The shopkeepers standing at the door of the shop immediately ran into the shop when they saw Fan Qingyao. It didn't take long for the shopkeepers of each shop to come out.

Yunyue was just curious when she saw Fan Qingyao next to her and gently shook her head at the shopkeepers.

The shopkeepers who originally wanted to walk over immediately stopped. When Fan Qingyao passed by their shop, they all hurriedly led the waiters to clear the road in front of their shop.

When Fan Qingyao and Yunyue's family walked past, there were still people passing by on both sides, but they obviously kept a certain distance from them.

Yunyue said in confusion, "This is..."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "These are the shops where my grandmother was married. Last year, I rented out all the shops. During the handover, I had some contacts with these shopkeepers."

 Is it really just correspondence?

Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao blankly, unable to tell what she felt in her heart.

The actions of these shopkeepers are clearly silently clearing the way for Fan Qingyao!

In memory, the only people who can get the people to take the initiative to open the way are the father and the queen. Even a princess like her does not have this treatment. But now Fan Qingyao has done it? !

 (End of this chapter)

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